1. Reach in coolers-

The door seals should be wiped down and clean.

All food items need to be properly zoned, covered, labeled and dated

Each cooler needs to have a temperature log.

Coolers should be 41°F and lower for cold holding.

The Health Department will Temp food in the cooler to ensure the cooler is holding the food at the right temperature.

  1. Ice Machine:

The health inspector treats ice as a “ready to eat” item.

Must be cleaned regularly and have an Ice Machine cleaning log. Focus on inside the machine towards the top where the ice falls down, that where mold grows.

Also focus on the ice machine door and the outside of the machine.

Ice buckets need to be stored upside down in order for them to drain out.

Ice buckets may only be used for ice and should be cleaned regularly.

Ice scoops cannot be stored in the ice, scoops must have its own holder.

  1. Sanitizer concentration and temperature.

For wiping down food stations a red bucket with sanitizer and a cloth should be used.

QUAT sanitizer in bucket should be 75-90°F and 150-400 ppm.

Make sure test strips are available and the staff knows proper procedure: 10 seconds, don’t wiggle.

The red bucket should be stored under the food work station.

  1. Hand washing sinks

Sink should only be used for washing hands.

Water should be hot a few seconds after it is turn on.

Check to make sure that the hand sinks are not blocked.

Check to make sure that there is a hand washing sign, paper towels, hot water and soap.

Should have its own trash can just for paper towels, no food or any other trash should be in this trash can. It must also have a trash bag.

  1. Appearance of staff.

Look for jewelry (No more than a plain wedding band and small earrings (size of nickel)

Look for: slip resistant shoes

Check to see if anyone is eating or chewing gum.

Look to make sure the staff is wearing hats, visors or hairnets.

  1. Look up!

Check for leaks and missing ceiling tiles and storage that is too high (must be 18 inches from the ceiling)

  1. Look down!

Is there storage on the floor? (Items should be 6 inches off the floor) Is there rodent droppings or trash? Is the floor sticky? Are the walls clean?

  1. Glove use-

Is there bare hand contact for any ready to eat food? Is the staff touching anything other than food with the gloves? Did the staff wash hands before putting on the gloves?

  1. Warewashing – Three compartment sink.

If sink is not properly set up or not being used it must be covered with plastic wrap and a sign posted stating “Do Not Use”. Nothing may be stored or placed on sink if this is done.

If sink is being used to wash dishes it must be set up properly with the correct chemicals and tested with testing strips. Water must be changed periodically.

Properly means 110°F water in the soapy wash and the plain rinse water sinks. The sanitizer is 75-90°f and 150-1400 ppm.

It is ok to not set up the sinks until they are needed.

  1. Soda Machine-

Soda Machine must be cleaned regularly, remove pour spout and whip down. Also remove the grate and clean the drip plate as well as the grate.

Soda BIBS should not be expired and should be stored on a rack so boxed are not being crushed.

  1. Storage-

Chemicals should be stored in the silver cabinet above the mop sink. Chemicals cannot be stored anywhere near food or food prep areas.

All chemicals must have a MSDS sheet, the MSDS sheets must be easily found and accessible by all staff members, they are usually stored with the chemicals.

Brooms and dust pans should be hung up, not stored on the ground.

Mops should be hung upside down as well, not in a mop bucket.

Stored silver ware and plate must be covered.

Storage shelves should be clean and organized.