Week #5March 22, 2015

Faith + Food + Fitness + Focus + Friends

40 Days to a Healthier Life

Friends:Encourage One Another: “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.”Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NLT) When it comes to getting healthy, two are always better than one. By enlisting the help of friends, we gain not only accountability & support and the joy of doing it together.

Thought from the Video & Discussion: Our social circles influence our health even more than our DNA. If our friends have healthy habits, the we probably will too.” - Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D.

Community spurs us to make changes that we really need.

Vision: “Choose one healthy behavior you will undertake. What do you hope will change, what freedom will you find, when you have lived that new behavior?”

Action Suggestions for the coming week:

  • Day 1: Find a Friend or Two. We are crucial to each others’ healing and success. Read about the power of social networks.*
  • Day 2: Share your Goals and Motivation with your Friends.*You will be able to offer specific support.
  • Day 3: Love yourself well; then you can love others.* When loving yourself, it is easier to make health-giving decisions.
  • Day 4: Make it real. Set a fitness date. Find a workout partner with similar interests. Think among your family and friends of someone with whom you could plan several fitness dates.
  • Day 5: Stages of Change* Support one another as you pass through the 5 steps required for change. Give each step the time and attention that it needs.
  • Day 6: Pause, Celebrate & Recalibrate.Check in with your friends. Celebrate your successes; notice your obstacles; re-commit to your goals; give thanks and continue your commitment to health together!

*Referenced resources may be downloaded from the Peace web site.