Code of practice for NLE deployments commissioned by schools

  1. Initial Contact

The NLE will already have a copy of the commission containing initial success criteria and a brief outline of the support required.

Once the commission has been awarded the NLE will make contact with the headteacher to set up the initial meeting.

  1. The initial meeting/contracting meeting

The purpose of the meeting is to review the commission and agree how it will be delivered. The discussion should include:

  • Communication arrangements with headteacher
  • Specific actions required on behalf of each of the partners (to be regularly reviewed)
  • Agreement re confidentiality
  • Exit strategy

Where the school is in an Ofsted category or recorded as causing concern to the LA, the NLE will need to agree with the school how the LA will be involved/informed.

3. Action planning

  • The commission will provide a starting point in terms of success criteria and the school is likely to have an action plan in place already.
  • However it is important to record exactly what the actions of the NLE will be and the impact measures against which support will judged. This requires clear success criteria and time lines, clarity of respective responsibilities and clear monitoring and evaluation procedures.
  • These should be recorded on the deployment proforma.

4. The role of XXX TSA / School

  • XXX TSA / School is responsible for setting up the commission and making the initial contact with partners
  • XXX TSA / School will be a point of contact for both parties if there are any queries or concerns
  • XXX TSA / School will contact both parties on a termly basis to check that the commission is proceeding as planned
  • XXX TSA / School will contact both parties at the end of the commission to obtain qualitative and quantitative data with regard to the success of the success of the commission
  • The National College works closely with XXX TSA / School and has a role in quality assuring the processes involved in brokering, supporting, evaluating and measuring impact.

5. Exit Strategy

  • An exit strategy should be agreed at the initial meeting.
  • If the partnership is not moving forward and either party is unhappy with the arrangements they should contact XXX TSA / School who will provide a mediation service.
  • If the mediation fails or mediation is not appropriate, XXX TSA / School will facilitate the ending of the commission and where appropriate source some new support
  • If for any reason the NLE is unable to carry on with the deployment, this must be discussed at the earliest opportunity with XXX TSA / School so that alternative arrangements can be made.

6. Confidentiality

  • The strength and success of the relationship between the Headteacher and the NLEis built on mutual respect, honesty and trust. This is demonstrated through sharing written observations and reports
  • If the NLEhas concerns about the school they should raise them with the school in the first instance and if this proves unsuccessful they should contact XXX TSA / School.

7. Whistleblowing

  • The NLE must make it clear to the headteacher that their discussions are confidential. However if at any time the NLEfeels that the wellbeing of the children is at risk or being undermined in any way it is their professional duty and responsibility to contact XXX TSA / SCHOOL immediately who in turn will contact the LA. This needs to be clarified with Headteacher at the first contracting meeting.

8.General Points

  • Notes of all action points /agreements made via all phone calls and face to face meetings should be recorded