Monday Morning News 10/7/13

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Attendance and Check-In

If your child is ill or will not be in school for some reason, please let us know by calling the school’s attendance line, (405) 715-9851. If you bring your child to school late, please come into the office and check them in. We now have our security check-in computer. It is like those found in the elementary schools. If you plan to visit our school, volunteer, or meet with a teacher or staff member you are asked to check in there and receive a printed badge. Thank you for your cooperation.
BOXTOPS ARE DUE by October 29th!!!
DCIS Students and Parents:
Clip & Save your BoxTops and Turn them in!! We are having a battle between the homerooms in 5th and 6th grade! The 5th grade homeroom and the 6th grade homeroom with the most BoxTops turned in will win a cupcake party! Turn in any and all Boxtops you have in a bag or envelope to the DCIS office with the following information: Monica Seibel 405.503.0297
Homeroom Teacher:
OU or OSU:
Also, for every 25 box tops you send in, you will be entered in a Bedlam drawing to win a FREE OU or OSU Spirit Pack! We will draw one OSU winner and one OU winner!!!
From now until October 9th our school is participating in a program we call ZAP (Zeros Aren’t Permitted). Our goal is that all students are able to get all their work in and there are no zeros recorded in the gradebook. Those students with all their work in at the end of the school day October 9th, no exceptions, will have the opportunity to visit and buy a snowcone of their choosing from the Kona Ice Truck that will be visiting our school on Friday, October 11th. Please help your child to remain current on all his/her work and to turn it in on time so we can celebrate together.
Parent Contact
If the phone number you have given to us as your contact number is not a local number, we request that you contact the office with a non-long distance number that we can use to reach you. If you do not have such a number, please make sure the office has an email that we can reach you with. Our current phone system charges for long distance calls and it’s important that we have local numbers to use when needing to contact parents.


There will be a PTO meeting today in our Media Center. Please plan on attending and help support this important group and our school.
Deer Creek School District Specialty License Plate
Superintendent Ranet Tippens is pleased to announce the availability of a Deer Creek Public Schools specialty license plate. Beginning this Friday, September 20, 2013, patrons and supporters of the district will be able to pre-order their own Deer Creek plate through the Oklahoma Tax Commission.
The plate was designed with the traditional Deer Creek Antler logo in the center. The primary colors of Deer Creek blue and white will be easy to recognize and appreciate. The cost for each plate is $35.00 with a $3.00 mailing fee.
Not only will the purchase of the plate show your support to Deer Creek Public Schools and its athletics teams/groups, it will also make a difference in the quality of education in the district.
With its designation as a fundraising plate, $20.00 from each plate purchased will be returned to the Deer Creek Schools Foundation for use in improving the quality of education and technology for all students in the district.
The pre-order will begin Friday, September 20, 2013, and will run through Friday, November 1, 2013. For the State to begin printing plates, a minimum of 100 pre-paid applications are required by November 1. Because of the importance of the pre-order, the district and the Foundation will be collecting all completed applications and delivering them to the State by the deadline. After the November 1, 2013, deadline has been met, all applications can be mailed directly to the State Tax Commission per application instructions.
Information on the plate and applications will be available at 9 locations throughout the district. Each school campus office and the District’s administration building will have information stands and collection boxes for completed applications. Information on the plate and applications can also be found by visiting
Individuals who submit an application before the November 1, 2013, deadline can expect to receive their plate(s) around Thanksgiving.
Founded in 1980, the Deer Creek Schools Foundation is a 501(c) 3 non-profit with funds professionally managed by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation. Since the year 2000, the Foundation has provided over $1,000,000 in grants, scholarships and awards to students and educators in the district.
For more information on the Deer Creek Schools Foundation, please visit
To learn more about the Deer Creek specialty license plate, please contact:
Brian Harvey, President
Deer Creek Schools Foundation
20701 N MacArthur Boulevard
Edmond, OK 73012
Cell: (405) 397-3823

(Attached are images of the tag)

Parent/Teacher Conferences

We will hold our Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences on the evenings of October 14th and 15th from 3-6 pm. If you are interested in having a conference with any or all of your child’s teachers, please contact one of those teachers. Please remember that your child has many teachers and in order to talk to all of them you may need to have a group conference. If you want to visit with only one teacher you may do that as well. If an email or phone call would suffice, let the teacher (s) know as well.

Idiom Day and Mad Scientist Day
Since our school does not have Halloween parties, our teachers provide the students with a chance to still dress in costumes and enjoy the holiday festivities. Our 5th graders will be having Mad Scientist Day on November 1st. This is where they dress as Mad Scientists and do special activities in class. Please look for more information from your child’s teachers. The 6th graders will be participating in Idiom Day on October 31st. This is where the students can dress in a way to demonstrate and represent an idiom of their choosing. More information on this and other seasonal activities will be coming your way soon.
Are you a 5th or 6th grade student interested in sharing your faith with others? How about meeting exciting guest speakers who will inspire you to greatness? Are you ready for a good time??
Mrs. Kidd and Mrs. Coshow are excited to share the FCA Ministry with you!
Meet You at the Pole! The next FCA meeting will be October 10th at 7:00 am. Future Meetings are October 24th and October 31st.
Follow us on Facebook @ DCIS FCA or twitter @ dcISfca!
FCA t-shirt orders due October 16th / Late Start
Late Start is this Wednesday, October 9th. School will begin one (1) hour later than usual and end at the regular time. Lunch time for our students will be adjusted to the day. 6th grade lunch will be at 10:50-11:30 and 5th grade lunch will be from 11:30-12:10

Lunch with Students
We strongly encourage and welcome you to come and have lunch with your child. We have special areas in the cafeteria where you can join your child. You may bring lunch for your child and yourself, but we cannot allow you to bring food to the other students. While it is wonderful to share this time with the kids, it can be very hurtful to those who are not included or invited to eat with you. In addition we have several students with food allergies. Please help us by abiding by this request.

Chess Club

We are looking for volunteers to help us with starting up a Chess Club for our students during lunch/recess time. We are hoping to have it available for one to three days a week, depending on interest and availability of volunteers. We currently have 45-50 sixth grade students interested and approximately 75 fifth grade students wanting to participate. Our goal is start sometime in September. If you play or know how to play chess please consider helping us out. Contact Mrs. Verble, Assistant Principal for more information.
Elizabeth Lloreda 10/8
Emily Rosenberg 10/8
Tanner Little 10/8
Adrienne Harrold 10/9
Adelaide Mcgraw 10/9
Karen Philip 10/9
William Bailey 10/9
Brianna Moser 10/10
Carlos Martinez 10/10
Madeleine Prevo 10/12
Sydney Ricker 10/13

Parent Portal
If you are having difficulty accessing your child’s information on the Parent Portal, Please go to the District’s main page and under Parents you will find the directions for setting up your account. If you are still having trouble, please call our office and one of our secretaries will help you.

Cell Phones
Please remember that we ask all students that bring cell phones to school to please turn them off while at school. Making phone calls or texting without permission may result in having them taken away and a parent retrieving them from the office. If this happens too often, a student may not be allowed to bring the phone to school at all. Please help us to use our electronics wisely and appropriately.

DCIS Intramurals
The second quarter intramurals will start on the 22nd. If you haven’t signed up, please have your child see Mr. Winkle. The days will still be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45 to 3:45. .

DCIS Antler Wear

Our Antler Wear Store will be open on the first Friday of each month during lunch hours. Please stop by or send money with your student to purchase some of the greatest fashions in Deer Creek wear.

Red Ribbon Week
Our school will be observing Red Ribbon Week during the week of October 28th. Each day will have a special designation and we will share that with you in the coming weeks.

Coming Up!

October 9th, 23rd, and 30th – Late Start

October 10th - Tornado Drill

October 14th and 15th – Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 16th-18th - Fall Break

October 24th - 6th Grade Art Trip to the Zoo

October 25th – Honor Assembly

Deer Creek Intermediate School
21175 North MacArthur, Edmond, OK 73012 | Phone: 405-715-9850

Marshall Ottinger


Deer Creek Intermediate School