IBM SCPM Quick Start Guide – B2B

IBM Internal

About this Document

This document is designed to provide you with convenient, step-by-step guidance to the most common procedures that users complete in the IBM SCPM Solution.
Panel 1

A. Changing Org Access Role to B2B_i

  1. In the Navigation tree, click the [+] My Profile link to expand the menu tree
  1. Click the Change Org Access link
  2. Click the B2B_i name

B. Triggering B2B Forecast to Suppliers

  1. Verify that you are using the B2Bi Org Access role
  2. In the Navigation tree, click [+] Upload/Download to expand the menu tree
  3. Click the B2B Forecast to Suppliers link to access the filter page
  4. Check the boxes of the items you wish to select
  5. Click the Add button to add to the Filter Builder
  6. To the right of the next parameter down, click the [>] yellow icon and repeat Steps 3-4
  7. When the Filter Builder is complete, click the Save button if you want to save the Filter for future use
  8. In the Save window, enter Name for the search and click the Save button
  9. Click the Close button to close the Save window
In the future just choose the saved filter from the pull down menu and click the Apply button
  1. Click the Next button to access the Status page
  2. In the Navigation tree, click the My Workspace link
  3. In the Alert Summary box under Unread, click the number next to Upload/Download to view summary
  4. Scroll to the bottom, and in the Subject column click the file link to review the download status

C. Triggering B2B Order Book to Suppliers

  1. Verify that you are using the B2Bi Org Access role
  2. In the Navigation tree, click [+] Upload/Download to expand the menu tree
  3. Click the B2B OB to Suppliers link to access the filter page
  4. Follow steps 4-13 above in the “Triggering B2B Forecast to Supplier” section
/ Panel 2

D. Resetting 4A4 Collab Attribute

Once a B2B trigger has been executed, the Collab Attribute 4A4 will be set to ‘Y’, indicating “Yes” that it has been sent. If you later decide you need to modify the data and resend it, you will need to edit the Collab Attribute 4A4 value to ‘N’ (No) before resending the data.
  1. Verify that you are using the B2Bi Org Access role
  2. On the MCV page, click the View Collab Details icon to display the drop-down menu for collaboration details
  3. Click Collab Attribute to open the Collab Attribute window
  4. Change 4A4 Sent box to N
  5. Change 4A5 Received box to N
  6. Click the Update button
  7. Click OK to refresh the Collaboration view
  8. Click [X] in the upper right of the Collab Attribute window to close it

E. Verifying how many forecasts were sent and how many commitments were received for B2B suppliers

If a 4A4 Sent or 4A5 Received fails, you will get an email alert telling you of the failure.
  1. In the Navigation tree, click [+] Issues to expand the menu tree
  2. Click the Problems Filter link to access the Problem Summary page
  3. Click the Item Collaboration Problems name (e.g. “Forecast Sent” or “Commit Received”) to view the Problem Detail page for that problem
  4. Check the boxes of the items you wish to review
  5. Click the Multi Collab button to view the MCV page

F. Getting Help

  • In the Header, click Help to access online information
  • Contact E2open Customer Support for:
oSCPM system says forecasts were sent but supplier has not received
oSCPM system does not reflect commitments sent by Supplier were received
Hours 0800 –1800 local country time, Monday – Friday
Phone: 1-650-299-8111
  • Contact GPASC for:
oAll other errors (i.e: commitments do not match what was sent, etc)

IBM InternalMore 

IBM Supplier

About this Document

This document is designed to provide you with convenient, step-by-step guidance to the most common procedures that users complete in the IBM SCPM Solution.
Panel 3

A. Verifying how many forecasts were sent and how many commitments were received for B2B suppliers

If a 4A4 Sent or 4A5 Received fails, you will get an email alert telling you of the failure.
  1. In the Navigation tree, click [+] Issues to expand the menu tree
  2. Click the Problems Filter link to access the Problem Summary page
To customize the search for a specific Manufacturing Line:
2-1.Click the Filter icon to access the filter page
2-2.Check the boxes of the items you wish to select
2-3.Click the Add button to add to the Filter Builder
2-4.To the right of the next parameter down, click the [>] yellow icon and repeat Steps 2-2 and 2-3
2-5.When the Filter Builder is complete, click the Next button to begin the filtering
  1. Click the Item Collaboration Problems name (e.g. “Forecast Sent-No Response”, “Order Book Sent” or “Commit Received”, etc.) to view the Problem Detail page for that problem
To customize the display list, including setting the sort order:
3-1.Click the Configure icon to access the Table Configurator window
3-2.From the Available Columns list, click the desired item and click the [>] arrow icon to move the selected item to the Displayed Columns list
3-3.From the Displayed Columns list, click the desired item and click the [V] arrow icon to move the selected item to the Sort Order list
3-4.Use the Up and Down arrow buttons to the right of the Sort Order list to set the sort order
3-5.Click the Update button
  1. Check the boxes of the items you wish to review
  2. Click the Multi Collab button to view the MCV page

B. Getting Help from E2open

  • In the Header, click Help to access online information
  • Contact E2open Customer Support for:
oSCPM system says forecasts were sent but supplier has not received
oSCPM system does not reflect commitments sent by Supplier were received
  • Contacting E2open Customer Support:
Hours: 0800 –1800 local country time, Monday – Friday
Phone: 1-650-299-8111
Email: / Panel 4

C. Getting Help from IBM

  • Contact IBM Level 1 Help Desk for:
oProblems with RSC@, SCPM / DSI/B2B, or Light Integration applications
oThe RSC@, SCPM / DSI / B2B applications are not available to you
oYou did not receive PIPs or could not send PIPs
oYou can not send Light Integration files to E2open
oAll other errors including:
  1. Commitments do not match what was sent
  2. Any connection that is somehow unavailable to you and interfering with your processing for IBM
These are considered as Severity 1 problems. As such, you are required to contact the Global Procurement Application Support Center (GPASC) Level 1 Help Desk team to advise them of the problem and ensure that the right teams are working on resolving the situation.
  • Contacting GPASC (Global ProcurementApplicationSupportCenter)
Please call GPASC at the numbers below. You can follow up by sending an email, but a call is required to raise a severity 1, i.e. system down or otherwise unavailable. The GPASC team will collect all the pertinent information from you, create a problem ticket and contact the End-to-End team who will initiate problem analysis and resolution. The GPASC or the End-to-End team will be contacting you to further discuss the problem.
North America: (Provided from Bangalore, India)
Hours: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM Eastern time, Monday - Friday
Phone: 1-800-856-1626
Asia Pacific: (Provided from Shanghai, China)
Hours: 6:00 PM – 6:00 AM Eastern time, Sunday - Friday
Phone: 86-21-5057-4676
Europe / Middle East /Africa / Latin America: (Provided from Budapest, Hungary)
Hours: 6:00 AM – 8:00 AM Eastern time, Monday - Friday
Phone: 011-36-1-777-1717
oNote: The numbers provided here are 'temporary'. IBM is in the process of finalizing a more robust telephony solution and will provide new numbers (by country) at a later date.

Nov. 2004IBM Supplier{end}

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