Type of communication / Email
Target audience / Small Business Owners, whether sole traders or small partnerships
Length / Approx 180 words before disclaimer and signatory block
Salutation / Tailor to circumstances eg. Dear [first name] or Hi [first name] or Dear Mr/Mrs/Dr [surname]
Subject Line / Who’s looking after you?
Main body of email/letter / As a business owner you are dedicated to looking after your customers. But who is looking after you?
What would the financial impact be if you – or a business partner– were unable to work due to illness or injury?
Would you lose customers? Could you still pay your staff? Could you still draw a wage to provide for your own lifestyle and that of your family?
The financial consequences could be devastating for you, your family, and your business.
I have helped a variety of business owners put protection plans in place which can:
  • replace up to 75% of income lost due to disablement; and
  • payfixed business costs such as rent, leasing and salaries.
In most cases the cost is tax deductible.
You’ve worked hard to build a business and a future for your loved ones, don’t jeopardise it.
To arrange an obligation free appointment, call me on [insert contact number, preferably direct line or mobile] or email me at [email address]. You can also find out more details about me and my practice at [your website url].
Signature block / Kind regards,
[your name]
[AFSL/Authorised representative number]
Footnote / To unsubscribe from receiving further emails, please reply to this email and put ‘UNSUBSCRIBE’ in the email subject line.
Suggested Disclaimer / This material is not intended to constitute personal advice and must not be relied upon as such. This material is of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the appropriateness of this material having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs and consider obtaining independent advice from a licensed financial adviser.
Suitable images / Some email firewalls won’t display images or won’t even let emails with images through, so it is best to send emails as plain text. This has the added advantage that the email looks less like a promotional message.

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