Course Development Plan

A guide to using CSU, Chico’s Rubric for Online Instruction as a foundation for online course design and development.

Course Name:
Moodle ID:
Short Description:

“Course Need”

What is the problem or opportunity that exists in the world that would drive individuals to be interested taking this course?
Assigned To: / Linked To:
Deadline: / Moodle ID:

Course Description

Insert the official catalog description of this course.
Assigned To: / Linked To:
Deadline: / Moodle ID:

Overall Course Goal

A broad statement that describes the intended direction toward which you hope learners will move. It explains how the course will satisfy the intended business need.
CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:
Category 3: Instructional Design & Delivery
  • Course goals are clearly defined and aligned to learning objectives.

Assigned To: / Linked To:
Deadline: / Moodle ID:

Hybrid Course Model: Initial Plans for Online/Face-to Face Integration

If you are planning a hybrid course, use this space to brainstorm the relationship between the face-to-face class time and online activities. Which activities will be done in class and which will be online? How will the two be integrated or supportive of one another?
CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:
Category 1: Learner Support & Resources
  • Provide extensive information about being an online learner and links to campus resources.
Category 2: Online Organization & Design
  • Clearly delineates the role the online environment will play in the total course.

Assigned To: / Linked To:
Deadline: / Moodle ID:

Instructions & Getting Around

Provide an overview of how the course is organized, where to find information, how to access information, what it’s like to be an online student, etc.
CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:
Category 1: Learner Support & Resources
  • Provide extensive information about being an online learner and links to campus resources.
  • Course provides a variety of course-specific resources, contact information for instructor, department and program.

Assigned To: / Linked To:
Deadline: / Moodle ID:

Course Content Planning – Primary Topics/Skills

List the major topics/skills that should be taught in the course. Enter the approximate time necessary to teach each topic and importance of the topic (high, medium, low). Sequence the topics in the order they should be presented.

Major Course Topic/Skills / Time / Importance
(H/M/L) / Sequence
Assigned To:

Course Content Planning – Subtopics/Skills

For each of the major course topics/skills you identified on the previous page, brainstorm the sub-topics that should be presented in order to adequately cover each topic/skill.

Major Course Topic/Skills / Sub-Topics
Assigned To:

Learning Objectives / Student Learning Outcomes

Learning objectives clearly indicate what the learner is expected to do as a result of the instruction they receive. The learning objectives will serve as a guide to the course developer and also to the students completing the course.

Two types of objectives will be created:

Terminal objectives / Course Objectives

  • “Big picture” or overall objectives that can be derived from or related to course topics. These serve as overall expectations for the course.

Enabling Objectives / Module or Unit Objectives

Similar to sub-topics, enabling objectives are the objectives that must be met in order to meet terminal objectives. Identify enabling objectives by breaking up each terminal objective into smaller parts or steps.

Learning Objective Planning – Terminal Objectives

Write appropriate terminal objectives for each major course topic/skill. Some topics/skills may include multiple objectives (or may be split up if needed)

CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:

Level 3: Instructional Design & Delivery

  • Course goals are clearly defined and aligned to learning objectives.
  • Learning objectives are identified and learning activities are clearly integrated.

Major Course Topic/Skills / Terminal Objective
Assigned To:

Learning Objective Planning – Enabling Objectives

Write appropriate terminal objectives for each major course topic/skill. Some topics/skills may include multiple objectives (or may be split up if needed)

CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:

Level 3: Instructional Design & Delivery

  • Course goals are clearly defined and aligned to learning objectives.
  • Learning objectives are identified and learning activities are clearly integrated.

Terminal Objective / Enabling Objectives

Assessment Planning

Criterion-referenced testing helps to ensure that learners have mastered the performance specified in the learning objectives.

CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:

Level 3: Instructional Design & Delivery

  • Learning objectives are identified and learning activities are clearly integrated.

Level 4: Assessment & Evaluation of Student Learning

  • Learning objectives, instructional and assessment activities are closely aligned.

Objective / Assessment Approach/Questions

Module Planning – Organizing Objectives

To keep a consistent, well organized, and logical structure to courses, we will use a modular approach. Objectives should be grouped into logical modules or “chunks” of information. Be careful not to include too many or too few objectives in each module. Ideally, modules should be able to be consumed in a reasonable amount of time and build upon one another.

CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:

Level 2: Online Organization & Design

  • Course is well organized and easy to navigate. Students can clearly understand all components and structure of the course.

Module Title / Included Objectives

Module Planning Guide

Duplicate the following module planning pages for all modules included in the course. Module 1 is provided as a template.Module One:

Module Name:
Moodle ID:
Short Description/Goal:

Module 1 Objectives

Copy/paste the objective(s) for this module below:
Assigned To: / Linked To:
Deadline: / Moodle ID:

Module 1 Overview

Begin each module with a clear overview of the topic, required reading, resources needed, activities, and assessment.
CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:
Category 2: Online Organization & Design
  • Course is well organized and easy to navigate. Students clearly understand all components and structure of the course.
Category 3: Instructional Design & Delivery
  • Learning objectives are identified and learning activities are clearly integrated.
  • Course provides multiple activities that help students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Assigned To: / Linked To:
Deadline: / Moodle ID:

Module 1 Introduction

An introduction helps to create a mind-set, focus and capture attention of the learners. It should also reference relevant background information and knowledge to motivate adult learners.
CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:
Category 3: Instructional Design & Delivery
  • Course provides multiple visual, textual, kinesthetic and/or auditory activities to
enhance student learning and accessibility.
Assigned To: / Linked To:
Deadline: / Moodle ID:

Module 1 Practice & Feedback

Based on the learning objectives identified for this module, brainstorm the opportunities for practice and feedback that should be provided for this module.
CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:
Category 3: Instructional Design & Delivery
  • Learning objectives are identified and learning activities are clearly integrated.
  • Course provides multiple activities that help students develop critical thinking and
problem-solving skills.
  • Course provides multiple visual, textual, kinesthetic and/or auditory activities to
enhance student learning and accessibility.
Category 4: Assessment & Evaluation of Student Learning
  • Course has multiple timely and appropriate activities to assess student readiness
for course content and mode of delivery.
  • Learning objectives, instructional and assessment activities are closely aligned.
  • Ongoing multiple assessment strategies are used to measure content knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
  • Regular feedback about student performance is provided in a timely manner
throughout the course.
  • Students’ self-assessments and peer feedback opportunities exist throughout the course.

Assigned To: / Linked To:
Deadline / Moodle ID:

Module 1 Teaching & Learning Activities

Based on the learning objectives identified for this module and the practice and feedback, identify the teaching/learning activities that are necessary to present the content in meaningful ways so that students can be successful in their practice and assessment activities.
CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:
Category 3: Instructional Design & Delivery
  • Learning objectives are identified and learning activities are clearly integrated.
  • Course provides multiple activities that help students develop critical thinking and
problem-solving skills.
  • Course provides multiple visual, textual, kinesthetic and/or auditory activities to
enhance student learning and accessibility.
Assigned To: / Linked To:
Deadline: / Moodle ID:
Accessibility issues/concerns with activities above?

Module 1 Student Interaction & Engagement

Based on the learning objectives and activities identified for this module, brainstorm the opportunities for interaction, communication, and engagement between students and the instructor.
CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:
Category 5: Innovative Teaching with Technology
  • Course uses a variety of technology tools to appropriately facilitate communication and learning.
  • New teaching methods are applied and innovatively enhance student learning, and interactively engage students.

Assigned To: / Linked To:
Deadline: / Moodle ID:

Page 12009 - Center for Regional & Continuing Education, CSU, Chico

E-mail Jon Knolle () with questions about using this guide.

Module 1 Media/Activity Check List

Duplicate rows as needed for multiple items

Item / Overview/Purpose / Approx. Length / Format / Deadline / Complete? / Accessible Issues?
Module Overview
Summary & Next Steps

Page 12009 - Center for Regional & Continuing Education, CSU, Chico

E-mail Jon Knolle () with questions about using this guide.

Module 1 Related/Recommended Resources

Include a list of any related documents, templates, trial programs, software downloads, etc. that should be provided for this module
CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:
Category 1: Learner Support & Resources
  • Course offers access to a wide range of resources supporting course content and different learning abilities.
Category 5: Innovative Teaching with Technology
  • A variety of multimedia elements and/or learning objects are used and are relevant to accommodate different learning styles throughout the course.

Resource Name / URL/File / Format / Page Ref. / Complete?
Assigned To:
Accessibility issues/concerns with resources above?

Page 12009 - Center for Regional & Continuing Education, CSU, Chico

E-mail Jon Knolle () with questions about using this guide.

Module 1 Glossary of Terms

List any glossary terms from Module 1 along with their definitions. Definitions can also include links to external sites for more information, elaboration if needed.
CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:
Category 3: Instructional Design & Delivery
  • Course provides multiple visual, textual, kinesthetic and/or auditory activities to
enhance student learning and accessibility.
Category 5: Innovative Teaching with Technology
  • Course uses a variety of technology tools to appropriately facilitate communication
and learning.
  • A variety of multimedia elements and/or learning objects are used and are relevant to accommodate different learning styles throughout the course.

Term / Definition
Assigned To:

Module 1 Frequently Asked Questions

List any FAQs from Module 1 along with their answers. Use this area to provide clarification on course mechanics, often confusing or difficult concepts, etc.
CSUC Rubric for Online Instruction:
Category 3: Instructional Design & Delivery
  • Course provides multiple visual, textual, kinesthetic and/or auditory activities to
enhance student learning and accessibility.
Category 5: Innovative Teaching with Technology
  • Course uses a variety of technology tools to appropriately facilitate communication
and learning.
  • A variety of multimedia elements and/or learning objects are used and are relevant to accommodate different learning styles throughout the course.

Question / Answer
Assigned To:

Page 12009 - Center for Regional & Continuing Education, CSU, Chico

E-mail Jon Knolle () with questions about using this guide.