Princeton Homeowners’ Association

Page 2

August 11, 2008


Minutes of August 11, 2008

Bob Byrd, Presiding


The special called meeting of the Princeton Homeowners’ Association was called to order on August 11, 2008, at the Murrayville Park Community Center by Bob Byrd.


Of the 110 homes represented in Princeton, 30 homes were present. Those in attendance received a financial report as of from January 1, 2008 to August 11, 2008, a copy of bids received for the entrance sign, fence, and landscaping.


President Bob Byrd opened the meeting by recapping decisions made by the officers since elected in November. As we were the first official officers for the Princeton HOA, there was no budget given to us for 2008. All aspects of the front entrance maintenance and repair were discussed. He also clarified how we came to interpret the bylaws with the help of lawyer Paul Smart. Dealing with covenant violations and placing liens on homeowners with unpaid dues was also addressed. Bob then addressed questions posed earlier by some of the homeowners.

Vice President Shane Crider gave further clarification to issues including how being an officer has been very time consuming and is sometimes a thankless job.

Treasurer Jim Carmichael expressed some of the same concerns as Bob and Shane. He stressed how much time is needed to do a good job as an officer. Jim passed out a financial statement. No questions were asked about any item on the statement.

Secretary Wanda Land talked to those in attendance on a personal note as she knew many of the homeowners before moving to Princeton. She expressed how the officers had taken much time to do what they thought were correct decisions according to the bylaws. She expressed her sincere apology to anyone who felt that the officers had intentionally misinterpreted the bylaws by not allowing homeowners to vote on the front entrance maintenance and repair.

A question-and-answer session followed. Shown below were ideas and comments that were shared by at least 16 homeowners in attendance:

  • Many people expressed their appreciation of the work being done by the officers and how great the front entrance looks.
  • Since the bylaws call for 55% of the homeowners to vote on issues, there is a need for more participation.
  • Some homeowners feel the bylaws are black and white, while others feel there are gray areas.
  • Some want more notification of decisions being made by the officers.
  • The minutes of officer meetings could be posted on the HOA website.
  • Some people are concerned about the speed being driven by motorists in the subdivision and the failure to stop at stop signs.
  • Some expressed concerns about the vacant lots and the debris on them. They are willing to clear them off.
  • People are needed to run as an HOA officer for 2009. If we fail to have officers in place, a management company will have to be hired. As this will be expensive, dues will probably have to be raised.
  • Some owners expressed a concern about the animals (even those on leashes) that are depositing unwanted waste on their plants, etc. Owners are not cleaning up after them.

It was strongly recommended that committees be established to help with HOA work. The following were suggested:

  • Budget
  • Social
  • Covenant/Bylaw Revision
  • Architectural
  • Election
  • Landscaping/Common Grounds

With a reminder of our general meeting in November, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Wanda Land

4374 Old Wyndoham Court

Gainesville, GA 30506

(770) 532-4307