1.Choose the most appropriate statement for each of the following:

1.The organism that causes gas gangrene & wounds is:

a.Clostridium perfringens b. Cl.difficile c. Cl.tetaniid.Bacteroides fragilis

2.Which organism that (NOT) easily killed by stomach-acidity?:

a.ET E.coli b.Salmonella c. Shigella d.Vibrio cholerae O1

3.*Which bacterial count(CFU) / ml urine is indicative of Urinary T infection:?

a.>10 2 b.>10 3 c.>10 4 d.>10 5

4.*Salmonella is easily detected by its ability to produce(+) on TSI medium:?

a,Indole b.Urease c.H2S d.Lactose e.Citrate

5.*SerumAbs (high)titer of Salmonella O Ag(Widal) agglutination indicate:

a. Recent infection b Antecedent (old) infection c. both a & b

6.Source-tracing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa hospital infections uses:

a,Phage typing b.serotyping c. pyocin typing d. all of above

7.Which for Pseudomonas aeruginosa is (NOT) true ?:

A)it is commonly resistant to many antibiotics.
B) it is an important cause of wound and burn infections& ICUs patients.
C) it does not produce exotoxins or endotoxin.and it is oxidase(-)
D) it is commonly associated with water sources(swimming pools).
E) it is negative for acid production from glucose anaerobically(O+/F-)

8.Which organism is (NOT) sexually transmitted ?:

a.Treponema pallidum b. Hemophilus ducreyi c.Neisseria gonorrhoeae

d.Chlamydia trachomatis e. Borrelia recurrentis (relapsing fever)

9.Which cause meningitis ,conjunctivitis ,pneumonia,sinusitis,&epiglottitis:

a. Hemophilus influenzae b. H.ducreyi c. H. aphrophilus d. H. parainfluenzae

10.*Which of followings give (NEGATIVE) ONPG test ?:

a. Enterobacter spp b. Salmonella spp. c. Serratia spp. d. Shigella sonnei.

11.*The false statement on Helicobacter pyroli is:

a. Gram (-) motile curved seagull –shape rods b. Catalase,Oxidase,& urease (+)

c.Recovered from gastric biopsy(in saline) d. Grows at 42C but not at 37 C

12.*Pseudomembranous colitis among hospitalized-children is caused by:

a. Clostridium tetani b. Cl.perfringens c .Cl.difficile. d. Cl.botulinum

13.*Which disease that is (NOT)transmitted to human by arthropods :

a. Plague b. Relapsing fever c. Lyme &Rickettsial-Typhus d. Q fever

14.*Which is (NOT) true for Bordetella pertussis ?:

a.causes whooping cough b. Mercury drop on BCYE

c. Oxidase +d . Oxidase&Urease(+)

15.*Bubonic plague is transmitted to human by:

a.Respiratory secretions-inhalation b.fleas bites c.fecal/oral route(ingestion)

16.*Salmonella typhi causes typhoid fever & its main Virulence factor is :

a.Grow& survive inWBCs b.Pilli & Fimbriae c.Verotoxin d. Exotoxin

17.*Klebsiella pneumoniae is:

a.Acid-fast bacillib.Gram-positive cocci

c.Gram-negative cocci d.Gram-negative rods e.Gram-positive rods

18.*Screening of Salmonella & Shigella enteric gram-negative rods is by:

a.Bacitracin-growth inhibition b.Fermentation of lactose as NLF

c.Production of CAMP factor d.Growth in 6.5% salt broth

Answers:1(a),2(c),3(d),4(c),5(a),6(d),7(c),8(e),9(a),10(b),11(d),12( c) ,13(d),14(d)


2.Choose only(ONE) case:

1-A sputum specimen showed a lot of Gram negative capsulated coccobacilli which grow on

Chocolate agar or on blood agar only around S.aureus as satellitism .

A. The possible organism is…….……. ……………..

B. The organism is catalase….and grows only around. …disk on Nutrient A medium

C. Its serotyping is based on SSS-co agglutination of the type of …………antigen

2-A patient suffer from rising fever (like stairs) ,after diarrhea, and rose spots on skin, blood-

culture revealed Gram negative rods which give NLF colorless colonies on MacConkey,

and also on XLD but with black center.

A. The possible organism is …………. …………….

B. It s reaction results in SIM are (S….,I…….& M…….).

C.Its serogrouping is based on bacterial agglutination with antibodies to……Ag

3. Write(T) for true and (F) for false statement:

1.To follow up treatment of syphilis, VDLRL test is used.(T)

2.Y.enterocolitica on KI agar give K/A g(-) H2S(-),but onTSI A/A g(-) H2S(-)(T)

3.E.coli is main cause (80%) of female urinary tract infections.(T)

4.Pseudomonas aeruginosa is Oxidase(+), exopigment,blue,&(F+/O+ ).(F)

5.Yersiniae pestis is Oxidase(+),catalase &nitrate reductase (-). (F)

4. Put at LEFT the number from column B with appropriate statement of A

10 / Swarming is inhibited on / 1 / Destroyed by boiling & mask O Ag
6 / Trachoma,preventable blindness caused / 2 / Flagellar antigen
9 / MacConkey –medium indicator / 3 / Be in acidic medium & anaerobic (Oil)
8 / TSI-medium indicator / 4 / Glucose metabolism
7 / Simmon’s medium is for / 5 / E.coli ,metallic sheen
5 / EMB medium / 6 / By Chlamydia trachomatis ,certain serotypes
4 / Mixed acids & ketones are from / 7 / Citrate utilization test
2 / H antigen is a protein of / 8 / Phenol red-gives yellow in acid
1 / K (Vi) is a polysaccharide antigen / 9 / Neutral red-gives deep red in acid
3 / Amino acid degradation tests must / 10 / CLED-medium
14 / Folow up treatment of syphilis / 11 / Soft chancre-skin ulcer
11 / Haemophilus ducreyi / 12 / Hard chancre-skin ulcer
15 / Specific serological tests for (syphilis) / 13 / Transmitted by ,inhalation & ingestion
16 / Pseudo membranous colitis / 14 / VDRL & RPR
13 / Coxeilla burnetti (Q-fever) / 15 / TPHA test & FTPAbsAb
17 / Chlamydia trachomatis / 16 / Clostridium difficile (verotoxins)
20 / Lyme disesse / 17 / Lymphogranuloma venereum(LGV),STD
19 / Relapsing fever / 18 / Mycoplasma,brucella,chlamydia
18 / Pyrexia of unknown origin / 19 / Louse-borne disease
12 / Treponema pallidum / 20 / Tick-borne disease