Board of Trustees

September 22, 2013

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Board of Trustees

September 22, 2013

Pennsylvania Dental Association Central Office

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

PresentConsultants/Staff/Guests Present

Dr. Anand V. Rao (1)Camille Kostelac-Cherry, Esq., CEO

Dr. Ronald K. Heier (2)Thomas J. Weber, Legal Counsel

Dr. Eli Stavisky (3)Kelly M. Wagner, Executive Assistant

Dr. Frederick S. Johnson (4)Leo Walchak, Controller

Dr. Samuel E. Selcher, Treasurer (5)Mary Donlin, Director of Membership

seated for Dr. James M. Boyle IIIDr. A. J. Smith, ADA President-Elect

Dr. John P. Grove (6)Candidate

Dr. Wade I. Newman(7)

Dr. Thomas C. Petraitis (8)

Dr. Joseph E. Ross (9)

Dr. Herbert L. Ray, Jr. (10)

Dr. R. Donald Hoffman, President

Dr. Stephen T. Radack III, President-elect

Dr. Bernie P. Dishler,Immediate Past President

Dr. Peter P. Korch III, Speaker of the House

Dr. Jeffrey B. Sameroff, Secretary

Dr. Charles R. Weber, ADA Trustee

Dr. Sara L. Haines, New Dentist Committee Liaison


Dr. James M. Boyle III, Trustee

Dr. Bruce R. Terry, Editor

Dr. James A.H. Tauberg, Vice President

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:41a.m. by Dr. R. Donald Hoffman, president.

ADA President-Elect Campaign Speech

Dr. A.J. Smith, ADA president-elect candidate, presented a campaign speech to the board. Dr. Smith shared his visionto ensure the ADA remains a membership organization for the voice of dentistry.

Approval of Record of Electronic Votes

The board unanimously approved the Record of Electronic Votes from April 29, 2013, through September 10, 2013, as distributed. (BOARD ACTION)

Board of Trustees Bereavement Acknowledgement

The board unanimously approved increasing the memorial contribution to the Pennsylvania Dental Foundationfrom $50 to $100.

ResolvedThat the amount of the memorial contribution to the Pennsylvania

09/13BT06Dental Foundation upon the passing of any member or former

member of the PDA Board of Trustees shall be $100.

PDA Budget

The board reviewed the 2014 budget as presented by the Budget, Finance and Property Committee. By unanimous vote, the board approved the budget, dues and capital budget for 2014.

ResolvedThat the 2014 PDA budget in the amount of $2,885,479be

09/13BT07 approved.

ResolvedThat the 2014 PDA membership dues in the amount of $622 be

09/13BT08 approved.

ResolvedThat the 2014 PDA Capital Budget of $145,471 to be funded by the 09/13BT09 capital reserve fund be approved.

By a vote of 9-1, the board voted to rescind HD 04-42 which restricts the use of monies in the reserve account for ADA campaigns.

ResolvedThat HD 04-42 be rescinded.


HD 04-42:That the PDA establish a restricted reserve account to fund future

ADAcampaigns by a PDA member. Such account shall be funded annually with 10% of the audited annual net surplus in an account not to exceed $15,000 per year, with a maximum account balance not to exceed $100,000 and be it further resolved that upon endorsement by the PDA House of Delegates, a candidate seeking funding will provide a campaign expense proposal and a post-campaign financial report.

(Yes: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) (No: 2)

The board unanimously approved hiring an additional employee for the membership department. The search is to start immediately with the hopes that the person will be hired prior to the start of 2014.

ResolvedThat the hiring of an additional employee in the membership 09/13BT11 department in2013 be approved.

The board unanimously approved creating consolidated financials for audit purposes as requested by Lisa Ritter, PDA’s auditor.

ResolvedThat the PDA financial statement be consolidated with the PDAIS 09/13BT12 financial statement. That the final statementsof theindividual

entities continue to be available for PDA.

The board was provided with an article from the Harrisburg Patriot News regarding Harrisburg’s current dismal real estate market. Trustees were asked to share the information with their district members as an informational item.

New Committee Members

The board unanimously approved a request to add two members to committees.

ResolvedThat the appointment of Dr. Steven Barket to the New Dentist 09/13BT13 Committee and Dr. TheodoreRockwell to the Membership Committee

for 2013-2014 be approved.

President’s Report

Dr. Hoffman provided an update on the Governance Task Force (GTF). Dr. Scott Aldinger is the chair of the 2013-2014 GTF. Members of the GTF include Dr. Karin Brian, Dr. Sara Haines, Dr. Gino Pagano and Dr. Brian Schwab. Dr. Fred Johnson is the trustee liaison and Dr. Stephen Radack is a consultant for the group. The GTF is working on how to implement the Bylaws changes mandated by the 2013 House of Delegates (HOD).

Dental Lifeline Network background information was provided. For the 2013-2014 state budget, $150,000 was approved for the Donated Dental Services program.

President-elect’s Report

Dr. Radackprovided dates for the 2014-2015 board meetings. On June 13, 2014, the board will have lunch with the PDAIS board prior to the board meeting. Additional committee and board meeting dates will be September 19-20, 2014, January 23-24, 2015 and April 12, 2015.

Speaker of the House Report

Dr. Korch provided a Bylaws Committee update. Bylaws revisions according to directives from the HOD were completed in late August. A District Select Bylaws Review Group, with one member from each district, has been created to review the draft Bylaws. The Board was encouraged to share the draft copy of the Bylaws with their districts.

Secretary’s Report

Preparations for the ADA Annual meeting arecomplete.A schedule for delegates to help with Dr. Weber’s campaign is available.

Treasurer’s Report

The board unanimously approved an annualstipend of $2,500 for the editor.

ResolvedThat the Editor receive an annual stipend of $2,500.


By a vote of 1-9, the board voted not to decrease the maximum reimbursement amount from $1,000 to $500 for new board members to purchase a laptop for use during board meetings.

ResolvedThat the maximum reimbursement amount for new board members to purchase a laptop for use during board meetings be $500.

(Yes: 5) (No: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10)

Immediate Past President’s Report

Dr. Dishler attended a recent PA Coalition forOral Health meeting.Current Pennsylvania law allows public healthhygienists to perform oralscreenings in schools but does not allow the hygienistto sign the form. A dentist is required to sign the form. The board directed Dr. Dishler to inform the Coalition that PDA supportsallowing public health hygienists to sign the form after performing an oral health school screening. (09/13BTDA01)

Board members wereencouraged to promote age one dental exams.

Dr. Dishler shared his experience in attempting to resolve Medicaid reimbursement issues in order to increase the number of dental Medicaid providers. Dr. Dishler will work on a resolution to make Medicaid reform one of PDA’s legislative priorities.

ADA Trustee’s Report

Dr. Weberthanked the board members for their willingness to serve on ADA councils and for the overall support he has received during his term as ADA trustee.

CEO’s Report

Ms. Kostelac-Cherrypresented information regarding a new telephone system.

The board unanimously approved purchasing rather than leasing a new telephone system.

ResolvedThat the NEC phone system from TeleCom be purchased.


Four livewebinar sessions were presented on the HIPAA changes taking effect in September 2013. Approximately 225 participants attended the four sessions. The webinarwill be available on PDA’s website. In addition, all questions asked during the four sessions along with the answers will be posted. Members can receive the CE credit by viewing the taped webinar and taking the online test.

PDA is applying to the ADA for SPA grant money.

The board unanimously approved a three tier marketing plan for the Endorsed Vendor Program which is overseen by PDAIS.

ResolvedThat the three tier marketing plan for the Endorsed Vendor Program

09/13BT16be approved as presented.


Legal Counsel’s Report

Pennsylvania’s State Board of Dentistry is in the process of a significant regulatory review. Mr. Weber is monitoring the review, and will advise the board of proposed regulations and the related comment period.

Student Outreach

Dr. Ross shared comments from a fourth year dental student, who contacted many different state associations and stated that PDA is far above other associations in the quality service provided.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:28 a.m.