Name: Date: Class:

DNA WebQuest: Replication and Protein Synthesis

Go to: . Select “What is DNA?” at the top and go through the animation. Answer the questions.

1.  The complete set of instructions for making a human being is found where?

2.  What does DNA stand for?

3.  What is the shape of DNA?

4.  What are the 4 letters of the DNA alphabet?

5.  What do genes tell the cell to make?

Go to . Scroll down and read the text under the “Build a DNA Molecule” activity.

6.  True or False: DNA replication can only happen at one location at a time on a chromosome.

7.  What type of chemical bond forms between DNA base-pairs during replication?

8.  A nucleotide is made of what three parts?

Click “Start Building” and practice creating few base pairs on the DNA. Answer the questions.

9.  What are the base-pairing rules for DNA?

Go to . Select “DNA Replication” in the upper left hand corner. Then select “Unzip.” Read the “What Happened” section, answer the question below, and then click “OK.”

10.  What molecules break the rungs (bases) apart?

Drag the correct bases over to “synthesize” the new DNA halves. Read the “What Happened” section, answer questions, and then click “OK”.

11.  Each human has 46 chromosomes. How many total base pairs are contained in these chromosomes?

Go to: . Select “What is a protein?” at the top and go through the animation. Answer the questions.

12.  Briefly describe how proteins help our cells function.

13.  What is the difference between receptor and structural proteins.

14.  “There are proteins involved in the making of proteins.” Explain this sentence.

Go to . Select “Protein Synthesis” in the upper right hand corner. Click “Unzip.” Read the script and then click “OK.” Match the complementary mRNA nucleotides to the open section of DNA. (Remember: “U” uracil is “T” thymine in RNA). Read the “What Happened” section, answer the following questions, and then click “OK.”

15.  About how many bases would a real mRNA molecule have?

16.  What is this process called where mRNA is created from DNA?

17.  Where does the above process occur?

18.  Once mRNA is created, where does it go?

Match the first tRNA molecules to their complimentary base pair nucleotides on the mRNA. Read the “What Happened” section, answer the questions below, and then click “OK.”

19.  Which molecule has the codons?

20.  Which molecule has the anticodons?

21.  What molecules are attached to the tRNAs?

Continue matching the tRNAs. Read the “What Happened” section, answer the question, and click “OK.”

22.  Describe what happens in the ribosomes as new tRNA’s move in.

Continue matching the tRNAs. Read the “What Happened” section, answer the question, and click “OK.”

23.  How long will a real polypeptide chain get to be?

24.  When does translation of the mRNA end?

25.  Circle the Correct Answer: This section of proteins synthesis is called [ transcription / translation ]. It occurs in or on the [ nucleus / ribosome ].

26.  Summarize the process of transcription.

27.  Describe the process of translation.

Go to: . Enter your name in the “Mighty Mutation Maker” and select decode.

28.  Write your name and its corresponding codons below:

Your Name:


Now click on the beaker to the left that says “Missense.”

29.  Rewrite your name and circle the changes in your name and codons from the original sequence:

Your Name:


30.  What is a missense mutation?

31.  How can this affect a protein?

Select “Decode” to reset your name. Now click on the beaker to the left that says “Missense.”

32.  Rewrite your name and circle the changes in your name and codons from the original sequence:

Your Name:


33.  What is a nonsense mutation?

34.  How can this affect a protein?

Select “Decode” to reset your name. Now click on the beaker to the left that says “Silent.”

35.  Rewrite your name and circle the changes in your name and codons from the original sequence:

Your Name:


36.  What is a silent mutation?

37.  How can this affect a protein?

Select “Decode” to reset your name. Now click on the beaker to the left that says “Deletion.”

38.  Rewrite your name and circle the changes in your name and codons from the original sequence:

Your Name:


39.  What is a deletion?

40.  How can this affect a protein?

Select “Decode” to reset your name. Now click on the beaker to the left that says “Insertion.”

41.  Rewrite your name and circle the changes in your name and codons from the original sequence:

Your Name:


42.  What is an insertion?

43.  How can this affect a protein?