Name: ______#____

Monday Math Morning Work Week #15

  1. Use the Distributive Property to show how to find the answer to 6 x 13. Show your work on the grid and in the box.

Monday ELA Morning Work Week #15

  1. Which text feature tells you what a word means?
  1. table of contents
  2. chapter headings
  3. glossary
  4. index
  1. What does the word taunt mean? Answer in a complete sentence below.


Tuesday Math Morning Work #15


Describe the pattern you notice in the products for the row of 4.


Tuesday ELA Morning Work #15

A local man named David Wayne wants people to slow down. He says that drivers often speed through his neighborhood. This makes it dangerous for the children who live there. He first began asking people to slow down when he moved to the neighborhood twenty-nine years ago. He has since asked the city to put in stop signs. The city claims that the neighborhood does not need stop signs. These days, Wayne sits in his front yard holding a sign that asks drivers to slow down.

Which sentence from the article best describes the main idea?

/ A. / This makes it dangerous for the children who live there.
/ B. / He says that drivers often speed through his neighborhood.
/ C. / A local man named David Wayne wants people to slow down.
/ D. / The city claims that the neighborhood does not need stop signs.

WednesdayMath Morning Work #15


2. True or false: these equations show the commutative property.

8 x 3= 3 x 8 truefalse

2 x 4= 8truefalse

7 x 0= 0truefalse

4 x 2= 8 x 1true false

Wednesday ELA Morning Work #15

  1. You can be safe around water if you follow a few simple rules. Learn to swim, and always swim with a friend. It's more fun, and having a friend with you is just plain smart! Make sure to obey the rules and lifeguards. Rules for the pool are there to protect you. Lifeguards make sure you follow the rules to help you stay safe, not to ruin your fun. Make sure a lifeguard or an adult can see you at all times, just in case you need help.
    This paragraph is mostly about-underline you evidence in the text to prove your answer.

/ A. / swimming with friends.
/ B. / being safe at the pool.
/ C. / becoming a lifeguard.
/ D. / running around the pool.

ThursdayMath Morning Work #15

1.Lucy and her mother made tacos. They put 2 tacos on each of 9 plates.
Select the number sentences that show all the tacos Lucy and her mother made. Select all that apply.

A / 2 × 9 = 18
B / 3 + 15 = 18
C / 2 + 9 = 11
D / 9 + 9 = 18
E / 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 18

2.Miss Montgomery makes 4 pans of cupcakes, with 6 cupcakes in each pan. After she passes out 17 cupcakes to teachers at school, how many cupcakes does she have left?

Thursday ELA Morning Work #15

3.We have been learning about periodicals. Name one non-fiction text feature and explain how it helps the reader. Write in a complete sentence.


These special beetles can be found in any kind of cloth or rug.

4. Where in this passage does the sentence abovebestbelong?

/ A. / under the subheading "Carpet Beetles"
/ B. / under the subheading "Cheese Skippers"
/ C. / at the beginning of the first paragraph
/ D. / under the subheading "Silverfish"