Professional Speaker Manual #5 – Motivation

  1. Intro
  2. Hook
  3. How much is your health worth? More than your money? Is anything more important than well being?
  4. Most people live the way want until their health interferes – then they just want to escape the disease that came from their lifestyle so that they can hurry up and get back to the way of life that made them ill. There’s more to life than health and disease. Wellness is an even higher standard of comfort, peace, and physical and mental capacity. We can admit wellness is important, but few of us have realistic goals toward achieving more well being, and even fewer of us put it high on the daily priority list.
  5. I want to suggest three things to you - that you:
  6. Face the facts about wellness and your state of health
  7. Create wellness goals
  8. Achieve them
  9. We have some Common Values and Beliefs here at TMLJ:
  10. Self improvement is essential to a satisfying life
  11. Persistence and Discipline are essential for success in any endeavor
  12. I’d like you to apply your interest in self improvement to your well being, and do it with discipline and persistence.
  13. Preview
  14. Tonight, I’m going to give you some insight on the difference between avoiding disease, and striving for well-being.
  15. I’m going to clarify for you what well being is, and what the benefits of striving for it are.
  16. I’m going to make it crystal clear why it’s common sense to life in a way that prevents disease.
  17. I’ll give you examples of wellness goals, and then tell you
  18. how to increase the chances you’ll achieve them.
  19. Stories
  20. First, let’s talk about a famous writer who had a life-changing experience.
  21. Norman Cousins
  22. editor/author
  23. life threatening disease, laughter
  24. Anatomy of an Illness - "the life force may be the least understood force on earth" and that "human beings are not locked into fixed limitations. The quest for perfectibility is not a presumption or a blasphemy but the highest manifestation of a great design."
  25. UCLA task force - impact of positive emotions and attitudes on human illness, Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology,
  26. It took a life-threatening disease to turn Norman Cousins’s interests and priorities toward prevention and well being.
  27. wisdom is learning from other people’s mistakes.
  28. start putting well being first right now. We don’t have to wait
  29. no guarantee
  30. According to Chinese medicine’s oldest book, from 200 B.C., “The sages of old didn’t treat the sick they treated those who were well... If a disease has already broken out and is only treated then isn’t that like waiting for thirst before digging a well or waiting until the battle begins to make your weapons?”
  31. objection old farmer sausage and eggs smoke hard labor, died peacefully in his sleep at age 99 – Obviously, I’ve exaggerated some things-
  32. strong constitutions rare,
  33. exert themselves strenuously every day
  34. rest of us more sensitive
  35. As Plato said, “We have made of ourselves living cesspools and driven doctors to invent names for our diseases.”
  36. But what about the weak constitution? Never fear –
  37. Viking leader 13th warrior “Grow Stronger!”
  38. Young TR nearsighted, asthmatic, frail bookworm.
  39. loved the outdoors and fresh air.
  40. Age 12 father’s challenge - responded, spending hours in the gym.
  41. In college, he rowed, boxed, rode horseback, and camped. He became a cowboy, and then a sheriff
  42. At 40, led the “Rough Riders” cavalry war against Spain heroism in battle.
  43. mountain climbing when McKinley's assassination, won re-election after that term.
  44. After presidency, African safari then immediately toured Europe.
  45. shot while campaigning at age 54 - bullet punctured his right lung, but he still gave his scheduled speech before going to the hospital
  46. A year later, he explored the River of Doubt in Brazil.
  47. He died of a heart attack at age 61, but in those years he lived more life than 3 average men, and live more vitally because of his devotion to exertion.
  48. What is wellness?
  49. Most desperate to get relief from some pain or disease
  50. Sometimes others go through my health questionnaires invariably realize they had more health problems than they had thought.
  51. So, even people who don’t think they have any diseases still may not experience optimal wellness.
  52. What’s the difference between disease treatment and wellness? Ignoring, running envisioning positive, striving to attain
  53. If you haven’t committed to wellness, created health goals, and aren’t striving to achieve them, then you’re just waiting for your health to disappear.
  54. Thomas Edison said, "The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition,”
  55. William Osler said, “One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine.”
  56. medical interventions for disease, last resort- we already failed to live well.
  57. norm is everyone need some degree of medical intervention. No one taught us how to live well
  58. Albert Schweitzer 50 years in Africa Nobel Peace Prize.
  59. He once said, "It's supposed to be a secret but I'll tell you anyway. We doctors do nothing. We only help and encourage the doctor within."
  60. He also said, "Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will—his personal responsibility.”
  61. Most of us have given up some of our power over our own well being.
  62. You have more power than you think over your well being – take responsibility for it, and make it happen!
  63. Car maintenance
  64. oil engine wears eventually seize up
  65. schedule maintenance check-ups, 6 month dental cleanings, and yearly physicals.
  66. most medical checkups are too short, and are focused on disease, not wellness.
  67. How can you fact the facts about well being and the state of your health?
  68. Prevention and Optimal Living book.
  69. series of quizzes
  70. what you can expect from wellness: Comfortable breathing, no pain anywhere in your body, the ability to go into any reasonable environment without getting a cold or flu, a reasonable appetite, perfect digestion, the perfect bowel movement – comes out easy, doesn’t smell, and doesn’t require a whole roll of toilet paper to clean up, no PMS, perfect vision and hearing, easy, restful, restorative sleep, staying asleep all night, and waking up refreshed and invigorated, staying alert and energetic throughout the day, emotional balance, serenity, peace, patience, and an open heart and mind
  71. What are some Examples of the Goals I want you to set for yourselves?
  72. eating habits, exercise, rest, and emotions.
  73. exercise 3 times per week
  74. eat the foods that will balance out my patterns of imbalance.
  75. relaxing or spiritual activity
  76. peaceful dinner with friends or family
  77. All of these will help you achieve greater well being and prevent more disease.
  78. How Can You Achieve Them?
  79. With persistence and discipline.
  80. Progress not perfection
  81. John Wooden, the most winning college basketball coach in history said, “Success is being as prepared as you can possibly be- being the best you that you can be.”
  82. He also said, “People usually know what they should do to get what they want. They just won’t do it. They won’t pay the price. Understand that there is a price to be paid for achieving anything of significance. You must be willing to pay the price.”
  83. pick one thing to work on, and get started.
  84. Another key is teamwork. others committed to well being, meet weekly, call them. refresh your enthusiasm.
  85. Cicero said, “Men decide far more problems by hate, love, sorrow, joy, hope, or fear, than by reality, authority, or any legal standard.”
  86. learn to love well being
  87. develop a seething hate, a real disgust for your unhealthy habits
  88. Healthy people like healthy people, so you’re more likely to find love and romance when you nourish your own well being - unless you’re looking for a really sick partner, or a partner who digs really sick people
  89. How sad that some people are killing themselves day after day with their poor lifestyles.
  90. positive and hopeful picture of your future - important well being is to it most likely, every dream and goal you have already assumes that you will feel well enough to enjoy it once you achieve it.