MnDOT Contract No. 00384

Exhibit A

Scope of Work and Deliverables

As referred to herein, MnDOT refers to the State of Minnesota’s Department of Transportation. The Project refers to the Maryland Avenue Bridge Design-Build Project, S.P. 6280-353. The Contractor refers to the Contractor providing design and constructionengineering services described hereinafter. DBC refers to the Design-Build Contractor responsible for the design and construction of the Project.

Article 1Project Background

MnDOT has scheduled a design-build project primarily located at theI-35Eand Maryland Avenue interchange inSaint Paul. Included is the design and construction of a new bridge to replace the existing bridge over I-35E. The superstructure of the new bridge will be constructed in a staging area and moved to its final constructed location using Self-Propelled Modular Transporters (SPMT). Work under this contract involves design and construction engineering services for this bridge identified as Bridge No. 62626.

MnDOT anticipates that the DBC will not be co-located with MnDOT and that they will have staff working remotely. For these reasons, MnDOT has required the DBC to provide a SMART Board at the Mendota Heights project office and at the office(s) of their designer and Bridge Design SPMT Engineer. More information can be found in Book 2 Section 2 of the Project’s Request For Proposals.

The Contractor will serve as an extension of MnDOT’s staff by performing bridge design and construction engineering services forBridge No. 62626. All work will be in accordance with theContract Documents and Design Documents for the Project. The Contractor will provide personnel for engineering support as needed. MnDOT anticipates that the majority of the Contractor’s work can be performed remotely. Tasks where the Contractor is required to be at the Project site are identified in this scope of work.

Article 2Contract Administration

MnDOT will provide a Project Manager to give direction to the Contractor’s activities. It will be the responsibility of MnDOT’s Project Manager to receive the work produced by the Contractor, review the work for compliance with contract requirements, and to recommend payment for such work.

The Contractor’s Project Manager will conduct the administration of the project, which will include communication with MnDOT, invoicing, supplemental agreements, cost and schedule updates, billing preparation, and other non-technical work.

No changes in the Contractor’s project management personnel will be made without written notice to MnDOT. MnDOT will notify the Contractor if there are changes to MnDOT’s project management personnel.

Article 3Contractor Personnel Positions

The following is a detailed listing of the minimum, required personnel positions to be provided by the Contractor to assist MnDOT with design and construction engineering services for Bridge No. 62626. No more than two individuals may perform the duties of each personnel position provided they collectively satisfy the minimum qualifications for the position except that each person must satisfy all licensure requirements. MnDOT’s Project Manager may direct the Contractor to change, reduce, and/or add staff at any time during the Project.

All Contractor personnel must be familiar with the standard design and construction practices of MnDOT and the Contract Documents prior to beginning services under this contract.

3.1SPMT Engineer

An individual licensed to practice engineering within the State of Minnesota now or within 1 month from contract award and experienced in the design and construction of highway bridgesmoved with SPMT equipment (a minimum of two bridges moved with SPMT equipment). Must have a minimum of fiveyears experience designing prestressed concrete beam bridges.Must have experience designing bridges as part of a design-build team or assisting an owner with design verification on a design-build transportation project.Must be on-site for the final pre-move walk through and during all bridge lifting and moving operations.May also need to be on-site periodically for Project support. Responsible for performing the duties outlined in Article 4.

Article 4Summary of Tasks

The following is a detailed listing of tasks to be performed by the Contractor to assist MnDOT with bridge design and construction engineering services for Bridge No. 62626. All issues identified by the Contractor will be immediately brought to MnDOT’s attention with a recommended course of action.

4.1Design Oversight(Activity Code 5912)

The Contractor will assist MnDOT by providing design oversight forBridge No. 62626 to verify conformance to the Contract Documents. Design oversight will be limited to elements affected by moving Bridge No. 62626 with SPMT equipment including but not limited to girders, deck, and barriers. This includes but is not limited to the following:

  1. Participate in the Project kick-off meeting, task force meetings, and design workshops held by the DBC.
  1. Perform over-the-shoulder reviews as requested by MnDOT and provide comments.
  1. Review Released for Construction Document submittals and the Superstructure Monitoring Working Drawings, and provide comments using MnDOT’s Document Management system, TRACS. Reviews are to be completed in accordance with the review timeline requirements of the Projects Contract Documents. Reasonable efforts are to be made to substantially reduce the review timeline while providing a complete review.
  1. Participate in comment resolution meetings as requested by either the DBC or MnDOT.
  1. Review any Notice of Design Change and provide comments.

4.2Construction Oversight(Activity Code 5917)

The Contractor will assist MnDOT by providing construction oversight forBridge No. 62626 to verify conformance to the Contract Documents. Construction oversight will be limited to aspects of the Project affected by moving Bridge No. 62626 with SPMT equipment including but not limited to the Bridge Staging Area, temporary supports, Travel Path, SPMT lifting system, and SPMT management plans. This includes but is not limited to the following:

  1. Review SPMT Working Drawings and management plans, and provide comments using MnDOT’s Document Management system, TRACS. Reviews are to be completed in accordance with the review timeline requirements of the Projects Contract Documents. Reasonable efforts are to be made to substantially reduce the review timeline while providing a complete review.
  1. Participate in comment resolution meetings as requested by either the DBC or MnDOT.
  1. Participate in each pre-move walk through held by the DBC.
  1. Perform construction inspection of all bridge lifting and moving operations.
  1. Provide a digital photograph recordof all bridge lifting and moving operations documenting the step by step process of the bridge move and any problems encountered.
  1. Review Field Design Change requests and provide comments.

4.3SPMT Training(Activity Code 0601)

The Contractor willprovide cross-training to MnDOT staff in SPMT design and construction. The objective of the training is to transfer knowledge to MnDOT such that MnDOT can execute a future bridge move without consultant assistance. Training may be conducted while performing design and construction oversight duties, in separate meetings or conference calls, or combination thereof. The main audience for the training will be MnDOT’s Project level employees, however up to an additional six MnDOT employees may also participate.

Article 5Deliverables

The following is a detailed listing of deliverables to be provided by the Contractor.

5.1Design Oversight

  1. Participation in Project kick-off meeting, task force meetings, and design workshops
  2. Over-the-shoulder reviews and comments
  3. Released for Construction Document submittal reviews and comments
  4. Participation in comment resolution meetings
  5. Notice of Design Change reviews and comments
  6. Timely response to questions

5.2Construction Oversight

  1. Working Drawing and management plan review and comments
  2. Participation in each pre-move walk through
  3. Construction inspection for bridge lifting and moving operations
  4. Documentation (portable document format) of the bridge move with annotated photographs
  5. Digital photographs
  6. Field Design Change reviews and comments
  7. Timely response to questions

5.3SPMT Training

  1. SPMT training to MnDOT staff

Article 6Items Furnished by MnDOT

6.1Project Documents

One hard copyand one CD of the Contract Documents for the Project.

6.2Office Space

MnDOT will be administering the Project from their Mendota Heights project office located at 2229 Pilot Knob Road, Mendota Heights, MN 55120. MnDOT does not expect the Contractor to be co-located, however office space at the project office will be available for the Contractor if desired. The office space and/or project office will be equipped with utilities including (heating, air conditioning, power, internet access, cold and hot water, sewer, etc.), parking spaces, office furniture consisting of a desk and chair, and office equipment inclusive of a SMART Board, copy machines, fax machines, and general office supplies.

6.3TRACS Access

Login ID’s and passwords will be provided to access TRACS via an internet connection.

6.4Working Drawings and Management Plans

MnDOT will receive, log, and track all Working Drawingsand Management Plans related to the Project. MnDOT will make copies of these documents available to the Contractor for review, comment, and distribution. Documents will be delivered either by e-mail or available through TRACS.

Article 7Items Furnished by the Contractor


All Contractor equipment and software purchased and billed to the Project will become MnDOT’s property at the conclusion of this contract. All purchases must receive prior authorization from MnDOT’s Project Manager.

  1. Safety equipment for the Contractor’s staff.
  1. Appropriate vehicles, including their fuel and maintenance, to be used by the Contractor’s staff. The vehicles will be identified on both sides with the company name, and will be equipped with a flashing amber beacon light.
  1. Computer equipment and software necessary for the Contractor’s staff.

Article 8Communication

The Contractor is not to have direct communications with the DBC without the knowledge and consent of MnDOT. The Contractor is not to provide direction to the DBC in any form. All recommendations, suggestions, and opinions will be conveyed to the DBC through MnDOT.

