When called to follow Jesus, the first four disciples immediately left everythingand obeyed Jesus’ call to follow him. This is a good example of self-sacrifice and faith in God.

The disciples showed faith in Jesus eg at the Calming of the Storm, they called to Jesus for help.

The disciples recognised and understood who Jesus was ( at Caesarea Philippi Peter said“You are the Christ, the Son of God”.) They are examples of the faith we should have in Jesus.

The disciples were obedient to Jesus eg when they were sent out on a mission two by two to preach and heal, they followed Jesus’ instructions.

They tried to be loyal to Jesus, even when they did not understand what Jesus meant. Eg at the Garden of Gethsemane they tried to defend him through fighting.

The disciples were faithful to their calling, and after the Great Commission, they did go out into the world, preaching, healing and baptising other nations, even though most of them lost their lives for doing this.

The disciples are good examples of God’s power at work, as their failings make it easy for people to relate to them, - God changed them into fearless and faithful preachers of the gospel.

The disciples questioned Jesus’ instructions eg at the feeding of the 5000 (“How can we feed everyone with so little food?)” and they doubted his power eg at the Calming of the Storm (“Do you not care that we are going down?”)

Jesus called Peter “Satan” because Peter did not understand that Jesus must be a suffering Messiah, and not a warrior-like saviour.

Judas, one of Jesus’ closest disciples, betrayed Jesus. This shows he did not believe in Jesus or could not accept him, which is not a good example for people struggling with their faith.

All the disciples ran away when Jesus was arrested, and were not there at Jesus’ crucifixion, even though they had promised to stay loyal.

Peter denied Jesus three times outside the trial court, saying that he “did not know him”.

The disciples did not believe the women when they reported that Jesus was resurrected and the tomb was empty

James and John were greedy for honour and power, and wanted to be the most important disciples. They did not understand Jesus’ teaching about being humble and serving others.