Workplace Rehabilitation Consultants

Application for Renewal

For individuals with Approval Numbers under the transitional accreditation arrangements for workplace rehabilitation providers


Information for Applicants

Application Process


Statement of commitment to the conditions of approval for workplace rehabilitation consultants under the transitional arrangements


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Information for Applicants


Individuals who currently hold Approval Numbers under the transitional accreditation arrangements for workplace rehabilitation providers are due to expire 30 June 2011. In order to continue to deliver workplace rehabilitation services, applicants must complete this Application for Renewal form and provide evidence that they satisfy the renewal criteria.

Please note: there is no legislative requirement to be accredited to deliver workplace rehabilitation services where the provider is engaged by another provider who is accredited by the Board. However, the accredited provider is required to ensure that all persons employed or engaged meet the minimum qualification requirements.


This renewal application applies to persons wishing to deliver prescribed workplace rehabilitation services under the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988.

Workplace rehabilitation services are identified as:

  • Initial workplace rehabilitation assessment
  • Assessment of the functional capacity of a worker
  • Workplace assessment
  • Job analysis
  • Advice concerning job modification
  • Vocational assessment
  • Job analysis
  • Advice concerning job modification
  • Vocational assessment
  • Advice or assistance in relation to job seeking
  • Advice or assistance in arranging vocation re-education or retraining.

The WorkCover Tasmania Board has adopted the Nationally Consistent Approval Framework for Workplace Rehabilitation Providers. One of the Conditions of Approval is that a workplace rehabilitation provider has systems in place for ensuring that its workplace rehabilitation consultants have the minimum qualifications.

A workplace rehabilitation consultant must have a qualification that is eligible to be recognised, accredited or registered by one of the following associations or State registration boards:

▪Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors

▪Rehabilitation Counselling Association of Australia

▪Australian Association of Occupational Therapists

▪Physiotherapist Registration Board

▪Australian Association of Exercise and Sports Science

▪Psychologists Registration Board

▪Speech Pathology Australia

▪Australian Association of Social Workers

▪Medical Board

▪Nurses Registration Board.

The WorkCover Tasmania Board has developed a guideline (RP-030) on the specific eligibility qualification required to deliver specific workplace rehabilitation services.


As part of the introduction of the accreditation provisions, the Board permits an individual who does not meet the minimum qualifications (as specified in the National Framework)for a rehabilitation consultant to apply to the Board for approval to deliver specific workplace rehabilitation services (in Tasmania only).

In order to maintain ongoing accreditation, individuals granted accreditation under the transitional arrangements need to demonstrate that they have undertaken or are in the process of obtaining the desired qualification. The Board has determined that from 1 January 2014, if a workplace rehabilitation consultant does not satisfy the minimum qualifications (as specified in the National Framework), they will not have their accreditation renewed and consequently will not be able to deliver workplace rehabilitation services.


There are exceptions in place for vocational advisors who currently hold approval numbers to deliver:

  • advice or assistance in arranging vocational re-education or re-training
  • advice or assistance in relation to job seeking.

If you deliver these services there are no national minimum qualification requirements where a vocational advisor has:

  • at least 12 months’ proven track record in placing disadvantaged job seekers with a new employer (minimum of five placements in this period)
  • is under the supervision of a qualified workplace rehabilitation consultant.

If you fall in this category, please contact WorkCover Tasmania to discuss your application.

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The following should be read and understood in conjunction with submitting the application form:

▪Heads of Workers Compensation Authorities: Nationally Consistent Approval Framework for Workplace Rehabilitation Providers

▪Guideline (RP-010): Workplace Rehabilitation Services

▪Guideline(RP-020): Transitional Arrangements for the Accreditation of Workplace Rehabilitation Providers

▪Guideline (RP-030): Minimum Qualification Requirements to Deliver Specific Services.

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Application Process

  1. This form must be submitted to WorkCover Tasmania no later than Friday 3 June 2011.
  2. Upon receiving an application, WorkCover will make a preliminary review of the application to ensure all necessary components have been included. WorkCover will contact the applicant if the application is incomplete.
  3. Once all necessary components of the application are available, the application will be evaluated against the:
  4. Criteria for Renewal
  5. Conditions of Approval
  6. Transitional Arrangements for the Accreditation of Workplace Rehabilitation Providers.
  7. Referees may be contacted as part of the assessment process.
  8. Applicants may be contacted if clarification or additional information is required. Where the applicant does not submit the additional information within the required timeframe, the application may not be processed.
  9. The applicant will be notified of the outcome of the assessment in writing.
  10. Approval numbers will be granted to accredited individuals until 30 June 2011.


The closing date for applications is Friday 3 June 2011.Applications may be lodged in hard copy or electronically to:

WorkCover Tasmania

PO Box 56, RosnyPark

TAS 7018

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Please PRINT or TYPE

Name: / Approval No:
Residential Address: / Phone (BH):
City: / Post Code: / Email:
Current Role/Position/Title: / Years of Experience:
2. Employer
Current Employer: / Provider No:
Postal Address: / Business Address:
City: / Post Code: / City: / Post Code:
Phone: / Fax: / Email:
3. Professional Referees
Provide the names and contact details of two professional referees who meet the minimum qualifications for workplace rehabilitation consultants and are experienced.
Referee Name: / Referee Name:
Organisation: / Organisation:
Position: / Position:
Qualification: / Qualification:
Years of Experience: / Years of Experience:
Phone: / Phone:

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4. Workplace Rehabilitation Services
Please indicate the services you wish to deliver:
  1. Initial workplace rehabilitation assessment
  1. Rehabilitation counselling

  1. Assessment of the functional capacity of a worker
  1. Vocational assessment

  1. Workplace assessment
  1. Advice or assistance about job seeking

  1. Job analysis
  1. Advice or assistance in arranging vocational re-education or retraining

  1. Advice about job modification

5. Criteria for Renewal
An application for renewal of accreditation as a workplace rehabilitation consultant under the transitional arrangements must be submitted with the following supporting documentation attached:
Criteria / Evidence Required / Provided
  1. Delivery of Services
/ Evidence of provision of prescribed workplace rehabilitation services over the last 12 months, including: number of cases, services delivered, outcomes achieved
  1. Education
/ Enrolment in a course of training that is consistent with satisfying the qualifications under the National Framework
  1. Conditions of Approval
/ Signed Statement of Conformance to the Conditions of Approval (Appendix 1)
  1. Code of Conduct
/ Signed Statement of Conformance to the Code of Conduct for Workplace Rehabilitation Providers (Appendix 2)
  1. Professional Referees
/ Two referee contact details

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Statement of commitment to the conditions of approval for workplace rehabilitation consultants under the transitional arrangements

  1. The workplace rehabilitation consultant must deliver services in compliance with the Nationally Consistent Framework for Workplace Rehabilitation Providers and the Code of Conduct for Workplace Rehabilitation Providers.
  2. The workplace rehabilitation consultant shall perform only those services they are accredited for.
  3. The workplace rehabilitation consultant must provide the Board with evidence of achievement at the completion of each semester.
  4. The workplace rehabilitation consultant must remain enrolled in the course of training.
  5. Deferring a semester will not be acceptable unless the Board is convinced that there is a sufficient reason for the absence.
  6. The Board shall review the activities of the workplace rehabilitation consultant.
  7. The workplace rehabilitation consultant must notify WorkCover in advance, or as soon as practical, upon changing employment. Notification shall include:

▪the name of the former place of employment

▪the name address and telephone number of the new place of employment

▪the commencement date of new employment

▪a list of services provided by the new employer.

  1. The workplace rehabilitation consultant must be a resident in Tasmania.
  2. The workplace rehabilitation consultant complies with the Guideline: Transitional Arrangements for the Accreditation of Workplace Rehabilitation Providers (RP-020).
  3. Accreditation under the transitional arrangements does not automatically grant approval to operate in other jurisdictions.

I have read, understand and accept that I must conform to the Conditions of Approval and give consent for sharing information in relation to this renewal application and ongoing approval.

I understand and am aware that any breach with the terms and conditions of the Conditions of Approval may nullify any renewal application and further accreditation issued by WorkCoverTasmania in the event the renewal application is granted.

To be signed by the person who is seeking accreditation as a workplace rehabilitation consultant.

Name and Title of Signatory

Signature of Authorised SignatoryDate

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The Code of Conduct for Workplace Rehabilitation Providers (the Code) has been prepared to assist workplace rehabilitation providers in achieving a professional standard of practice. It is the responsibility of workplace rehabilitation providers to make certain that they act in accordance with the Code and the trust placed in them by the community.

The Code describes the responsibilities and standards of behaviour required of any person or organisation approved as a provider by a workers’ compensation authority.

The Code has been developed in accordance with the principles of ethical decision-making.

• Respect for the law

• Respect for the system of government

• Respect for the community and other people

• Integrity

• Diligence

• Efficiency

• Accountability

The Code deals with situations where a workplace rehabilitation provider may be unsure of the appropriate course of action. The Code is also a guide to assist in taking responsible decisions. The Code will be reviewed and re-issued periodically by the workers’ compensation authorities.

Compliance with the Code is a part of the Conditions of Approval.

Where a person or organisation approved by a workers’ compensation authority is providing services to more than one workers’ compensation authority, an offence in one area can lead to disciplinary action across all areas of approval. Any breach of the Code may lead to suspension, cancellation or prosecution.

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1.1Ethical and professional behaviour

Ethical behaviour means that workplace rehabilitation providers are fair and honest when dealing with other people.

Workplace rehabilitation providers are viewed as public officials by the community and must act accordingly. All decisions a provider makes must show good judgement and be justifiable. Workplace rehabilitation providers must show professional behaviour at all times during the conduct of their duties.

The Code provides guidance to assist workplace rehabilitation providers in deciding on the appropriate course of action in a number of specific situations. However, it is not possible for the Code to describe all the circumstances that may require the exercise of ethical behaviour.

In difficult situations workplace rehabilitation providers will need to be guided in their actions and decision-making by referring to the principles that underpin the Code (see Introduction) and by considering the following issues.

• Is the action/decision lawful?

• Is the action/decision consistent with the spirit and intent of this Code of Conduct and other workers’ compensation authority materials?

• Is the action/decision consistent with the spirit and intent of the workers’ compensation system that the workplace rehabilitation provider is a part of?

• What are the consequences of the action/decision for the public? For the workers’ compensation authority? For the integrity of the provider?

• Can the action/decision be justified – to the workers’ compensation authority? – To an independent person?

Workplace rehabilitation providers must take all relevant facts into consideration when making a decision and must not consider irrelevant facts.

Services must be efficiently organised to minimise disruption and avoid unnecessary costs to clients and their workplaces.

All services must be delivered to the performance standards described in the Conditions of Approval.

1.2Model of public duty

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has developed a Model of Public Duty. This model has been adopted by the workers’ compensation authorities as part of the Nationally Consistent Approval Framework for Workplace Rehabilitation Providers and as such providers must act in accordance with the following:

1.2.1Serving the public interest above all else. This is demonstrated by:

• Not serving own interests

• Managing conflicts of interest

1.2.2Acting with integrity through the values below.


• Obeying the law

• Following the letter and spirit of policies and procedures

• Fully disclosing actual or potential conflicts of interest

• Observing codes of conduct

• Recording reasons for decisions

• Establishing audit trails

• Submitting to scrutiny

• Keeping proper, accessible records


• Being fair to all

• Considering only relevant matters

• Being fully informed

• Dispassionately assessing without fear, favour or deference

• Giving reasons for decisions, where appropriate

• Revealing all appeal avenues available

• Giving all relevant information

• Communicating with clarity and sensitivity

• Reporting and dealing with suspected wrongdoing

• Acting ethically above loyalty to colleagues or supervisors

1.2.3Showing leadership. This is demonstrated by:

• Illustrating the worth of these values by example

• Promoting these values to others

• Striving for excellence

1.3Bribes, gifts and benefits

A bribe is any offer of money, gift, service or a benefit that is offered to persuade a person to act other than according to their normal duties.

Workplace rehabilitation providers must not accept any offer of money, gifts, and services or benefits that would cause them to act other than according to the Code.

Workplace rehabilitation providers must inform any person who offers them such money, gifts, services or benefits that it is against the workers’ compensation authority Code of Conduct to make such an offer.

To protect the integrity of workplace rehabilitation providers, the workers’ compensation authority requires that an attempt to bribe workplace rehabilitation providers must be reported to the workers’ compensation authority.


Workplace rehabilitation providers are approved on the basis of their professional expertise. It is expected that workplace rehabilitation providers maintain a high level of competence. This may be done through further training and study, refresher courses, attendance at industry association and professional association activities, and through a variety of work experiences. The workers’ compensation authority may revoke the approval of a workplace rehabilitation provider if there is evidence of deterioration in the service provider’s standard of competence.

1.5Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest is a situation where a workplace rehabilitation provider could be influenced (or seen to be influenced) by a personal interest in carrying out their workplace rehabilitation provider duties.

Sound judgement must be used to avoid conflicts of interest.

Examples of possible conflicts of interest include:

• Undertaking services for:

• Friends and relatives

• Businesses in which the service provider, friends or family have an interest.

• Personal beliefs or attitudes that can influence providing services impartially.

• Personal relationships with people the agency is dealing with and/or investigating that go beyond the

level of a professional working relationship.

• Any financial or other personal interest that could directly or indirectly influence or compromise the

workplace rehabilitation provider in performing services.

• Disclosing sensitive or confidential information gained through employment with a workers’ compensation authority to another organisation.

Workplace rehabilitation providers can contact the workers’ compensation authority for advice on dealing with conflicts of interest.

1.6Other employment

Workplace rehabilitation providers must not undertake other employment that may compromise the integrity of services provided on behalf of a workers’ compensation authority. Other employment can provide opportunities for conflicts of interest, corrupt conduct, and misuse of resources and information.

If a workplace rehabilitation provider has any doubts about whether a conflict of interest exists they can contact the workers’ compensation authority for advice.

1.7Drugs and alcohol

A workplace rehabilitation provider’s capacity to exercise sound judgement must not be impaired by the use of alcohol, drugs or other substances.

Workplace rehabilitation services must never be provided under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

A breach of this condition will result in immediate cancellation of a workplace rehabilitation provider’s approval.


When performing services a workplace rehabilitation provider must comply with anti-discrimination legislation and not discriminate against other people on any grounds covered by anti-discrimination legislation (such as sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, race, ethnic or national origin, disability, sexual preference, sexual harassment, religion or political belief).

1.9Political participation

As members of the community, workplace rehabilitation providers have the right to enter into public debate. However, workplace rehabilitation providers must ensure that any participation in political matters does not result in conflict with their duties as a service provider. This is important in order to maintain public confidence in the impartiality of the services and decisions of workplace rehabilitation providers.

1.10Public comment

As members of the community, workplace rehabilitation providers have the right to take part in public debate on issues of public concern. However, workplace rehabilitation providers must be careful that public comments made as a private individual do not appear to be an official comment on behalf of a workers’ compensation authority or the Government.

If elected or nominated as a spokesperson for a professional or community association, workplace rehabilitation providers are entitled to make public comments about relevant issues. In making such statements, workplace rehabilitation providers must clearly acknowledge that those comments are made on behalf of that association.