Erasmus Mundus

External Cooperation Window

Grant Application Form

Call for Proposals EACEA/35/08

Deadline for submission of applications: 13th March 2009

Name of applicant:
Window and Lot Number
EU Charter reference number


All personal data (such as names, addresses, CVs, etc.) mentioned in your application form will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18December2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data. Your replies to the questions in this form are necessary in order to assess your grant application and they will be processed solely for that purpose by the department responsible for the Community grant programme concerned.

Your replies to the questions in the application form are necessary in order to assess your grant application and they will be processed solely for that purpose by the department responsible for the Community grant programme concerned. On request, you may be sent personal data and correct or complete them. For any question relating to these data, please contact the Agency. Beneficiaries may lodge a complaint against the processing of their personal data with the European Data Protection Supervisor at any time.

Please read and complete this form with all due care, in accordance with the guidelines for applicants.

Administrative instructions

·  The application must be typewritten or word-processed using a computer, ("arial" font character size 11 pt minimum).

·  The ECW Guidelines for the Call EACEA 35/08 are published in five languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. To facilitate the selection process, applicants are invited to submit their application in English.

·  The original of the application must bear the original signature of the legal representative of the applicant institution and the original stamp of this institution (section F of the application).

·  The application must be accompanied by Partnership statements, Annex B, signed by the appropriate authorities of each institution participating in the project, confirming their agreement with the application as submitted.

·  Applications must be sent by post and e-mail by the closing date. The paper copy is authentic. Applications sent by e-mail only or sent by fax will not be accepted.

·  The signed original of the application and 2 copies thereof must be sent in the same envelope by 13th March 2009 (as per postmark) to:

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

Call for proposals "Erasmus Mundus - External Cooperation Window"

Unit P4

Avenue du Bourget 1 (BOUR 00/37)

B-1140 Brussels


Because of the tight timing for the assessment of applications, you are requested to send your application by express mail.

·  All applications will receive an acknowledgement of receipt.

·  The Agency plans to announce the award decision by May 2009 (this date is indicative).

·  Any questions relating to this proposal should be addressed to the address indicated above


A. Identification of the applicant and other organisation(s) participating in the project
Parts A must be filled in for each organisation participating in the project / C / Px EU/ Px TC/Assoc
Use the appropriate acronym:
Px EU (Eu Partners) / Px TC(Third-country Partner
Role in the application
Organisation's legal name: / Please provide the name in national characters
Please provide the name in latin characters if necesary
E.I. reference number, if applicable: / National ID number, if applicable:
Consortium Placement Certificate number, if applicable: / Erasmus University Charter, if applicable:
Department, if applicable:
Legal address:
Post Code: / City:
Region: / AustriaBelgiumDenmarkFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceIcelandIrelandItalyLuxembourgNetherlandsNorwayPortugalSwedenUnited KingdomSpain / Country: / AustriaBelgiumDenmarkFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceIcelandIrelandItalyLuxembourgNetherlandsNorwayPortugalSwedenUnited KingdomSpain
Web site: / http://
Telephone 1: / Telephone 2: / Fax:
National Agency:
(if applicable)
Surname: / Title / First name:
Address : (to fill in only if different from the address of the organisation)
To fill in only if different from the person authorised to legally commit the organisation
Name: / Title / Surname:
Telephone: / Fax:
Address : (to fill in only if different from the address of the organisation)
B. Other community funding (to be filled in by the applicant only)
Details of projects in which your organisation has participated with the financial support of any Community programmes in the last financial year.
Programme or Initiative / Identification/agreement number / Contracting organisation / Title of the project
Details of other applications submitted in this Call for proposals in which your organisation is involved.
Geographical Window / Lot number / Applicant organisation

C. Description of the Project


1.1 Title: (add country names) / Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window for……….
1.2 Geographical window /lots
Coverage in the third country(-ies) zone
(list of third-countries, regions and towns represented among the partnership and the associate organisations) / Country / regions / towns / Partners/
EU countries in the partnership
Others European countries in the partnership

Amount requested from the European Commission in Euro

(Use table in annex B to the call to calculate the grant amount requested)

Amount requested from the European Commission

Duration of the project Up to 24 months o From 25- 48 months o

You must count the duration of the entire project: this should start from 15th July2009 (if contract has been signed) to the time the last of the students carrying out the longest mobility will have finished.

Please note that the planned duration of a project may vary depending on the specific geographical window.

Under the South Mediterranean Region, Eastern Europe Region and Russia window (Guidelines, sect. 7.1) and

Middle East Region window (Guidelines, sect. 7.2) the planned duration of a project may not exceed 42 months.

Under the Western Balkans window (Guidelines, sect.7.4) the planned duration may not exceed 28 months. Under this window the deadline for the execution of all the activities is November 2011.

Thematic Fields covered by the individual mobility flows

Please state the list of thematic fields covered in accordance with the regional needs by using the subject area codes provided in the annex of this application form.

Number of Individual Mobility Activities foreseen

A. Per type of mobility

Please remember that at least 50% of the mobility flows must correspond to Target group I.[1]

Type of Mobility / Europeans / Third-Country nationals / TOTAL
Target Group 1 / Ctry code[2] / Target Group 1 / Target Group 2 / Target Group 3
Teaching staff

B. Per third-country concerned by the geographical lot

Please remember that at least 70% of the total mobility flows must correspond to Third country students.[3]

Third-Country name / Undergraduates / Masters / Doctorates / Post-doctorates / Teaching staff / TOTAL

D. Implementation of the project/Award Criteria

The Project description must answer the 4 sections below in a maximum of 15 pages (the font size cannot be smaller than Arial 11). Any Description not meeting those basic requirements will be rejected without appraisal.

D.1 Operational capacity and expertise

D.1.1 Describe the applicant and partners experience in the management of international cooperation projects of this size.

D.1.2 Justify the applicant and partners technical expertise and management capacity to implement the eligible activities (organisation of student and academic staff mobility, experience with higher education institutions in Third-countries, implementation of recognition mechanisms and the management capacity which includes staff, equipment and ability to handle the budget for the action).

D.2 Relevance of the proposal

D.2.1 Describe the relevance of the proposal to the objectives of the Call.

D.2.2 Justify how the expected results contribute to the objective of the Call.

D.2.3 Describe the relevance of the proposal to the particular needs and constraints of the target groups and country/countries and how clearly defined and strategically chosen are those involved (target groups, partners, associates).

D.2.4 Explain how the proposal respond to the thematic needs and to issues like equal opportunities, gender balance, social equity and brain-drain.

D.2.5 Describe the geographical coverage and spread of the partnership (both European and third-country institutions and associates).

D.3 Methodology to manage the partnership and implement of the mobility activities

D.3.1 Describe how a sound methodology capable of covering the different types of education and different target groups in combination with a solid internal management, including efficient internal communication within the consortium, will be created.

D.3.2 Describe the partners' level of involvement and participation in the action. In particular describe the distribution of the mobility activities among the partners, their involvement in the selection procedure for students and academic staff mobility and if there is a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding in place between the members.

D.3.3 Justify how the proposal fulfils requirements in terms of numbers and types of mobility activities and if the mobility flows is balanced among the partners. Explain if there is a clear and justified relation between the distribution of mobility, the thematic expertise of the partner institutions and the profile of the students / academic staff concerned.

D.3.4 Describe the mechanisms for students examination and study credits recognition and transfer. Specify if the ECTS (or other equivalent) mechanism will be used by all partners and if students will be provided with a Diploma Supplement.

D.3.5 Describe the internal academic quality control system foreseen by the project.

D.3.6 Illustrate how the partnership put in place/planned ongoing monitoring system/activities in order to ensure academic quality during the individual mobility.

D.3.7 Indicate the activities related to the visibility, awareness raising and promotion of the mobility scheme. Specify how the partnership will attract the appropriate number and profile of individual students and academic staff.

D.3.8 Illustrate the coherence in the overall strategy, the specific methodology and the criteria set to guarantee an impartial and transparent selection process based on merit and equal opportunities. Describe the common standards agreed by the partnership for joint application, selection, admission and exams procedures.

D.3.9 Justify how the cross-cutting requirements of equal opportunities, gender-balance and encouraging participation of disabled and economically disadvantaged people are integrated in the selection of the candidates.

D.3.10 Describe the practical arrangements for the reception of incoming students and scholars in the host institution, in particular the assistance for obtaining visa, administrative support, housing facilities, languages courses, support for visa/ residence permit.

D.4 Sustainability

D.4.1 Illustrate how the project is likely to be sustainable in the light of its impact on its target groups and at institutional level (including recognition of studies among partners, creation of international cooperation cells in third- countries).

D.4.2 Explain if the project is going to have a multiplier effects and if there is a plan for capitalisation of the project results and dissemination activities in Europe and third-countries. Illustrate if there is any communication strategy on this purpose.

D.4.3 Describe how the project will tackle the brain-drain prevention.

In addition to these award criteria, proposals submitted under lots 8, 9, 11, 12 or 14 which include specifically targeted provinces or a broader geographical coverage than the minimal partnership composition, will receive 5 points in addition to their overall score (see specific rule under the relevant lot sections in the Guidelines for the Call for Proposals).


E. Timetable for the implementation of the project activities /
Please fill in the following table by indicating the principle activities (milestones) linked to the organisation of the mobility and its implementation (i.e. foreseen coordination meetings, start of selection of candidates, foreseen start of the mobility) /
Project start date / Project end date /
N° / Activity
(brief description) / Timing
/ Location (if applicable) /

Please add further rows as necessary


F. Declaration on honour

To be completed by the person legally authorised to sign on behalf of the applicant organisation

I, the undersigned, hereby request a grant for this project from the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of EUR ………… for the costs covered by this grant application.
I, the undersigned, certify that all information contained in this application, including the description of the project, is correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am aware of the content of the annexes to the application form.
I confirm that my institution/organisation has the financial and operational capacity to complete the proposed project.
I take note that under the provisions of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, grants[4]may not be awarded to applicants who are in any of the following situations:
a)   are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;
b)   have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;
c)   have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify;
d)   have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;
e)   have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities' financial interests;
f)   following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget, have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations;
g)   in their grant application, are subject to a conflict of interest;
h)   in their grant application, are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the contracting authority as a condition of participation in the grant award procedure, or fail to supply this information.
I confirm that neither I nor the institution for which I am acting as legal representative are in any of the situations described above, and that I am aware that the penalties set out in the Financial Regulation may be applied in the case of a false declaration.
In the event that my grant application is successful, I authorise the Commission / the Agency to publish on its website or in any other appropriate medium:
·  the name and address of the beneficiary of the grant; for networks, the name and address of the members;
·  the subject of the grant;
·  the amount awarded and the rate of funding of the costs of the approved project.
By signing this application form, I accept all the conditions set out in the Guidelines for grant applicants responding to the Call for Proposals –EACEA35/08 and its annexes.
Done at: Date / (day/month/year)
Signature: Stamp of the applicant organisation /
Name and position in capitals: