“TAKS Bingo”

Teacher Instructions:

Materials: Set of questions, bingo cards, markers, prizes

Give each player a bingo card with answers to clues that correlate to the objectives that are being assessed on TAKS. The teacher will read a clue. The student will determine the answer to the clue and locate it on the card. The student will place a marker on the card where the answer appears. If the student scores diagonally, horizontally, or whatever bingo strategy you choose, they call “bingo.”

·  The students may play alone or in pairs. It seems to work best when they are paired. They have more fun and “two heads are better than one.” The honor students may prefer to work alone. (Competition).

·  Baby lima beans may be used as markers. They are cheap and can be distributed to each student in a zip-lock bag of about 30.

·  There are 30 bingo cards. It would be good to laminate them or cover them with sheet protectors.

·  Of course, you must have something to give the students if they win.

The students seem to love “blow pops” the best. Sam’s Club has a box of 100 for about $6.49.

·  You will probably only be able to play about 3 games in one period.

·  Make sure when a student bingos, that you review the clues that

were asked to verify their card. This will also serve as a reinforcement of the content.

·  Each clue should be written on a separate index card along with the answer. Have a student mix up the cards and the caller will begin reading the clues from the top of the deck. Set them aside for easy checking.

·  Allow students the same aids that are available for the TAKS, such as a calculator, periodic table, and formula chart.

·  The clues can be revised to fit any topic or unit.



The bingo card below consists of answers to clues on topics you have studied in IPC and biology. The caller will read a clue. You will determine the answer to the clue and locate it on the card. Place a marker on the answer that corresponds to the clue.

B / I / N / G / O


1.  An educated guess about what we think will happen in an experiment based on research or scientific knowledge. (hypothesis)

2.  The variable on the horizontal axis of a graph (independent variable)

3.  The variable on the y-axis of a graph (dependent variable)

4.  A factor that does not change in an experiment (constant)

5.  A standard for comparing the experimental results to (control)

6.  A unit used to express density (g/cm3)

7.  In a graph showing how the temperature of a material changes over time, temperature change would be the ______variable.

8.  A unit used to measure volume (cm3)

9.  The type of graph used to compare a change in the amount of money spent per year by three companies over a five-year period (line graph)

10.  The type of graph used to compare the number of citizens in ten different counties (bar graph)

11.  The type of graph used to represent the percentage of employees that make up each area of a business (circle graph or pie chart)

12.  An instrument used to measure the volume of a marble (graduated cylinder)

13.  An instrument used to measure the mass of a glass of water (balance)

14.  A testable question for a science experiment is one that is based on ______. (facts)

15.  The method used to test the odor of fumes (wafting)

16.  A balance measures mass in what metric unit? (grams)

17.  A type of mixture that looks the same throughout and can be separated by physical means. (homogeneous)

18.  An example of a diatomic molecule. (O2)

19.  The chemical formula for ozone. (O3)

20. What does a “kilogram” measure? (mass)

21.  What will an object do if buoyant force is less than its weight? (sink)

22. What will an object do if buoyant force is greater than its weight? (float)

23. An example of a chemical change. (Formation of a new mineral)

24. A 50-g piece of wood measures 50-g even after it is burned to ashes. What law is being demonstrated? (Conservation of Mass)

25. The law demonstrated when light is converted into heat. (Conservation of Energy)

26. A subatomic particle with a mass about equal to that of a neutron. (proton)

27. A subatomic particle with very little mass compared to the others. (electron)

28. Similar chemical properties characterize elements in a ______. (group)

29. Family of the periodic table with the greatest tendency to gain or attract electrons. (halogens)

30. The type of reaction characterized by two compounds yielding two new compounds. (double replacement)

31.  The method of heat transfer occurring in liquids and gases. (convection)

32. The method of heat transfer occurring in solids. (conduction)

33. The source of energy in an electrical circuit. (battery)

34. A type of circuit that would not support a break in the circuit. (series)

35. The illusion of a pencil bending as it passes through water is an example of ______. (refraction)

36. Occurs when the sound produced by one object causes another object to vibrate. (resonance)

37. An echo is produced by this interaction. (reflection)

38. Occurs when several waves combine to form a single wave. (interference)

39. Caused by sunglasses that reduce glare when they perpendicularly block waves. (polarization)

40. The ratio of work output to work input. (efficiency)

41.  The type of lever characterized by a human forearm. (third-class)

42. The type of lever characterized by a hammer. (first-class)

43. The ratio of work to time. (power)

44. 75 km/h due West is an example of ______. (velocity)

45. Equation used to calculate momentum. (p = mv)

46. Equation used to calculate speed. (v = d/t)

47. Demonstrated when a car turns a corner. (acceleration)

48. A law demonstrated when a stalled car will not move. (inertia)

49. The acceleration of an object in free fall. (9.8 m/s2)

50. Characteristic that enables water to dissolve many substances. (polarity)

51.  A substance with a pH of 4. (acid)

52. A substance with a pH of 12. (base)

53. Crushing a rock into powder is increasing its ______. (surface area)

54. The solubility of gases increases when ______increases. (pressure)

55. A cloud is a result of this change in state. (condensation)

56. Required for a change in state to occur. (energy)

57. Method used to measure the volume of a rock. (water-displacement).

58. A property that explains why syrup is pours more slowly than water. (viscosity)

59. The density of a piece of bread taken from a slice with a density of 5.0g/cm3 (5.0g/cm3)

60. The number of valence electrons of the elements in the alkaline-earth family. (2)

61.  The number of valence electrons of the noble gases. (8)

62. Type of bond likely to be formed by the alkaline elements combining with other elements. (ionic)

63. Type of bond formed when oxygen combines with hydrogen. (covalent)

64. Maintaining the same body temperature in both summer and winter is the result of a process called _____. (homeostasis).

65. The part of a cell responsible for energy production. (mitochondria)

66. The part of a cell responsible for the production of protein. (ribosomes)

67. Controls the amount of gases that enter a leaf. (guard cell)

68. The process by which water moves from a greater concentration in a cell to a lesser concentration. (osmosis)

69. The spreading of food coloring in water is an example of ______. (diffusion)

70. An example of an autotroph. (tree)

71.  An example of a heterotroph. (squirrel)

72. The usual products of a photosynthesis reaction. (sugar and oxygen)

73. A membrane allowing only certain substances to pass through it. (semi-permeable)

74. Organisms that do not have a nuclear membrane. (prokaryotes)

75. Organisms that have a nucleus. (eukaryotes)

76. Its composition consists of a phosphate group, five-carbon sugar, and nitrogen-containing base. (nucleotide)

77. The complementary strand to a DNA base sequence of CTGA. (GACT)

78. The complementary strand to a RNA base sequence of ACUG. (UGAC)

79. The result of a piece of chromosome breaking off and not reattaching during cell division. (deletion mutation)

80. Type of cell division resulting in the gametes having half the number of chromosomes found in body cells. (meiosis)

81.  An example of a heterozygous gene. (Tt)

82. An example of a homozygous gene. (WW)

83. The third level in the classification system of organisms. (Class)

84. The phylum to which humans belong. (Chordata).

85. The kingdom to which mushrooms belong. (fungi)

86. This kingdom may be characterized by organisms that are ball-shaped, rod-shaped, and spiral-shaped. (Eubacteria)

87. Tissue that enables body structures to move. (muscle)

88. Type of joint found in the finger. (hinge)

89. Type of joint found in the ankle. (gliding)

90. A system within an organism that transports nutrients and gases. ( circulatory)

91.  Blood cells that defend the body against disease. (white blood cells)

92. Breathing is a part of which living system? (respiratory)

93. A living system to which the kidney belongs. (excretory)

94. Blood cells that destroy infected cells by puncturing its cell membrane, causing water to rush in. (Killer T cells)

95. Another name for heart muscle. (cardiac)

96. An example of an illness caused by a virus. (AIDS)

97. An example of an illness caused by bacteria. (strep throat)

98. The organism in an energy pyramid which would receive energy directly from the sun. (producer)

99. A rabbit is an example of which type of consumer? (primary)

100.  The type of relationship that exists between a flower and bee. (mutualism)

101.  The type of relationship that exists between a cat and fleas. (parasitism)

102.  A diagram that represent hypotheses about how organisms are related through evolution. (phylogenetic trees).

103.  The changing of a species that results in its being better suited to its environment. (adaptation)

104.  Phase of the water cycle by which water moves from olants into the atmosphere. (transpiration)

105.  The process by which bacteria change ammonia into nitrates or nitrogen gas. (denitrification)

106.  The particular place where an organism lives. (habitat)

107.  An increase in the number of prey in an area would indicate a ______in predators. (decrease)

108.  Tissue in a plant that transports water and minerals from the roots to the stems and leaves. (xylem)

109.  Tissue in a plant that transports sugars and other nutrients throughout a plant. (phloem)

B / I / N / G / O
hypothesis / facts / O3 / first-class / convection
series / efficiency / 9.8m/s2 / reflection / proton
acid / eight / prokaryotes / 5.0 g/cm3 / base
electron / osmosis / energy / homeostasis / eukaryotes
two / Tt / hinge / excretory / respiratory
B / I / N / G / O
gliding / Phylogenetic trees / class / Deletion mutation / Strep throat
AIDS / Ww / mutualism / phloem / adaptation
muscle / meiosis / V = d/t / convection / group
refraction / series / O2 / constant / Third-class
O3 / Bar graph / battery / power / reflection
B / I / N / G / O
Chordata / White blood cells / fungi / parasitism / transpiration
squirrel / xylem / Guard cell / habitat / condensation
Water-displacement / tree / Killer T cells / mitochondria / cardiac
GACT / wafting / variable / homogeneous / Conservation of Mass
5.0 g/cm3 / refraction / Surface area / condensation / 9.8 m/s2
B / I / N / G / O
habitat / decrease / ionic / pressure / osmosis
respiratory / UGAC / Eubacteria / hinge / producer
primary / circulatory / Cm3 / P = mv / V = d/t
hypothesis / Independent variable / Bar graph / mass / grams
Semi-permeable / Conservation of Energy / convection / Circle graph or pie chart / Dependent variable
B / I / N / G / O
control / Dependent variable / g/cm3 / Graduated cylinder / sink
producer / Eubacteria / covalent / ribosomes / Sugar and oxygen
diffusion / eight / electron / refraction / interference
battery / Double replacement / denetrification / adaptation / gliding
mutation / parasitism / Line graph / balance / osmosis
B / I / N / G / O
decrease / efficiency / polarization / Formation of a new mineral / Guard ce;;
First-class / V = d/t / two / halogens / group
conduction / g/cm3 / squirrel / pressure / viscosity
acid / electron / xylem / circulatory / UGAC
nucleotide / WW / White blood cells / primary / mutualism
B / I / N / G / O
gliding / Strep throat / producer / parasitism / excretory
meiosis / Guard cell / homeostasis / 5.0g/cm3 / phloem
habitat / control / mass / inertia / Semi-permeable
Graduated cylinder / Independent variable / power / velocity / inertia
acceleration / battery / refraction / AIDS / 9.8 m/s2
B / I / N / G / O
Tt / muscle / hinge / cardiac / Phylogenetic trees
GACT / fungi / eight / ionic / prokaryotes
viscosity / Bar graph / constant / grams / efficiency
two / control / refraction / transpiration / adaptation
UGAC / phloem / ribosomes / cardiac / tree
B / I / N / G / O
Eubacteria / excretory / Chordata / ionic / energy
condensation / mitochondria / grams / Bar graph / mass
respiratory / O2 / facts / convection / habitat
float / Formation of a new mineral / Conservation of Mass / Line graph / circulatory