1)  Place the following answers on the blank and in the table below.

If a rock is thrown perfectly horizontally from a 10m high cliff at 5m/s

a)  What is the initial horizontal velocity?______

b)  What is the initial vertical velocity?______

c)  How long does it take to hit the ground?______

d)  How far from the base of the cliff will it land?______

Horizontal (x direction) / Vertical (y direction)
a= / a=
Vi= / Vi=
Vf= / Vf=
Δd= / Δd=
T= / T=

2)  Place the following answers on the blank and in the table below.

An anvil is dropped from a helicopter 50m directly above a car. The helicopter is moving 20m/s forward as the anvil is dropped.

a)  Draw a diagram of this situation.

b)  Will the anvil hit the car?______

c)  How long does it take for the anvil to land?______

d)  What horizontal distance from the release point does the anvil land?______

Horizontal (x direction) / Vertical (y direction)
a= / a=
Vi= / Vi=
Vf= / Vf=
Δd= / Δd=
t= / t=

3)  An object is projected horizontally at 8.0m/s from the top of a 122.5m cliff.

a)  How long is it in the air? ______

b)  How far from the base of the cliff does it land? ______

4)  A bullet with a horizontal velocity of 8.0 x102m/s hits a target 180m away from where it was fired.

How far does the bullet fall before it hits the target? ______

5)  An airplane traveling 1001m above the ocean at 125km/hr is to drop a box of supplies to the shipwrecked victims below.

a)  How many seconds before being directly overhead should the box be dropped? ___

b)  What is the horizontal distance between the plane and the victims when the box is dropped? ______

General Physics Projectile wksh 2 (yellow) edited10/4/2013