Student Union Board of Governors Formal Meeting Minutes

Monday January25th, 2016

S.U. 324

4:00 P.M.


Joseph Rosacalled the meeting to order at 4:03PM.


Joseph Rosa moved to accept the minutes from last meeting onDecember 14th, 2015.


VICE PRESIDENT/ Finance and Administration

Quian Callendar – Welcome back everyone. Two things- I’m going to the Student Advisory Hearing on Tuesday February 9th and that is when SUBOG goes to present our current fiscal year budget and our projected budget for the next 3 years. Make sure you get your expense logs in. At end of February everything will be consolidated so it works to your benefit so you can pass preps at the next formal meeting before everything is pooled.



A.Amend Prep #102 Equal Playing Field Synergy

Quian Callendar moved to amend Prep #102 Equal Playing Field Synergy; Stephanie Sales seconded the motion and it was notamended. Voting then went back to the original and it was passed.


A.Prep #106 Evan Peters

Haley McMullen moved to pass Prep #106 Evan Peters; Megan Finer seconded the motion and it was passed.



Joseph Rosa– Selection for next year is in motion. Ads, bus ads, and toilet papers, are all made. The way its going to play out is that applications go out to public February 8th. Interviews for exec will be March 1st and 2nd and regular board interviews are March 7th,8th, and 9th. For seniors, I just finished selection committee apps and I’ll send them out ASAP. We want to double to the positions (around 30 applications) and make them meaningful. Hopefully we get a good turnout. State of SUBOG was last week and even thought not a lot of people came it was good to just break the ice. The next meeting will be in room 325 and we hope we get a big turn out next Monday from the involvement fair. NACA Nationals apps were due at 12 but I’ll still be accepting applications. It’s a good opportunity to go. Stephanie and Grant went last time and said it was a great experience. If you’re interested let me know. Kyle and Eric are good about contacting your professors and letting them know that you’re attending something impactful.


Stephanie Sales & Grant Miner–MLK was really good. I really liked Melissa Harris Perry and did not like getting up on stage, but it was really good. I thought the turnout was bigger than I anticipated. Thanks to everyone who came, it was awesome and great! I’m going to be sending out emails for committee member of the month. The form is now on the Google drive. You have to select the month, committee name and member, and a brief explanation of why you are nominating them. We will vote at informal on who will be featured on the Instagram and the rest of nominees will be featured on the Facebook page.


Janet Zheng– The first policy meeting is this Thursday and we’ll be going over priority access for room 312.


1.Megan O’Keefe (Comedy) – The first meeting is this Thursday at 7 pm. As for the rest of the semester we are working on another comedy stand-up competition and a travel trip to Boston for a comedy show. We’re also working on two other shows and the big headliner show during spring weekend.

2.Jose Delgado (Concert) – Tickets went on sale for Groove Boston which is on February 5th. I’ve been stressing world of mouth a lot for advertising. The Groove Boston team will be here Tuesday and Thursday and they do great at advertising. Our next committee meeting will beon Thursday from 5-6 pm in room 104.

3.Megan Fainer (Film) – We have CMF coming up in the middle of February and depending on how everything goes we might need people especially if I go to NACA so I might ask you guys to help.

4.Ashley Lane (Fine and Performing Arts) –February 11th I have my first art event called Art of the Heart and were bringing in artists from FUN to make Valentines Day cards and other crafts. We also passed the Broadway show prep for April 9th and we’re getting ready for our first committee meeting.

5.Haley McMullen (Lecture) –We have Katie Wirsing coming up on Thursday. I ran into an issue trying to get organizations involved and UConn PoeticRelease is having their biggest slam in the union at the same time on the same day and they responded no when we asked if they could do it together with us. Advertisements will be going out this week on full blast since the biggest organization we were hoping for will not be participating. Laptop stickers came out and will be given out at the involvement fair. As for David Peterson, we’re finishing contracting on that and he’s going to be working with a professor on campus, talking to a linguistics class and giving his lecture. And the last big thing is Evan Peters for Spring Weekend. My one committee member Dan never emailed me back about this semester so I don’t have any members for this semester so I’m down to zero besides Megan and Quian who come, and Erika on occasion. Our committee meeting will be 5-530 pm in the conference room on Wednesday nights right before Megan’s so if you know anyone who would be interested at all I am very lonely.

6.Marissa Carbone (Major Weekends) – Winter weekend coming up. I’m glad all of SUBOG is involved. I’m excited for Nicole and Megan’s events, and Jose has the concert that night. Me andRachel are working on a scavenger hunt- giving out skip the line tickets for One Ton Sundae, movie vouchers, front row seats for Iliza, and Groove Boston. We’ll be doing a lot of promotion during the week. There is one ticket left for the ski trip so that went really well. Just so you know One Ton Sunday is a full board event so it would be cool if you guys stop by. We got hand and foot warmers so you can’t complain that its too cold and that’s why you can’t do it.

7.Nicole Baker (Special Events) –During Winter Weekend we will have our Harry Potter event and the hypnotist show that will be rated R so it will be good. Were planning a relaxation event at end of February and planning a black light night in March. and meetings are at __ at 530

8.Corey Tuck (Sports Promotion) –Not in attendance.

9.Christian Spaar & Rachel Finlaw (Outreach) –Thanks for everyone who signed up to be at the involvement fair and recruitment events. If you want to recruit members it would be really awesome if you did sign up for the recruitment event so you can talk to people personally and you could talk to people about your committee. The involvement fair is Wednesday from 2-7 pm in Gample so set up would be around 1:30 pm. If you’re signed up for that shift meet at thee office. If you have anything you want handed out for Wednesday and Monday put those in the promo-on-the-go box.

USG Report: Not in attendance.

Advisor Reports:

1.Michael Malenfant– Outreach is working on a back end list serve for individuals interested in SUBOG events. SUBOG updates will be sent out on a 2-3-week basis and we’ll be plugging in your events, the calendar, and polls. Another shout out for Ashley’s first event on February 11th. Definitely support Katie Wirsing and show you support.We’ll definitely need some staffing help. I want to reemphasize stop by for the involvement fair because you all will ultimately get people to sign up. Happy Monday!

2.Jessica Gerum –I want to commend everyone for a good conversation about preps that were passed. Just a consolidation piece for the SUBOG budget- by march 1st if you haven’t figured it out anymore programs it becomes put in the SUBOG pool rather than your line item and goes to people who have great ideas but not enough funds. Decide to use it or it goes to everyone else. By March 1st if you haven’t passed preps it will no longer be your line item money. The involvement fair should be the spring board for your committee this year. It is a great idea to follow up with snacks and meeting that day and be sure to encourage them to come! SUBOG is a lot more fun and easier when everyone can participate andis here to help. Lets get everyone busy and loving SUBOG. We don’t have a huge travel line up for this semester which is okay but I encourage everyone to consider something for the spring semester.

3.Kyle Neary–The office hours form is in the email that Eric sent out three times. As advisors, we took a vow that we’ll really try to not send things to your personal account so please make sure that you’re checking your email accounts. You need to separate the two. I know its not the most conveient thing but give it a good college try. Try to push the February 1st informal meeting. Getting you all in the room interacting can definitely be great. You’re all already here so that’s a great way to say “come to our meeting today or next week”. We passed a lot of preps today that have confidential artists so please keep these under wraps until you are ready to advertise them. You want to have excitement and have people guessing but make sure the people in this room are being tight lipped about these things.

4.Eric Bouchard-It’s the time of the year to start thinking about who in your committee are the next big thing for SUBOG. Lets think about those people right now so when apps do open on the 8ththey’re ready to apply. Exec will be selected and announced prior to the selection to the rest of the board because we want the president to be involved with the interviews for the regular board. It should be an exciting change and look for more updates from Joe.

5.Michelle Scali–I’m excited for events coming up, excited for list serve, and really excited to see who is coming to NACA with me for 5 days!

The SUBOG Cup was awarded to___ by ___.

Joe Rosa moved to adjourn the meeting;seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 5:01P.M.

Respectfully Submitted:

Quian Callendar