Date: 5/13/13 Time: 12:10

Pledge of Allegiance

Invocation: Gaylord Creedon


Guests: Exchange students and host families. See Today’s Program.

Visiting Rotarians: None.


Lina Bowman and Shane Reeside


Bill Rice, 15 years. Jim Fikany, 16 years. Amy Gennaro, 15 years.




Unfortunately, Mike Kosinski’s surgery was far more extensive than anticipated resulting in the removal of his esophagus and stomach. He will be at U of M Hospital for at least another week and then has a long recovery. Please keep him in your prayers..


Jay Fradenburg passed it on to Glenn Housey for his weekly manning of the lunch ticket table with a smile and, usually, a joke.


-- There will be a Club Assembly the evening of May 15th at the Farms Pier. Please plan on attending.

-- Bill Scott could still use a few more to accompany him the evening of May 24th on a tour and hands on work opportunity at Pewabic Pottery with our exchange students. Cost is $40 per person. Please contact Bill if interested.

-- There is a Club Board meeting at the Farms Pier on Thursday, 5/16, at

7:30 AM Thursday May 16th. All are welcome.

-- Steve McMillan talked about each member’s annual obligation to donate to Rotary International. R.I. asks for $100 from each Rotarian every year so please donate if you have not already done so. The easiest way to meet your commitment is to sign up for automatic bank or credit card withdrawals. Please contact Steve or Amy Gennaro for more information. – Lee Johnson thanked all of the Rotarians and Interact students who helped load boxes of books at the GP Woods Library. They were told 40 boxes but that actual number was in excess of 250. Thanks to all who stepped up.

-- There is a volunteer day scheduled for World Medical Relief on June 8th. Please consider this “hands-on” project. Contact President Diane if interested.

-- The Dinner Club will be meeting at the Tin Fish on May 23rd. Contact Bill Scott or Florence Seltzer to confirm your reservation.

-- The Full Circle Urban Garden, located at the Riverview Heath & Rehab Center on E. Warren, is having a spring planting on May 19th between 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

-- No meeting on Monday, May 27th in honor of Memorial Day.

tOday’s PrOGraM

Kim Towar acknowledged and thanked our exchange students’ host families. For Felix: (1) Helen and David Landuyt and (2) John and Susan Mozena. For Prisi: (1) Michael, Gert, Mike and Pat Mulier and Mary Muphy and (2) Elizabeth

Zatina and Mike and Bridget McDevitt.

Kim also acknowledged two Outbound Students for next year. Rebecca Constant (Denmark) whose parents are Brad and Judy Constant. Casey Mazza (France) whose parents are Sergio and Lora Mazza

For the official program, our exchange students provided us with a glimpse of their home countries and their experiences this past school year. Felix focused more on Belgium with, fitting his personality, an irreverent video and details on the major items for which is country is known. Prisi focused more on the activities she has been a part of and the friends she made while here and how much she believes she has grown as a person.

We will miss them both.


$2,732 in the pot with $1,367 going to the winner. Steve Brownell let Steve McMillan try his hand at drawing the joker with the proceeds going to the Club’s annual giving. Incredibly, Steve was unsuccessful and only 3 cards remain! Thank you to Dave Charvat for the beautiful flowers.


To see our upcoming speakers, please go to our website: