Mid-Atlantic Police Motorcycle Riding Committee

Vendor Space Agreement and Application


The Mid-Atlantic Police Motorcycle Rodeo is a non-profit event that provides training to area police motorcycle officers. Proceeds from the rodeo are donated to the Make-A-Wish Organization. The Vendor fee is $300.00 in either cash or merchandise to the Rodeo Committee. Merchandise can be items that we can use either for a raffle or door prizes


The main competition days will be Friday and Saturday, September 15th and 16th, 2017 from 8:00 -4:00 and will have the largest public draw. Training days will be on Wednesday and Thursday. The event will be held at Potomac Mills Mall in the parking lot by BuyBuyBaby.


The Vendor participation fee is $300 - payable by check to MAPMRC and due with a completed application no later than August 25, 2017. In lieu of cash, vendors can donate goods valued at a minimum of $300 for raffling or auction.


A 12x12 space will be allocated for each $300.00 payment.


Every vendor donating $300+ will have a 2’ x 8’ banner professionally made which will be displayed on the fencing around the rodeo courses. Email your logo to


We will have security at the rodeo overnight, however any equipment or materials left on site overnight is done so at the risk to the owner. The Mid-Atlantic Police Motorcycle Riding Committee assumes no responsibility for loss, theft or damage to anything left on site.


Each Vendor must supply:

  • A canopy, if desired;
  • Tables or displays
  • Power. Our venue does not have power available. If you need power to run your display, plan on bringing a generator with you. Any generators or power equipment may be subject to inspection by the Fire Marshall and should comply with any applicable rules.

Note: All applications should be submitted by August 25th, 2017 to insure your logo can be printed on a Banner and to secure a designated space at the event.

Vendor Space Application

Date of Request: ______

Name of Business:______

How does Business relate to the rodeo: ______


Requestors Name: ______

Business Phone #: ______Cell # ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Vendor Contact Name (if diff. than requestor): ______

Contact Phone #: ______

Amount of Space Requested: ______

Donation: $______

Value and description of donation (if not cash donation): ______

Signature: ______

By signing above, I state that I have read and agree to the terms of the vendor agreement.

Mail completed application to:

MAPMRC Inc., c/o Pat Charron, Treasurer

5017 Prince William Parkway, Woodbridge, VA 22912

Make checks payable to MAPMRC

Your business logo and link to your website will be posted on our website:

All donations to MAPMRC are covered under 501c3 and are fully deductible