PUPIL PREMIUM Strategy 2015-16

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received
Total number of pupils on roll (not including nursery) / 203
Total number of pupils eligible / 120
Amount PPG received per pupil / £1300
Total amount of PPG received / £157,080
Total amount of PPG spent / £160,289
Item/ project / Cost / objectives / Desired outcomes
Employment of additional TAS leading intervention programs. Talk Boost, switch on reading & writing, / £72,439 / To increase rates of progress of pupil premium pupils. / Increased numbers of children achieving ARE
Purchase of Literacy Planet. / £2756 / To improve rates of progress of pupil premium pupils in reading. (Particularly KS1) / More children will pass phonics test and achieve ARE.
Purchase of Toot Toot / £900 / Improve child well-being and feeling of safety and security. / Children have an anonymous way of reporting any concerns
Employment of a Pastoral Support Worker. / £14,194 / To improve attendance, behaviour and support to families. / To ensure children are accessing school effectively. Children being emotionally ready to learn.
Subsidy of a residential trip for Y6 pupils. / £2,500 / To develop social and emotional skills, particularly in preparation for transition to KS3. / Improved relationships within the year group. A greater readiness to develop new friendships.
Subsidy of school educational trips. (All year groups) / £2,000 / To enrich the curriculum by offering new experiences to the children. / All pupils have attended at least 1 visit in the last year. Children to show more understanding of the wider environment.
Commando Joe instructor 1 day per week. / £11,000 / Developing self-esteem, confidence, communication & children’s learning appetite. / Children’s attitudes to one another are improving, their ability to work as a team.
Education City / £1400 / To encourage children
Dot Com program / £3000 / To develop an awareness of keeping themselves safe. / To build confidence, pride and
EWO – 1 day per week / £3500 / To ensure children are getting closer to national attendance figures. / To ensure children are accessing education in order to make accelerated progress.
End of KS2 attainment July 2016
Pupils eligible for PP
(16 pupils) / Pupils NOT eligible for PP
(9 pupils)
% achieving in reading, writing and maths
% achieving ARE in reading / 18.75% / 44%
% achieving ARE in writing / 62.5% / 77%
% achieving ARE in maths / 56.25 % / 67%
Current attainment as at April 2017
ALL Pupils eligible for PP (127 Pupils)
% achieving in reading, writing and maths
% At ARE in reading / 51%
% At ARE in writing / 43%
% At ARE in maths / 54%

Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible of PP)

In School Barriers
A / Early Language acquisition.
B / A fixed mindset with social emotional development.
C / Low starting points on entry for some children
D / Attendance for some pupils
E / Children’s pride and aspirations

Desired Outcomes

Desired Outcomes / Success Criteria (Text in blue shows how PP grant will be spent to support desired outcomes)
A / Improve oral language skills for eligible/all pupils in reception class. / To ensure eligible pupils make rapid progress and achieve age related expectations in ELG 1,2 and 3 (Communication and Lanaguage) and ELG 8 and 9. (Writing and Reading)
Extra TA in reception during afternoon sessions to lead Early Talk Boost programme and address issues raised in WELCOMM assessment)
B / A fixed mindset with social emotional development. / To develop perseverance and a ‘can do attitude’ in order to make progress.
Commando Joe to work in every class on a weekly basis. Introduction of Growth Mindset project (posters of encouragement etc)
C / Low starting points for some children. / High quality EYFS provision
Eligible pupils to receive extra support as needed to ensure they make at least expected progress in English and Maths. HA pupils should make at least the same progress as other HA pupils within the school.
Sept – Jan: Maths lead to target HA pupils from assessment information. Children at risk of not making sufficient progress targeted with same day interventions by TAs.
D / To ensure children’s attendance
improves and PP pupils are all
above 92% / To work with all families to ensure children’s
attendance is above 92%, focus on children
who are eligible for PP.
PSA and EWO funded to lead on this and work with families that need support.
E / For children to gain pride in their achievements and experience a wide range of activities that will help to develop high aspirations. / Children to be proud of their work/school and want to show a range of audiences their achievements.
Children to experience school activities/trips regardless of cost and for these to have a positive impact upon learning and aspirations.
KS2 Music lessons fully funded, Handwriting program part funded, Y6 residential trip subsidised and along with all other educational visits. Careers afternoon to be fully funded.