Town of Kingston

Recreation Commission Meeting

Monday Sept. 9, 2013

7:00 PM

Reed Community Building

33 A Summer Street

Kingston, MA 02364

The Recreation Commission held its regular scheduled meeting on Monday Sept. 9, 2013, at the Reed Community Building, 33A Summer St., and Kingston, MA 02364.

Chairperson Kathy LaNatra called meeting to order at 7:00 PM

Members Present: Andy Davis, Brian Whidden, Kathy LaNatra, Melissa Bateman ,and Noelle Ballinger

Not Present: None

Also Present: Susan Woodworth, Debbie Doherty

Public Attendance: Peter Smith, Sean Harkins, Sandra Harkins, Debbie Grace, Jeff Gauthier, Jack Riordan, and Mark Guidoboni


Motion made by Brian Whidden, second by Andy Davis, to approve meeting minutes from August 2013 meeting.


No discussion

Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Open Forum-None

Sean Harkins attended meeting to discuss his Eagle projects. Sean would like to attach awnings to football shed at Opachinski.


Motion made by Melissa Bateman, second by Andy Davis, to approve the Eagle Scout project, as presented by Sean Harkins to attach an awning to the football shed at Opachinski.



Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Peter Smith attended meeting to discuss the possibility of mailing a postcard instead of the brochure. Also Peter stated that he wanted to show his support and help in any way to assist with this change.

Debbie Grace attended meeting to discuss the possibility of a community information day. Debbie stated that she felt this would be helpful in the community, maybe to be held in January or February.

Jack Riordan stated updates for KYSO. The parking lot project is on its way. Jack stated that they would like to use B3, to stockpile equipment and materials.


Motion made by Brian Whidden, second by, Noelle Ballinger, to allow any and all materials and equipment to be stock piled on B3 at Opachinski.



Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Athletic field maintenance worker position is still on hold. Susan will be meeting with town administrator.

Susan stated the bathroom facility at Opachinski will be upgraded. Tommy Bouchard won the bid for the toilet upgrade installation. Susan stated that there are two types. The auto is $3774.00 and the manual style is $2774.00.


Motion made by Melissa Bateman, second by Noelle Ballinger, to install the Auto flush toilet, at the Opachinski bathroom facility.



Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Susan stated that Iarossi was the only bid that we had received for the removal of the tile flooring at Opachinski.


Motion made by Andy Davis, second by Melissa Bateman, to approve that Susan review the most responsive bid for the removal of tile floor at Opachinski.



Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Tournament discussions, table for October. Need to discuss guidelines.

Susan updated Commissioners on status of Maintenance projects. Susan stated that Joe Colby was working on bids for floor, contacted company about replacing carpet in Barcella room and old COA office. Joe cleaned out the offices downstairs, to prepare for painting and new carpet. Buoys at Gray’s beach should be taken out this week, seal coating of parking lot, not sure if fall or spring, and the walls at Grays beach restrooms will be replaced and painted. Joe is still working with game time on the playground equipment replacements and repairs. Neil Murphy gave an estimate of $14,000.00 for replacing back siding at the Reed building.


Motion made by Brian Whidden, second by Andy Davis, for NeilMurphy to replace back exterior siding at the Reed Building in the amount of $14,000.



Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Susan stated the concrete pad for out front of the Reed building will cost approximately $4200-$4350.00.

Susan updated Commission on general information regarding programs and registrations.

Susan asks Commission about subcommittee for walking trail at Opachinski. Commission asks to table until Oct. meeting.

Susan stated that a remembrance ceremony will be held at the fire station on Sept. 11, 2013, if anyone is interested in attending.

Mark Guidoboni attended meeting to thank everyone for their support of the sailing program. He also stated that the boats have been cleaned and put away.

Andy Davis updated Commission on CPC project. Historical committee has chosen a digger for the project at the back of Opachinski. The project should take approximately 8 weeks, and should be done by the end of the year.

Susan stated that Andy Davis had volunteered to input the field information into the online system for the fall.

Next Meeting date is Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013, at 7:00 PM.



Motion made by Brian Whidden, second by Andy Davis, to adjourn the Sept. 9, 2013, at 8:50 PM,

Kingston Recreation Commission meeting held at 33A Summer Street, Kingston, MA 02364.


No discussion

Motion passed by unanimous vote