Camping Key Europe

Welcome to Sweden and to Europe! Camping Key Europe is a card that connects campsites all over Europe. Having the card in your wallet opens up Europe to you and makes your holiday more convenient, more secure and cheaper. Camping Key Europe is required in order to check in at an SCR-affiliated campsite.

Why Camping Key Europe?

The campsites in Sweden that are affiliated to Camping Key Europe are members of the industry organisation SCR (the National Swedish Campsite Association).

There are several reasons why we use the card system:

•  Card fees help to quality-assure the camping experience, with revenues from the card used, for example, to pay for work on electrical safety, fire safety and environmental issues, and to develop the campsites.

•  The card speeds up check-in and check-out. There are no forms to complete; simply swipe your card and everything is done. This streamlines administrative work at the campsites and keeps campsite fees down.

Added value for guests:

•  Fast check-in and check-out at all SCR-affiliated campsites

•  Accident insurance: the card insures the whole family in the event of an accident. Read more >

•  Access to and discounts at thousands of campsites in Europe

•  Discounts and special offers in Sweden and around Europe. Read more >

What’s more, you get:

•  The Svensk Camping directory of Swedish campsites delivered to your door

•  Access to the Camping Key Europe app (available on Appstore and Google Play)

•  The Upptäck Sverige [Discover Sweden] newsletter from

The card costs SEK150 per year and can be purchased at or direct at the campsite when you check in.

Who’s behind Camping Key Europe?

Camping Key Europe is owned by Camping Key Alliance. SCR is one of the parties in Camping Key Alliance alongside NHO Reiseliv in Norway, the Danish Camping Board, Camping Finland, ANWB in the Netherlands and ADAC in Germany. For more information, go