Windows Movie Maker

Presentation by: Ms. Tina Conway and Ms. Xaras Collins-Brown, WSSD

**Disclaimer- Images from Windows Vista (XP screen may vary)**

Step 1- Import pictures/video

-  Save the files to your computer

o  Video from camera, pictures from camera, internet, etc.

o  Helpful site:

-  Click “import media” and select the desired content

-  Moviemaker will create a “collection” of the media that you want to use

Click here à “Import Media”

Step 2- Create your storyboard

-  Moviemaker is automatically set to storyboard option

-  From the collection, drag and drop the pictures/video into the storyboard

-  You can re-arrange content by clicking and dragging

“Storyboard” à

Step 3- Add video effects

-  On the tasks menu, select video effects

-  Drag and drop the desired effect onto the content

-  You can choose multiple effects

-  You can also preview effects in the video screen to the right hand side

Click hereà


-  Drag and drop onto picture

Step 4- Add transitions

-  From the tasks menu, select video transitions

-  Drag and drop into the transitions space on the storyboard

Click here à


-  Drag and drop into spaces between the pictures

Step 5- Add credits and titles

-  From the tasks menu select the “Titles and Credits” option

o  Titles automatically save to the beginning, credits at the end

o  You can edit the text (color, size, style, etc)

-  Type in your content and save to presentation

-  You can also add title in between slides for added text

Step 6- Add music

-  Save file to your computer

-  Click on “import media”

-  Drag and drop into presentation

o  You can shorten the music clip

o  Import multiple music clips

Music bar à

Step 7- Editing Options:

-  You must manually:

o  Shorten or lengthen any picture or audio clips, including narration

§  Length of clip can be altered using the “click and drag” method

-  Add additional text slides between pictures

Step 8- Finalize your presentation

-  Click on “finish movie”

o  In order for all media pieces to be integrated, you must finalize

-  Save to desired location

o  DVD, CD, USB, Computer, etc

Choose one of these options à

Introduction to Windows Movie Maker

Presented by: Ms. Tina Conway, CFF Teacher for Wallingford-Swarthmore School District

Ms. Xaras Collins-Brown, CFF Coach for Wallingford-Swarthmore School District


-  To introduce Windows Movie Maker as an alternative format for student presentations.


-  In today’s ever more technological world, digital storytelling has become a way in which to fuse content material with computer skills for a 21st century approach to student presentations.

-  Students today are in a continuous state of visual and auditory stimulation. Digital storytelling allows students to present material in a format that is more visually appealing and more engaging for the learner.

Student Skills to be Fostered (As presented by the NETS):

-  Creativity and Innovation- Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.

-  Communication and Collaboration- Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers using a variety of digital media.

-  Research and Information Fluency- Ethically conduct research, evaluate and select information and digital tools based on appropriateness to task.

-  Technology Operations and Concepts- Select applications effectively and appropriately, understand and use technology systems.

-  Digital Citizenship- Legal and safe use of information and technology.

Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making- Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.