October 14, 2003

Minutes – Alabama Chapter of NENA Quarterly Meeting, Orange Beach, AL

  1. Meeting called to order by President Roger Humphrey.
  1. Invocation by Jimmy Craft, Limestone County Board

3Welcome to membership by President Humphrey, and Pledge of Allegiance.

4Welcome to Guests and New Members. President Humphrey introduces David Jones, National NENA 1st Vice President.

5.Review and approval of July 24, 2003 minutes.

Motion to approve – Pat Hall

Second – Harold Parker

Motion Carried

  1. Financial Report – Richard Holt provided copy of financial report for review

Motion to approve - Donnie Smith

Second – Roger Wilson

Motion Carried

  1. Installation of 2004 Officers by David Jones

President - Roger Humphrey

At Large Vice President - Roger Wilson

Birmingham LATA Vice President - Harold Parker

Mobile LATA Vice President - George Williams

Commercial Vice President - Ray Preston

Following installation of officers for 2004, Vice President David Jones addressed the membership. He notified the chapter that National NENA is in transition. The National Office for NENA will soon relocate from Columbus, Ohio to Arlington, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C. The NENA Executive Board determined that in order to take the ability of NENA to a higher level, NENA must be in a better position to advise Congress. Additionally, resources necessary to support of influential associations were not present in Columbus, OH. In order to satisfy both of these needs to better represent the membership, the National Office will soon occupy offices within the Washington D.C. area, and will outsource many administrative and support needs to qualified Washington D.C. area resources. The National Office of NENA negotiated a very favorable lease of the Columbus, OH property that will provide a surplus of over $ 80,000 over the cost of the property. They also secured a very favorable lease in Arlington Virginia and were able to sublease a portion of the floor space to an Information Technology (I.T.) firm that will provide all of the National Office I.T. needs. Bills have been introduced in the House and Senate that will provide $500 million in grant funding for various E9-1-1 Public Safety needs. Both have been sent to and reported out of committee. Indications are that this legislation may pass soon, with an indication that the President is reluctant to create a new grant authority, and may have to be administered through an existing agency. This is a direct result of work done by the E9-1-1 Caucus established in early 2003.

Additional information included new NENA Courses available in 2004 to include Wireless and Disaster Planning courses. ENP applicants are rising again after a period of no growth. NENA will increase dues for 2004, from $75 to $95 annually for all members. David Jones explained that NENA was not raising the dues as a result of the decision to relocate the headquarters to Washington D.C. The dues are increasing to reflect normal increases in the cost of doing business and because members are requiring new services and support.

  1. Committee Reports

Recognition of Conference Committee Members and of Chapter Officers from 2003. President Humphrey provided the Committee Assignments for 2004.

a.Conference Committee – Bill Brodeur reported that AL NENA 2003 Conference to be success. Very few complaints have been registered. All Conference Committee members worked very hard. The committee solicits feedback to be used to improve the 2004 conference. At the time of the report, no attendance or financial numbers were available.

  1. Legislative – Roger Wilson indicated plans to undertake a major rewrite of the E911 legislation are planned for 2004. The Legislative Committee has met with Cingular and Verizon in initial efforts to increase funding on wireless access lines to support Phase 2. It is expected there will be a funding mechanism included in the legislation on the Wireless side to support Minimum Dispatcher Standards. Roger Wilson stated that every Emergency Communications District (ECD) must be involved by working with the committee and by contacting their local legislative delegation and request their support, and to remind them this issue affects each of the voters within their district.

Art Faulkner reported that 5 ECD’s have intervened against passage of the BellSouth Wireless Phase 2 tariff recurring charges. The PSC staff conducted hearings in September, 2003, and made recommendations to the PSC that were made known in the PSC meeting in early October, 2003. It was recommended by the PSC that BellSouth request a monthly charge of $101.18 per month. The PSC tabled the decision until early November, 2003 with agreement by BellSouth. Art further reported that the initial 5 ECD’s had been joined at the PSC meeting by 2 additional ECD’s, for a total of 7 ECD’s showing interest in supporting this effort. Art stated NENA members must become more involved to be successful.

  1. Wireless – CMRS Board Member Bill Meadows reported Johnny Hart had been appointed to the vacancy on the CMRS Board by Gov. Riley. He welcomed Johnny to the Board. Bill reported that the most immediate goal of the CMRS Board is delivery of the monthly Wireless Remittance. Additionally, he requested AL NENA cooperate with the CMRS Board in efforts to increase the Wireless Surcharge. Max Armstrong reported the CMRS Board is under Sunset review by the State Auditor, with the meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 10:30 AM This review will determine if there is continued need for the CMRS Board as directed by State Law. Initial findings are the CMRS Board is still necessary and that additional wireless funding is needed for implementation of Wireless Phase 2.
  2. Membership Committee –Terry Harbarger notified members that he is running for a position on the Alabama Retirement Systems Board and requested everyone to support him.

e.Database Committee - No Report

  1. Internet Committee – President Humphrey reported the AL NENA Internet site host might change due to a business closing.
  2. Minimum Standards – Jo Tranter reported this committee could do no more until a funding mechanism is established, and that an attempt to fund minimum standards training from Wireless Collections may be attempted in the legislative rewrite.
  3. Managerial Training – Jo Tranter reported the next class is scheduled for early December, 2003 and will cover Geographic Information Systems (GIS). 4 Classes were offered in 2003.
  4. Public Relations – Johnny Hart reported he has started getting information out within the State that E9-1-1 is the first of the first responders.
  5. APCO Committee – No Report
  6. Telco Committee – .No Report

l IACP – No Report

  1. IAFC – No Report
  2. Terrorism Committee – No Report
  3. Historian Report – Larry Duncan indicated future NENA meetings may be videotaped.
  4. GIS Mapping Committee – Max Armstrong mentioned the GIS training class planned for Early December, 2003.
  5. Mutual Aid – No Report

r. Records Retention – Roger Humphrey mentioned that Committee Chairman John Ellison stated standards for records retention are needed.

  1. LATA Reports –
  2. Birmingham – Harold Parker reported the January 2004 chapter meeting would be at the BellSouth Alabama Operations Center in Birmingham at 10:00AM, January 22, 2004. The Executive Committee will meet at a location still to be determined on January 21, 2004 at 2:00 PM.
  3. Montgomery – Pat Hall reported the 2nd Quarter Chapter meeting would be April 22 at 10:00 AM in the Dothan Civic Center. The Executive Committee will meet at 2:00 PM on April 22, 2004 at a location to be determined.
  4. Huntsville – Richard Holt reported the 3rd Quarter Chapter meeting would be July 22, at 10:00 AM at a location within Limestone County.
  5. Mobile – George Williams reported the 4th Quarter Chapter meeting would be at the annual conference at Orange Beach, AL.
  6. Roger Humphrey announced the new Executive Committee will meet at 1:00 PM on Tuesday, October 14, 2003
  1. Mutual Aid Task Force – President Humphrey reported that the Alabama Lt. Governors office has requested AL NENA provide 3 nominees for consideration to be appointed to the Department of Homeland Security Task Force. Only 1 of these nominees will be appointed to represent E9-1-1 on the Task Force. The floor was opened to nominations. Nominations were:

Donnie Smith was nominated by Byron Pigg, Second by Bill Brodeur, Motion Carried

Roger Wilson was nominated by Pat Hall, Second by Johnny Hart, Motion Carried

Ernie Blair was nominated by Chris Tucker, Second by Chris Heger, Motion Carried

John Ellison was nominated by Art Faulkner, Second by Chris Heger, Motion Carried.

Prior to a membership vote to select the 3 nominees, Ernie Blair withdrew his nomination. The remaining 3 will be submitted to the Lt. Governors office for consideration.

  1. Old Business – Nothing reported
  1. New Business - Nothing reported.
  1. For the Good of the Association – Pat Hall reminded all members that the merchandise table would close mid afternoon on October 14, 2003

Request all E9-1-1 Directors remain in the room for a short meeting.

Reminder that the registration desk would close when the merchandise table closes.

Chris Heger notified the membership that the Shrimp Boil would relocate to the vendor hall in the event of rain.

President Humphrey extended a thank you to all for a successful conference.

Motion to adjourn – Roger Wilson, Second Art Faulkner, Motion Carried.

  1. Next Meeting – January 22, 2004, 10:00 AM, BellSouth Alabama Operations Center, 3196 Hwy 280 S, Birmingham, AL 35243