“Showdown” Competition Entry Form Date: / /

Dj Name:…………………………………..…




Email:……………………………………………...... Age:……………….

Emergency Name:………………………...Phone Number:…………......

Describe your Style (Add your preferred style of music)


How long have you been DJ’ing ?


Have you entered any previous DJ competitions? (Please list)


Have you worked at any Clubs or Parties, if so where?


Please list the equipment you will be using for your set


In the box below please draw a top view diagram of your setup

Any additional requirements?


Conditions of entry :

The Ranch Hotel will not be held liable for any injuries that the above entrant may occur during these activities.

The Ranch Hotel reserves the right to film and photograph entrants for records and any future promotions of The Ranch Hotel. While entrants are at the event they must adhere at all times to the direction of The Ranch Hotel Coordinator and/or stage manager.

All judge’s decisions are final.

All judging sheets will be available for public viewing on our web site.

Video of the finals will also be available for public viewing on our web site.

The consumption of drugs is prohibited at this event and at The Ranch Hotel.

Any damage to the equipment as a result of misuse by the entrant will hold the entrant liable for damage.

Should the entrants set be compromised in any way as a result of faulty equipment, the entrant will have the opportunity to redo set.

Should the entrants set be compromised in anyway as a result of their own misdoing, they will be judged accordingly.

“Showdown” Competition Entry Form Date: / /

Entrants are responsible to bring their own mixer, headphones, cartridges, needles, vinyl and slipmats to the battle. Entrants will be responsible for their belongings at all times. The Ranch Hotel will not be held responsible for lost, stolen or misplaced items.

The heats in the first 3 weeks will be limited to 20 minutes sets. The semi Finals and the finals will be 30 minute sets.

Dates of the Heats are as follows

10th July , 17th July & 24th July.


31st July & 7th July

Following the receipt of your application you will receive a date of play from the organizers.

Judging Criteria - 100 Points

20 Points - Mixing Skills – i.e. smooth transitions between tracks

20 Points - Programming – record selection, general flow and sound of the set.

20 Points - Tricks – Scratching, eq’s, etc.

30 Points - Creativity and originality – eg. use of non standard equipment : microphone, samplers, keyboards, outboard effectors, multiple decks, etc. or simply doing something totally different in your set.

10 Points - Crowd response – in a club set the crowd response is also important.

“Showdown” Competition Entry Form Date: / /

Prize List:

1st Prize: $1000 Cash, Vestax PCV270 Mixer (worth over $1200) a radio set and a set in a major Sydney club

2nd Prize: Dennon DN3000 Scratch CD Player (worth $1500) a club set and prize packs from our sponsors.

All finalists will receive a prize pack.

Please check the boxes where appropriate:

I have been Djing for:

□more than 1 year

□more than 2 years

□more than 3 years

□professionally with previous residencies

I firstly heard about the Showdown Dj Competition through:

□ FBI radio□ inthemix □ email □ friends □ street press

□ fliers□ resident advisor □ record store □djsunited

□ other web sites

□ I have read and understood the conditions of entry.



Please fax back to 02 9363 4050


Email back to

For any further info and profiles of entrants visit