April 11, 2012

Called to Order: 11:04 AM MDT by Carrie Wiss

Attendees: Yvonne Barkley, Bob Howard, Kip Kemak, Carrie Wiss, Michelle Youngquist, Ivy Dickinson.


Secretary’s Report:Presented by Ivy with editorial suggestions by Carrie Wiss

Kip Kemak moved to accept the minutes with editorial changes

Second: Michelle Youngquist

Motion carries

Financial Report: Financial Summary provided by Ivy

  • Spreadsheet containing two worksheets provided
  • Approximately $75,000 remaining in account distributed between contractual, travel, and indirect line items

Director’s Report: Presented by Ivy

  • Ivy sent out a written report via email with the agenda and minutes for this meeting.


De-ob/Re-ob – Mid-Snake has paid the outstanding balance. Dickinson contacted Chris Shaver of BLM who needs to clarify a few more things with Mid-Snake before confirming when the de-ob will occur. We will soon owe the 2nd payment ($5000) for the video PSA, which is more than we should ask Keep Idaho Green to cover. Dickinson has talked with Shaver about making a budget modification to allow IDFW to pay that invoice if the de-ob does not happen soon enough.

Video PSA- Wiss reported that shooting of the PSA occurred on 3/29/12. Editing is under way, with the aim of having the PSA ready in time for Wildfire Awareness Month. Wiss asked if we want a voice-over at the end, or just a graphic to drive the viewers to our website. Youngquist and Dickinson felt that a voice-over may take away from the powerful final image.

Update Website – Minor updates were made to the website related to contact information, board of directors, and executive directors. The changeover to the new system will hopefully occur next week. Customer service issues and clarification: We pay Drake-Cooper for web hosting, but not for any services. We could hire someone to work on our website if desired. Web hosting is about $1500 per year. Any work by Drake-Cooper on the website is billed at $125.00 per hour. Because of the technical difficulties during the last training, they have agreed to provide some additional training at no charge.

Wildfire Awareness Month - The multi-state proclamation has been signed by Governor Otter. Dickinson sent the proclamation on to Nevada, which will sign it and then send it to California. Oregon had signed the proclamation prior to Idaho. Dickinson met with Savvy Marketing about an advertising campaign for Wildfire Awareness Month and later in the summer (two peak times). Some of this depends on the de-ob occurring in time. Dickinson also asked Savvy Marketing about having something ready to run on short notice if needed during fire season. Keep Idaho Green is also working on a Guberif marketing campaign.

Barkley mentioned that May 3 at 10 am PST she will co-host a national webinar on fire ecology and firewise landscaping. She will send information about it to the group and encourages everyone to forward it to their contacts.


Firewise Community Presentations – Dickinson talked to Pat Durland about being on retainer to provide Firewise presentations in the Boise area if needed. For Dickinson to travel to/from Boise would be about $450 in travel costs. Durland has the agency background and expertise and is also a homeowner in the WUI who stresses the individual responsibility of homeowners. Barkley suggested that we make sure there is continuity between all IDFW messages, even if Durland develops his own presentation. Dickinson mentioned that she has several agency and fire department people who she will also contact to provide presentations when IDFW receives these requests.

Michelle Youngquist moved to approve contracting with Durland as needed for presentations

Second: Kip Kemak

Motion carries.

BOD Membership – Keith Jones of Idaho State Parks & Recreation has joined the IDFW board, and will attend the May meeting.

Bylaws and Board Member Participation - The group reviewed the Bylaws: Section 4, Duties, and discussed the portion about a board member being removed from the board if they miss 3 consecutive meetings. Youngquist suggested that we change “will be removed” to “may be removed,” which will give the Board discretion to handle each case individually.

Dickinson provided notice last month that we would examine the bylaws at this meeting, so feels the proper notification has occurred before making a change to the bylaws.

Yvonne Barkley moved that we change Bylaws section 4 part f, second sentence as follows:

Any director who is absent from three consecutive board meetings will be considered a non-participant and will may be removed from the Board.

Second: BobHoward

Motion passed.


None discussed


None Discussed

Meeting Adjourned 12:12PM MDT.