College of Charleston

Vernier Data Logger and Sensor Equipment Check Out Form

As part of the College of Charleston’s Mathematics & Science Instructional Partnership (MSIP) project, classroom sets of Vernier LabQuest and Sensor equipment are being made available for short-term use in school of participating districts (Berkeley, Dorchester I & II and Georgetown). To be eligible to borrow this equipment the teacher must have been enrolled in one of the project’s Science and Math for Teachers graduate courses or in a MSP academic year instructional workshop. A list of the available equipment can be found on the project web site: . If you would like to borrow any of this equipment for use in your class, please contact the project directors – Dr. William Veal () or Dr. John Peters ().

Email address
What MSP course or workshop did you attend (list name and date)?
Are you currently a MSP Lead Teacher?
Have you been a MSP Lead Teacher? If so, when (dates).
Expected Equipment Check Out Date
Expected Equipment Return Date

By typing my name below, I understand that the equipment checked out is the property of the College of Charleston and that I am responsible for replacing (or providing the replacement costs) of any of the equipment that is damaged through improper use, lost or stolen while in my possession. I also understand that no student will be allowed to handle or use this equipment unless they are under my direct supervision. I further understand that I am responsible for returning this equipment to the College by the return date indicated above in good working order, with all LabQuest batteries fully charged, and equipment returned neatly to the appropriate storage bins.

Type your name and date:
For office use only
Item Released By:
Date Items Released:

Please provide a brief description of lesson, lab, activity or demonstration for which this equipment will be used, and the number of students who will be using the equipment in your class(es).

In the table below, write the name of the equipment you wish to borrow and the number of each item you will require. Project GA – please complete the rest of this table for each item check out and upload this file to the MSP Dropbox folder – subfolder Equipment Use.

Item Name (LabQuest unit or sensor type)


Number of units borrowed


Item # engraved on each piece of equipment borrowed.


Please note any problems/damage/ malfunctions with item that you see when you check it out.


Checked out by (initials & date)


Checked in by (initials & date)
