APRIL 2007

Introduction / 2
Contents / 3
Formal Qualifications SVQs, PDA, HNC / 4
A1 Unit – Assess Candidates Using A Range Of Methods / 5
Anaphylaxis Awareness – AdamSmithCollege / 10
Anaphylaxis Awareness – St Andrews Ambulance / 7
Autistic Spectrum Disorder / 11
Child Protection / 16
Dyslexia Awareness / 5
Elementary Food & Hygiene / 10
Emergency Baby & Child First Aid / 7
Epilepsy Awareness - Enlighten / 16
Step Into The Light / 13
Looking With Wonder/Crazy Contrasts / 13
Recycling Rumble / 13
Outside In / 13
Play Box / 14
Tell Us What You Want / 14
What Happens Next? / 14
What Can It Be? / 14
Only Playing / 15
Bash The Trash / 15
Quick Fix Games / 15
Health & Safety Awareness / 9
Health & Safety Awareness / 12
HIV Aids |& Related Illness / 11
HIV, Hep B and Related Disorders / 16
Introduction to Childminding / 6
Manual Handling / 9
Moving and Handling People / 11
PDA Supporting Learning & Development In The Workplace / 5
Risk Assessment / 8


Over the past few years we have raised awareness of the qualification requirements of the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) By this time we would have expected everyone to have signed up for the qualification relevant to their jobs. If you need any advice or information please get in touch with us.

You will find up to date information regarding the registration process from the

PDA Childcare & Education / LauderCollege / Kate Finlayson
01383 845000 ext 6279
SVQ III Children’s Care Learning and Development / LauderCollege / Kate Finlayson
01383 845000 ext 6279
SVQ II and SVQ III Children’s Care Learning and Development / AdamSmithCollegeFife / Linda Anderson
01592 772233
SVQ II & III Playwork / LauderCollege / Kate Finlayson
01383 845000 ext 6279
SVQ III Playwork / AdamSmithCollege
Fife / Linda Anderson
01592 772233
SVQ IV Children’s Care Learning and Development / AdamSmithCollege
Fife / Linda Anderson
01592 772233
SVQ III Health & Social Care (Children and Young People) / AdamSmithCollege
Fife / Linda Anderson
01592 772233

If the qualification you require to become registered with the SSSC isn’t shown above please contact myself or April Mussen.



This award will qualify you as an Assessor of S/NVQ’s

The unit covers:

  • Developing plans for assessing competence with candidates
  • Judging evidence against standards to make assessment decisions
  • Giving candidates feedback and support on your assessment decisions
  • Contributing to the internal assurance process
  • Applicants will be invited to attend an initial interview
  • Healthy Organisation will help to source suitable candidates for the assessment process
  • Delivery of the unit will be 1:1 meetings with Sandra Johnstone
  • Support and assessment within your workplace

For further information please contact Sandra Johnstone on 01592 756171


This qualification is aimed at individuals who will provide mentoring support to learners/trainee students in the workplace. Applicants must be qualified to SVQ Level III in Playwork or Early Years Care and Education.

Course content:

  • 1 mandatory unit – G3 evaluate and develop own practice
  • 3 optional units – to be agreed at the beginning of the course
  • The course will take approximately 9 months to complete
  • Delivery of the course will be 1:1 meetings with Steve Bryan
  • Support and assessment within your workplace

For further information please contact Steve Bryan on 01592 756171


This course comprises of four sessions and each session is of three hours duration. Over the four sessions participants are assisted in drawing up policies and procedures required as part of the registration process including their aims and objectives, admissions, confidentiality, record-keeping, behaviour complaints, equal opportunities, health and safety, whistle blowing and child protection policy.

Course Dates

Tuesday 5th, 12th 19th , 26th June 2007, 6pm – 9pm at The Dell Farquharson Centre, Dunfermline.

Saturday 3rd, 10th, 17th , 24th November 2007 , 10am – 1pm.

There will be a course in September in the Cupar area. The dates and the venue have still to be set.

For further information and to book a place please contact Drew McCanney 01337 828551 or email


These workshops will cover the following:

What is dyslexia?


Effects on Learning

Effects on Life

Assessment of Needs

Assumption of Needs

Roles and Responsibilities

Course Dates

Thursday 24th May – Evening Session 6.30 – 8.30 pm, Glenrothes Area

Wednesday 20th June –Morning Session – 10am – 12, Dunfermline Area

Thursday 5th July – Evening Session 6.30 – 8.30 pm, Kirkcaldy

To book a place on the Dyslexia Awareness course and confirm the venue please telephone Anne Marie Caldwell 07951944897oremail


The course aims to raise the awareness of the condition known as anaphylaxis and equip people with the knowledge to treat someone who suffers an anaphylactic reaction.

On completion of the course the candidate will have covered a number of issues regarding the condition i.e. definition, recognition, treatment and precautionary measures. The other area covered is relevant first aid skills – recovery CPR.

This is a four hour course. Dates will be arranged on demand.

For further information please contact St Andrews Ambulance 01592 631758


To provide employees with basic first aid skills and information specific to babies and children. These theoretical and practical courses will cover a wide range of first aid including, Managing an incident, Action in an emergency, Record keeping,CPR / Resuscitation, Choking, Wounds & Bleeding, Personal and Patient hygiene and Burns. After successfully completing this course all candidates will be able to recognise cases of injury or illness specific to babies & children and confidently provide the correct care and attention. These courses are run in accordance with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

Course Dates

Mid week

Tuesday 22nd May 2007, Kirkcaldy

Tuesday 12th June 2007, Cupar

Monday 2nd July 2007, Dunfermline

Monday 10th September 2007, Crossgates

Thursday 11th October 2007, Kirkcaldy

Monday 3rd December 2007, Glenrothes


Saturday 7thJune 2007, Glenrothes

Saturday 4th August 2007, Kirkcaldy

Saturday 6th October 2007, Dunfermline

Saturday 1st December 2007, Glenrothes

Saturday 2nd February 2008, Cupar

Saturday 5th April 2008, Kirkcaldy

Courses are 6 hours duration, 09.30hrs – 15.30hrs.

To book a place or to confirm the venue please contact Flora or Sandra at Mines Rescue 01383 510766


This course is designed to train candidates to be competent in Risk Assessment . The course will include theoretical and practical sessions in all areas of risk assessing, particularly in the childcare sector. After successfully attending this course all candidates will be aware of the risk assessing process and be capable of completing and recording company specific documents and forms. The aim is to reduce the likelihood of injury by highlighting hazards and consequent risks by introducing the correct control procedures. This inevitably will cut down on injuries, illness and reduce damage to property and equipment.

This course is of a four hour duration. 09.30hrs – 13.30hrs.

Course Dates

Mid Week

Tuesday 22nd June 2007, Cupar

Monday 10th September 2007, Glenrothes

Friday 5th October 2007, Kirkcaldy


Saturday 21st July 2007, Glenrothes

Saturday 3rd November 2007, Kirkcaldy

Saturday 22nd March 2008, Dunfermline

This is a 4 hour course 9.30 – 13.30

To book a place or to confirm the venue please contact Flora or Sandra at Mines Rescue 01383 510766


This course is designed to raise the candidates awareness of Health and Safety at work. The course will focus on the key elements of the Regulations applicable to the attendees particular occupations and working environments. The Regulations covered will include; The Health and Safety at work Act , Management of Health and Safety Regulations , Manual handling, Fire Precautions, Office Safety, Personal Protective Equipment and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. The course is designed as to allow the inclusion of any other relevant aspects of Health and Safety.

Course Dates

Mid Week

Monday 24th September 2007, Dunfermline

Friday 12th October 2007, Glenrothes

Monday 3rd December 2007, Cupar


Saturday 14th July 2007, Glenrothes

Saturday 12th January 2008, Dunfermline

Saturday 8th March 2008, Kirkcaldy

This course is of a four hour duration 09.30hrs – 13.30hrs.

To book a place on the Health & Safety Awareness or to confirm the venue please contact Flora or Sandra at Mines Rescue 01383 510766


This course is divided between both theoretical and practical instruction and will involve direct candidate participation. It is designed to reduce manual handling injuries by raising the candidates awareness of the injury implications of Weight, Size of load, Unstable loads, Distances objects are carried, Twisting and Turning, Pushing and Pulling and Repetitive handling and lifting. Candidates will be shown how to avoid manual handling injuries by lifting properly and coordinating team lifting where applicable. Following this course candidates will be able to confidently risk assess manual handling tasks, consequently minimising the risk of injuries. This course is run in line with the Manual Handling Regulations 1992.

Course Dates


Monday 28th May 2007, Cupar

Friday 24th August, 2007, Dunfermline

Monday 14th January 2008, Kirkcaldy


Saturday 26th May 2007, Glenrothes

Saturday 20th October 2007, Cupar

Saturday 16th February 2007, Dunfermlline

This course is of a four hour duration. 09.30hrs – 13.30hrs.

To book a place or to confirm the venue please contact Flora or Sandra at Mines Rescue 01383 510766


With the changes in food safety legislation on 1st January 2006all foodhandlers are required to be trained “ commensurate with their position”

i.e. trained to level that they are working.

Children, particularly young children, are a very vulnerable group with regard to food poisoning and food borne illness. Outbreaks of e-coli poisoning in Wales, Aberdeen and most recently in Dunfermline are evidence that we must be extremely vigilant with hygiene procedures and food preparation.

To this end all staff working in the care sector must undergo a minimum of Elementary Food Hygiene training.

This course involves safe food preparation, good hygiene practices, allergy and intolerance awareness, HACCP implementation and legal responsibilities.

Courses are certificated by The Royal Environmental Health Institute for Scotland ( REHIS)

Course Dates

Saturday 26th May – Glenrothes area

Saturday 25th August – Dunfermline area

Saturday 29th September – Kirkcaldy

Saturday 27th October – Glenrothes

Saturday 24th November - Dunfermlline

To book on a course and to confirm venue please contact George Brown, 01592 751681, Mobile number 07828898850 or email


(The AdamSmithCollege)

This is an SQA unit which provides essential information for childcare and early years workers. The course provides a common-sense approach and guidance about these related illnesses, including prevalence and transmission, as well as preventing the spread of infection.

This is a taught, single-credit unit, delivered over 12 weeks in the evening in the St Brycedale Campus in Kirkcaldy. The unit is also available on CD-ROM. There will be a short in-class assessment and assignment on this unit. All Participants will have access to college library and Internet facilities.

Please contact Donna Martin Dilley 01592 268591


(The AdamSmithCollege)

This course is delivered by tutors who are recognised Centaur trainers and within a base fully equipped for the purpose. The training ensures that Participants are aware of the risks to themselves and to others caused by incorrect handling and of the current legislation relating to this. The Centaur-approved training course includes – legal requirements (including all up-to-date advice and regulations); risk assessment; spinal awareness; client handling assessment; use of hoists, handling belts and other equipment etc.

The course is intended for those employed in childcare settings, working with children and young people with additional needs.

The course is delivered over 2 whole days in the college, with an emphasis on a hands-on approach. The various practical activities are designed to give Participants confidence in tackling real-life situations. There is a short written and practical test at the end of the course and this will be certificated by the Institute, thereby contributing evidence for CPD and towards SVQs.

Please contact Cathy Holmes 01592 772233


(The AdamSmithCollege)

This course is intended to make childcare workers aware of the condition known as ‘anaphylaxis’ and to equip them with the skills to treat someone with such a reaction. The training ensures that Participants are aware of the risks inherent in the condition, how to avoid this extreme reaction and how to respond in an emergency. The course is aimed at all childcare workers, as well as manual, clerical and ancillary staff.

The course is delivered in 4 hours, either as a half-day workshop or as two short sessions. As well as theory, the workshop consists of practical activities using case studies, designed to give Participants confidence in meeting such situations.

This course can be delivered in employers’ premises, if required.

Course Dates

Please contact Cathy Holmes 01592 772233


(The AdamSmithCollege)

This course is aimed at Practitioners in early years and childcare settings, who should be aware of the increasing incidence of such disorders among children and young people. The disorders include Asperger’s, Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorders etc. and this course addresses the current level of understanding in the educational and medical professions, as well as the implications for childcare, education and training.

The course offers a recognised Higher National SQA qualification.

As a double-credit unit, this course is taught one evening a week, with guided study and research. Participants are assisted and encouraged to make use of the Internet and to carry out their own research into specific aspects of this topic. Participants have access to the college library and Internet facilities.

This unit is offered within the St Brycedale Campus in Kirkcaldy.

Please contact Donna Martin Dilley 01592 268591


(The AdamSmithCollege)

This course is intended to provide childcare workers with a basic, general health and safety awareness, enabling them to promote safer working environments in all childcare settings. This training will also make Participants more aware of their roles and responsibilities, in this regard, in line with the Health and Safety at Work regulations.

This course is also suitable for manual, clerical and ancillary staff in childcare and early year’s settings.

The course is delivered in 6 hours, either as a one-day workshop or as two half days and can be delivered in employers’ premises, if required.

This course can be delivered at one of the college campuses or in employers’ premises, by arrangement.

There will also be courses run within the college, in the Stenton Campus, Glenrothes (from 09.00 to 16.00) on the following dates

Please contact Cathy Holmes 01592 772233



Practical and exciting ideas and activities using the dynamic properties of light and dark.

Suitable for people working with school aged children

Course Date

Thursday 15th November, 7pm – 9pm


Coloured windows, a “wonderwall” and a whole feast of visual and tactile treats.

Suitable for people working with pre-school children

Course Date

Wednesday 13th June, 7pm – 9pm


Turn those unwanted materials and resources into works of Art!

Takes a fresh look at loose parts!

Suitable for people working with school aged children

Course Date

Saturday 29th March 2008, 10 am – 12 noon


Open the door and take a look outside. Splash into a whirlwind of creativity that celebrates nature’s diversity and discover how natural resources can become fun things - from outside – in.

Suitable for people working with pre-school children

Course Date

Wednesday 29th August, 7 pm – 9pm


Discovery play for the young child. Bags, boxes treasures and surprises in a broad range of activities to create a wealth of play opportunities and space to maximise Fun.

Suitable for people working with pre-school aged children

Course Date

Saturday 15thSeptember, 10am – 12 noon


This workshop looks at the importance of consulting with children.

Explore a range of methods to empower children and ensure that they get the best from their play settings.

Suitable for people working with school aged children

Course Date

Thursday 17th January 2008, 7pm – 9pm


A unique few hours considering reality versus your imagination – where could this lead, how do we get there?- who decides ?When to shout or whisper - Come along and help find out what happens next !

Suitable for people working with school aged children

Course Date

Wednesday 10th October, 7pm – 9pm


Awonderful way to approach everyday routine and situations with a new twist. Ideas to grab the attention of every small child and boost their well being while having fun and sharing the enjoyment.

Suitable for people working with pre–school children

Course Date

Thursday 13th March 2008, 7 pm – 9pm


This workshop looks at why PLAY is so important. Different types of play, how the role of the adult can enhance or extend the value and satisfaction of the child. We consider the viewpoint of the child and how play can shape us as adults.

Suitable for All

Course Date

Wednesday 30th May, 7pm – 9pm


Increase your confidence in leading and participating in musical activities. Develop your sense of rhythm and bounce to the beat. A medley of ideas to spice up your setting, and create funk from junk.

Suitable for people working with noisy wee ones !

Course Date

Saturday 9th February 2008, 10am – 12 noon


A range of games to, motivate, evaluate, communicate, excite and calm. Aimed at creating an exciting mix of traditional and modern games for both inside and out. Who needs a Play Station? With a few simple props we can create a whole lot of self directed fun!

Suitable for people working with school aged children

Course Date

Thursday 28th February 2008, 7pm – 9pm

For information on the venues and to book a place please on all the above workshops please call Fairplay Training 01382 454600