Career Education 9
DUE: MONDAY, MAY 28, 2018
___ /10 marks
The projected top ten skills important in the workforce in 2020 will be: complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management, coordinating with others, emotional intelligence, judgement and decision making, service orientation, negotiation, and cognitive flexibility. Are you ready? The Career Education 9 curriculum is designed to give you opportunities to explore and understand these skills and how they connect to your future lives and careers.
What are the BIG IDEAS?
- Reflecting on our preferences and skills helps us identify the steps we need to take to achieve our career goals.
- The value of work in our lives, communities, and society can be viewed from diverse perspectives.
- Achieving our learning goals requires effort and perseverance.
- Adapting to economic and labour market changes requires flexibility.
- Our career paths reflect the personal, community, and educational choices.
* If required, please contact Mrs. James (room 309/).
Part One: Who are the people that I can learn from? ___ /5 marks
Take Our Kids to Work Day is an annual program in which Grade 9 students spend the day in the workplace of a parent, relative, friend or volunteer experiencing and learning about the world of work. Experiencing a “day in the life” of a professional within a workplace allows students to explore the world of work and helps them make informed educational decisions.
Find THREE professionals (you may include the person that you visited on Take Our Kids to Work Day) and ask each the following and record their answers. Your answers can be in point form or in full sentences:
1) What is your job title? What career path did you take to get to your current job?
2) What education/training did you need for your career?
3) What are at least three things that you are responsible for?
4) What are two things that you like least and what are two things that you like most about your job?
5) What are the potential workplace hazards of this career? How could these be minimized?
6) From the projected top ten skills listed above, which skills do you need to be successful in your job?
7 What is the typical salary range per year for someone in your job?
8) Due to economic and labour market changes, what could the job/industry look like in the next five years? Will this include further education/training?
Marking Criteria:
5 = The student has clearly identified transferable skills, positive/negative attributes of a career, possible pathways, and ways to deal with potential workplace changes
4 = The student has identified transferable skills, positive/negative attributes of a career, possible pathways, and ways to deal with potential workplace changes
3 = The student has mostly identified transferable skills, positive/negative attributes of a career, possible pathways, and ways to deal with potential workplace changes
2 = The student has identified some transferable skills, positive/negative attributes of a career, possible pathways, and ways to deal with potential workplace changes
1 = The student has identified a limited number of transferable skills, positive/negative attributes of a career, possible pathways, and ways to deal with potential workplace changes
0 = Level 1 is not achieved
Part Two: What choices can I make now? ___ /5 marks
From your three mentors, select one career that you would like to learn more about. Indicate your career choice. Answer the following with that one career choice in mind. Your answers can be in point form or in full sentences:
1) What educational choices could you make (e.g. courses that you could take) in Grades 10-12 to meet the requirements of your career choice?
2) You play an important role in supporting and strengthening Hamber's community.
a) Think about one person (or a group of people) at school that you could help today. Then, list two volunteer opportunities at school that are in line with what you could do to make Hamber a better place for that one person/group.
b) From the projected top ten skills listed above, which skills could you gain/strengthen from participating in these volunteer activities? How do these relate to the skills that your mentor stated to be important to their career?
3) You also play a key role in supporting and strengthening your local community outside of school.
a) Think about one person (or a group of people) in your community that you could help today. Using the internet or your own personal connections, list two volunteer opportunities in the community that are in line with what you could do to make your community a better place for that one person/group.
b) From the projected top ten skills listed above, which skills could you gain/strengthen from participating in these volunteer activities? How do these relate to the skills that your mentor stated to be important to their career?
Marking Criteria:
5 = The student has clearly identified how their career paths reflect the educational, personal, and community choices they make
4 = The student has identified how their career paths reflect the educational, personal, and community choices they make
3 = The student has mostly identified how their career paths reflect the educational, personal, and community choices they make
2 = The student has identified some understanding of how their career paths reflect the educational, personal, and community choices they make
1 = The student has identified a limited understanding of how their career paths reflect the educational, personal, and community choices they make
0 = Level 1 is not achieved