School District of Algoma

Board of Education Meeting

Monday, February 27, 2017

1715 Division St., Algoma, WI

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Rodgers at

6:30 P.M. Rodgers led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary Melotte took roll call and noted all members present. A list of additional people present is available in the district office.

Students of the Month: Jadyn Nellis and Julia Naze were honored as Way of the Wolves Super Star Students of the Month for January.

Special Presentations: None

Correspondent Report: Qualman gave an update on possible State Aid increase, changing school start date, merging of course options and youth options, number of hours of instruction, and Transgender Policy being left up to the state.

Board CESA Report: Swoboda reported that CESA 7 plans on starting a Teacher Academy to begin the process for teachers to become certified. CESA plans to also start a program that will give college students an opportunity to student teach in rural districts to make sure that teaching is what they really want to do.

Citizens Delegation to be Heard: Todd Lohenry addressed the board regarding a student issue.

Student Representative’s Report: Kalista Paszczak reported on the girls and boys basketball seasons, spring sports, National History Day, and Solo Ensemble.

Board President Announcements: None

Superintendent/7-12 Principal Report: Cochart reported that the Wellness Center will have expanded hours, Civil Rights Data Collection has begun and will be complete after errors are corrected, Enrollment Audit will take place this year, and discussed March 22nd Community Conversation.

PK-6 Principal Report: Principal Servi gave an update on Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) and AES team working on setting goals and measuring achievement. Open House will be on March 8th from 4:00 – 6:00 PM and will include guided tours and refreshments. Staff development with Heather White from CESA took place on February 27 and emphasized reading and writing. ACT testing will be 2/28/17 and 3/1/17.

Director of Business Services Report: Melotte gave Finance Bulletin Report, discussed minor corrections to Series 600 Fiscal Management Policies, and discussed combined Employee Handbook.

Special Ed Report:

Special Education Director Horn discussed addition of a part-time special education aid, Special Education teachers at Elementary School are considering creating a school within a school at AES, Pathfinder students planning field trip to Madison, area special education teachers recently toured Pathfinder, and Summer School Pathfinder being considered.

Live Algoma Update:

VanLanen gave an update on goal to translate all materials to Spanish to improve outreach to the Spanish Community. Looking for grant to help with mental health, group coming from Sweden on March 26 – 28th, and group from Singapore will be here April 19 – 20th. PR committee is in support of Live Algoma.

Committee Reports: None

Other Specific Items for Discussion:

·  Board Mini Retreat will be on March 14th at 5:00 PM.

·  March 15th - “Day at the Capital”

·  Discussion took place to move March 27th school board meeting to March 20th.

Wessel made a motion, Pabich seconded to approve Regular Board Meeting Minutes of

January 23, 2017. All yes. Motion carried.

Wiesner moved, Schmitz seconded to approve bills as presented. All yes. Motion carried.

Schmitz moved, Pabich seconded to approve Policy 718, Free and Reduced Lunch Appeal.

All Yes. Motion Carried.

Pabich moved, Qualman seconded to approval minor corrections to Series 600 Fiscal Management Policies with the exception of Policy 620 which will be revised and resubmitted for approval. All yes. Motion carried.

Wiesner moved, Schmitz seconded to approve combined Employee Handbook. All yes.

Motion carried.

Schmitz moved, Pabich seconded to approve Audit Report. All yes. Motion carried.

Qualman moved, Pabich seconded to approve moving March 27, 2017 School Board Meeting to March 20, 2017. All yes. Motion carried.

Qualman moved, Wiesner seconded to approve purchase of van not to exceed $30,000.00.

All yes. Motion carried.

Wiesner moved, Swoboda seconded to approve 2017-18 CESA 8 Services Agreement in the amount of $15,505.00. All yes. Motion carried.

Qualman moved, Wiesner seconded to approve 66.0301 Agreement: Shared Virtual Learning Services between Rural Virtual Academy (RVA) and School District of Algoma for 2017-2018. All yes. Motion carried.

Pabich moved, Qualman seconded to approve School Board Advocacy Resolution. All yes.

Motion carried.

Schmitz moved, Wiesner seconded to approve Resolution on State Funding for Special Education Students and Open Enrollment. All yes. Motion carried.

Swoboda moved, Wiesner seconded to approve Donation from NEW Manufacturing Alliance in the amount of $500.00. All yes. Motion carried.

Approve Wed./Sunday Special Use of Facility Requests: None

Approve Revision to Teacher Employee Handbook/Support Staff Employee Handbook: None

Request for Future Agenda Items: None

Pabich moved, Qualman seconded to move into executive session pursuant to Statute 19.85 (1)(C)(E)(F)(I). Roll call vote. All yes. Motion carried at 8:25 P.M.

Qualman moved, Wiesner seconded to approve the following extra-curricular contracts effective 2/27/17: All yes. Motion carried.

Rachel Schneider Summer School Coordinator $600.00

Mike Lukes Varsity Baseball Head Coach $3,300.00

Eric Nelson Volunteer Baseball Coach

Ryan Klessig Volunteer Baseball Coach

Amber Schubert Varsity Softball Head Coach $2,800.00

Mark Zastrow Assistant (JV) Softball Coach $1,960.00

Vonnie Haack Volunteer Softball Coach
Abby Piesler Volunteer Softball Coach

McKenzie Mueller Volunteer Softball Coach

Terry Dart Volunteer Softball Coach

Taylor Schmidt Volunteer Softball Coach

Meg Ryan Volunteer Softball Coach

Andrea Vandertie Volunteer Softball Coach

Steve Schmiling Varsity Track Head Coach $3,300.00

Dean Blahnik Varsity Assistant Track Coach $1,900.00

Lyle Nell Varsity Assistant Track Coach $1,900.00

Jesse Duerst Varsity Assistant Track Coach $1,900.00

Colleen Huettl Middle School Track Coach $ 700.00

Mary Donaldson Volunteer Track Coach

David Robertson Volunteer Track Coach

Qualman moved, Wessel seconded to accept resignation from Jessica Lipshetz, 4K Teacher, effective end of 2016-17 School year. All yes. Motion carried.

Schmitz moved, Pabich seconded to accept resignation from Justin Alexander, Assistant (JV) Baseball Coach. All yes. Motion carried.

Wessel moved, Pabich seconded to adjourn. All yes. Motion carried at 9:07 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by,

Jason Melotte, Secretary Priscilla Swoboda, Clerk