Instructions for Submission of a Progress Report to NIH using eCommons
1. Login to eCommons (
2. Select eSNAP Access Tab
3. Manage eSNAP screen appears
4. All PI awards appear
5. If an award is eligible for eSNAP, its title will appear as a hyperlink. Select this hyperlink
NOTE: If not eligible, PI must complete Progress Report using the PHS 398 forms available on the NIH website located at this address:
These forms should not be completed and uploaded to eCommons. They must be faxed.
6. From the eSNAP menu, select “Initiate” at the bottom of the screen.
7. Select the “Edit Business” tab.
8. Complete the Organization Information screen.
Verify any pre-populated information.
Enter your percentage of effort
Select as Administrative Official: Douglas Leavell
Select as Signing Official: Sheila Lischwe, Johnny Kidd, or Scott Parkinson
Select “Save” and “Designate as Complete”
9. Select Performance Sites Tab
Verify/edit information.
When finished, select “Designate as Complete”
10. Select Key Personnel Access Tab
Add New, Verify, or Delete any personnel as necessary
Do not include anyone originally listed as an Other Significant Contributor unless their role has changed and they did have measurable effort on the project.
Save, then “Designate as Complete”
11. Select Research Subject Access Tab
Answer ALL questions
Select “Save” then “Designate as Complete”
12. Select SNAP Questions and Checklist
(Answer these questions pertaining to Key Personnel and Budget, Inventions and Patents, Program Income, and Facilities/Administrative.
Click “Save” and “Designate as Complete”
13. Select Inclusion Enrollment Tab
Select they hyperlink for the correct study to report on
Complete the enrollment form
Select “Save and Designate as Complete”
14. Access Upload Science Tab
Upload your narrative progress report, research accomplishment, and/or other relevant and allowable file. These should be in PDF format.
Publication Information Block – Enter the National Library of Medicine Accession # and complete citation text in the relevant fields for publications that do not appear in the Publication List below. These should be publications that are related to this project. This action will add the publication citation to the Publication List, and to your eCommons Profile.
To associate publications appearing in the Publication List with the current project, select the relevant check box.
Select “Save”, then “Designate as Complete”.
15. Your Progress Report is now complete.
16. To view the Progress Report, select “View eSNAP” Report.
17. If no corrections or revisions are necessary, save the PDF file to your computer.
18. Select the “Route” button and pick Sheila Lischwe, Johnny Kidd, or Scott Parkinson as the SO, enabling the Office of Research Services to electronically submit the Progress Report to NIH, once all institutional approvals have been secured.
Select “I Agree”; Select “Submit”.