Ben Nauman, Trey Jones, Beth Miller

Project Handout – G.R.A.S.P.S.

Goal: You have to create a desktop documentary concerning a specific event from WWII of your choice. (Please check with the teacher about your topic before starting your research). A desktop documentary (which will be explained to you, using examples and a brief lesson on how to create one yourself) is a compilation of images put together in a meaningful way.

Role: You are a director of a film with an extremely small budget. You have found that the only way you can create your film on your WWII topic is to utilize pictures from the internet and cite them in a works cited page. You are entering this into a film competition, DOCUPALOOZA, which will be critically reviewed.

Audience: Your audience will be the film critics (who may only provide constructive criticism) i.e. the class and the teacher. You must tailor your film to the audience, meaning, you must make it meaningful and also school appropriate.

Situation: The DOCUPALOOZA is coming up quickly, and you have to create a meaningful documentary to enter and compete for the top prize (extra credit). DOCUPALOOZA is a film festival specifically for film critics to review films before they are released to the public.

Purpose, Performance, Product: A documentary that is at least 5 minutes long. No film clips are allowed to be inserted into the documentary. Pictures must be meaningful and relevant to the topic chosen. Pictures must be juxtaposed and editing using the ken burns style.

Standards: Please consult the rubric for grading instructions.

Criteria For Grading / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Your Score
Thesis Statement / No thesis statement present. / Thesis statement is there, but is confusing to the watcher. / Thesis statement is clear and explained by the project. / Thesis statement is clear and supported by the rest of the documentary.
Historical Accuracy / No historical accuracy. / There is some accuracy, but there are serious holes in the content. / Historically accurate, with very few holes in the content. / Historically accurate with no holes in the content.
Documentary Organization / Documentary has no organization what so ever. Random slides put into random order. / Documentary has some organization. Not a whole lot of logical flow. / Documentary is organized. Has a logical flow, with few random, illogical points. / Documentary is highly organized. Very logical flow, no random or illogical points.
Parameter Compliance / Violation of major rule:
Time limit isn’t met (5 minutes)
Not have the minimum number of slides / Violation of multiple minor rules or one major rule. / Few minor rules that are violated. No major rules violated. / No major or minor rules violated.
Aesthetic Appeal / No appeal to the viewer what-so-ever. No sound. / Slight appeal to the viewer. There may or may not be sound. Some images are thought-provoking. / Appealing to the viewer. Makes the viewer think about what you are really trying to portray. Sound and images are used. / Very appealing to the viewer. Very moving, and thought-provoking. Sound and images are used in an effective way.
Points Possible:
Total Points Scored:

Grading Rubric:

Peer Evaluation for “DocuPalooza”

Presentation Concept: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Thesis / The thesis is not present at all. / Thesis is present: but not apparent throughout the majority of the presentation / Thesis exists throughout most of the presentation; may lack in some areas / Thesis is clear and present throughout the entire documentary
Content / The content has no relevance to the presentation / Content is inaccurate for the most part / Content is mostly accurate, with some faults / Content is accurate and relevant to the presentation
Aesthetics / The presentation lacks aesthetic quality / The presentation is monotone and not exciting for the majority of the presentation / The presentation is appealing but lacks in some respects / The product is appealing to the eyes and emotions
Music/Pictures/Media / The media presented has no connection to the thesis / The media mostly does not reflect on the thesis / Most media is relevant to the thesis / All media is related to the thesis
Presentation / The presentation is not original by any means and is disorganized / The presentation lacks originality and shows little care in planning and organizing / The presentation is original and creative, but lacks some planning / The presentation is original and creative. All aspects were thought over and planned well
Editing / The documentary is edited poorly if at all. / The documentary is not well edited with many mistakes / The documentary is well edited with few mistakes / The documentary is well edited and flows well together

Peer Evaluation:

Please mark your evaluation (1-5) next to the Criteria











