Cherry Lake

Senior Drivers Expo

A driver refresh course is taking place on Saturday 14 March at Council’s Office, 115 Civic Parade, Altona.If you want a free and confidential driving assessment on a closed circuit, or a roadworthy check on your car, this is your chance. Topics include road laws, and the impacts of both health and medicines on driving. The course begins at 9.30am and finishes at 2.30pm. With places limited, bookings are essential so call 9315 9464 to reserve your place.

Sustainable February

With the sixteenth Sustainable Living Festival beginning statewide on 7 February, we’re joining in with a dedicated program of sustainability focused events. Altona Library will host a Save Energy, Save Money interactive workshop on Wednesday 11 February. The free event begins at 6.30pm and will show you how to save money by reducing your daily energy consumption. If you can’t make it, you can always take advantage of our free energy advice line on 9385 8555. If you’re looking for something to do on Valentine’s Day why not spend it with something you love most? The Bunches of Lunches workshop, showing you how to make a week’s worth of healthy food lunches, takes place at Altona P-9 College from 11am.


Lighting the West

We are partnering with Wyndham, Moonee Valley, and Maribyrnong City councils for the Lighting the West project, part-funded by the Australian government. Over 1400 street lights across Altona, Seaholme, Altona North and Altona East will be upgraded by March this year to compact fluorescent lights, saving money and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A further 2500 lights will be upgraded in the 2015-16 financial year. Remember it’s Sustainable February this month, to coincide with the Melbourne-wide Sustainable Living Festival, and a number of talks and workshops are being held across the city. Check Council’s website for more details.

Citizens of the Year

Lastly, congratulations are due to two Altona North residents: Geoff Mitchelmore and Hue Man Dang for receiving the Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year, respectively. Geoff and Hue Man were presented with their awards as part of the Citizenship Breakfast at Williamstown Town Hall on Australia Day.

The Strand

Vernon Street Shopping Strip improvements

The Vernon Street shopping precinct between Brunel and Aloha Streets is getting a makeover. So far sections of paving have been removed to make way for the new concrete kerbing, feature paving, and garden beds. There’ll also be a number of Chinese elms (Ulmusparvifolia) planted on the shopping side of the street, and ornamental plums (Prunus x blireana) on the residential side. Council officers have met with local residents and traders throughout the early stages of the works to discuss some concerns about access to driveways and for delivery vehicles. Subsequent amendments have been made to the design to improve access to the satisfaction of traders and residents. All things going to plan, resurfacing of the road will follow and the full upgrade will be complete by the end of April.

Jack Madigan Reserve

Fast forward to the second half of this year and Jack Madigan Reserve, Newport will be unrecognisable from its current appearance. Works will begin in May and finish, all things going to plan, by the end of June. The concept plan, currently out for feedback, uses recycled materials, native plantings, rock walls and terracing to create a distinctive open space. Improvements also include street tree plantings, shade trees, seating and meeting spaces, circulation paths, and nature play opportunities.To view the plans or to provide feedback by 11 February go to

Station Road truck ban

Alterations to the roundabout at the corner of Melbourne Road and Ferguson Street are scheduled to begin on 16 February. The work will take place in two phases. In phase one, the roundabout will be tapered to allow larger trucks to negotiate the turn. This alteration will help to manage any increased truck traffic resulting from enforcement of the Station Road truck ban. Topsoil will be laid at the end of this stage in readiness for phase two, the planting of an Edwardian inspired, contemporary succulent garden.


Railway Avenue revitalisation

Do you know how many trees there are in Hobsons Bay? Over 90,000, and this increases every year thanks to our no net-loss policy. Railway Avenue, Laverton is a case in point. Here, we’re proposing to revitalise the busy precinct from High Street to Grace Street with extensive planting of new street trees on both sides.Improvements to this strip will also include a full upgrade of the pedestrian area of the shopping strip near Donald Street with new paving, furniture, trees and garden bed planting, expected to begin in June.To see the concept plans or to provide feedback by 11 February, go to

Altona Meadows Junior Skate Park

Things are‘ramping up’for the proposed junior skate park at H D Graham Reserve in Altona Meadows. The concept design is currently up on Council’s website under the ‘Major Projects’ section, and construction is expected to begin in April 2015.The junior skate park will sit next to its more senior counterpart and will provide a safe and fun environment for young children and beginners to learn and engage in skating, scooting, and cycling.If you want to find out more, come to an information session at the Altona Meadows Skate Park on Thursday 5 February from 4pm to 6pm. Council’s Skate Development Officer will be available to answer your questions about the project. He will also be handing out skating tips so grab your board and come down.

Summer Sounds

Don’t forget, February’s not just the month of love, it’s the month of loving music. Summer Sounds is back starting this Saturday 7 February with the highly regarded Kylie Auldist at Logan Reserve on Altona, and with a bonus treat on this year’s program: a relaxed afternoon concert on Sunday 15 Februaryat Trafalgar Park (Altona Meadows Community Park). As with all Summer Sounds events it starts at 2pm and you’re encouraged to bring a rug, picnic, deckchair, hat and sunscreen. More details are available on Council’s website.

Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra

The Chinese New Year is soon upon us and we’ll be celebrating at Altona Meadows Library and Learning Centre on Monday 9 February. The number two is traditionally seen as a lucky number for those born in the Year of the Goat. It’s therefore fitting that activities begin at 2pm with the afternoon’s highlight being theChao Feng Chinese Orchestra, Australia’s largest Chinese orchestra. There will also be a number of new Chinese library items booked in especially for the occasion, including books, magazines and CDs. Sowhy not stay for afternoon tea?Bookings: or phone 1300 HOB LIB.

Brooklyn Dog Park

Who let the dogs out? Well, we have – or at least we will be later this year, but in a designated, fenced off leash dog park in Brooklyn. The park will run alongside the Federation Trail in the section opposite D.N. Duane Reserve. We’re currently in the design stage and the concept plan will be available for viewing shortly on Council’s website. A drop-in session will also be held in mid-February to hear your feedback, the time and date to follow shortly. The park will soon feature distinct zones with seating and landscaping, each one designed to encourage a range of activities for dogs of all ages and breeds. Keep checking the Council’s website for updates -