  Pnina Motzafi-Haller-


January 2008

  Personal Details

Place and Date of Birth: Afula, Israel; Feb. 2, 1955

Work Address: Social Studies Unit, Dept. of Man in the Desert, Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben Gurion University, Sede Boqer Campus, 84990 Midreshet Ben-Gurion, Israel

Office phone: 972-8-659 6866; Fax 972-8-659 6881

Home Address: P.O Box 39, Midreshet Ben Gurion, 84990, Israel

Home phone: 972-8- 653 2285; mobile 054 4670909

  Education

Academic Training

B.A. 1974-76 Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology

M.A. 1978-85 Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, Dept. of Anthropology

Ph.D. 1985-88 Brandeis University, Dept. of Anthropology

Doctoral Dissertation: Transformations in the Tswapong Region, Central Botswana: National Policies and Local Realities (Advisor: Prof. Marguerite Robinson, Harvard Institute for International Development)

  Employment History

Oct 2003-date Senior Lecturer, Social Studies Unit, Department of Man in the Desert, The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

1995–2003 Lecturer, Social Studies Unit, Department of Man in the Desert, The Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

2002-2003 Visiting Professor, Institute for Women Studies, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.

1995-1996 Lecturer, Department of Behavioral Studies and the Social Studies Center (joint appointment), Ben-Gurion University.

1994 Visiting Assistant Professor, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Holy Cross College, Worchester, MA

1991–1993 Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Holy Cross College, Worchester, MA

1988–1991 Lecturer, Committee on Degrees in Social Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (A special BA program for honors students, established by Prof. David Landes)

1988, Fall Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Boston University, Boston, MA

1987, Spring Lecturer, Dept. of Anthropology, Wheaton College, Norton, MA

1986–1987 Instructor, Dept. of Near Eastern & Judaic Studies, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA

1985–1986 Instructor, Dept. of Modern Foreign Languages, Boston University, Boston, MA

1985–1986 Visiting Assistant Professor, Anthropology and Israeli Studies, Hebrew College, Brookline, MA

1976–1977 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Introduction to Social Anthropology, Seminar on Field Research

1975-1977 Research Assistant, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Carried out anthropological fieldwork with Dr. Yitzhak Elam on patterns of communal change among immigrant Jews from Soviet Georgia; wrote field reports; assisted in writing two published articles.

1976 Data Analyst in a research project headed by Dr. R. Cahanah.

The School of Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

1975 Research Assistant, Social Science Unit, Henrietta Szold Research Institute, Jerusalem, Israel

1974-1975 Administrative Assistant, Department for Gifted Children of the Ministry of Education, Jerusalem, Israel.

  Professional Activities

(a). Anthropological field research

2005-2008 Israel: “Cleaning Labor in Israel” An interdisciplinary research project in collaboration with Bar Ilan Sociologist Dr. Orly Benjamin and Social Historian Haifa University Prof Debbie Bernstein. Interviews and participant observation in Sde Boker, Yeruham, Dimona, Ofakim and Beer Sheva. The three year project is funded by the Israeli Academy of Science.

2000-2004 Israel: Ethnographic research in the Negev development town of Yeruham exploring gender relations and social change. Research focuses on the process of increasing religiosity in the community. The Israeli Academy of Science and the International Research Institute on Jewish Women at Brandeis University funded this project.

1997-2003 Burkina Faso: Research coordinator in a collaborative research team that included two Burkinabe and one Dutch scholar. The project entitled: “Farmers’ Participation in Sustainable Development: A Socially Sensitive Model for Intervention” was financed by The Netherlands-Israel Research Program (NIRP). As a research coordinator, I oversaw the ongoing administrative work linking four research institutions in Africa, Holland and Israel. I also engaged in active field research in the Northwestern regions of Burkina Faso, where problems of severe desertification due to soil erosion were the focus of research and sacademically supervised the research work of three Burkinabe graduate students.

1981-2000 Botswana: Intensive field research in the Tswapong Region on the links between patterns of control over social space and collective identities. (2 months in 1981, 15 months 1982-1984, summer 1993, summer 2000).

1975-1977 Israel: Ethnographic research (with Dr. Yitzhak Elam) among Georgian Jewish immigrants to Israel in the community of Ashkelon.

(b) Positions in academic administration

1999-present Member of the steering committee of the Humphrey Institute for Social Research, Ben Gurion University.

2004-5 Organizer (with Dr. Daniel de-Malach) the yearly seminar of Humphrey on the topic of “Identities and Social Class”

1997 BGU Faculty host of Prof John Comaroff on a President grant for Distinguished visitors. Organized Prof Comaroff’s mini-course at BGU and a series of guest lectures in five Israeli universities.

1998 BGU Faculty host of Prof. Homi Bhabha on a President grant for Distinguished visitors. Organized a series of Prof. Bhabha’s lectures around the country and hosted him and his family during his 10 day first visit in Israel.

(c ) Professional functions outside universities/institutions

2007-2008 member of the academic board of the Israeli Association for Qualitative Research.

2005-6 Head of a social science professional committee that evaluates research submissions for the Israeli Academy of Science.

1999-2001 Member of the board of the Israeli Association for Gender and Feminist Studies

1998-2001 Research Associate, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem

(d) Editor or Member of editorial boards of scientific journals

  Editor (with Michael Feige) Hagar: Studies in Culture, Polity, Identities.

  Acting editor during 2006-7 (with Niza Yanai and Oren Yiftachel) Hagar: International Social Studies Review.

  Member of editorial board of Political and Legal Anthropology Review (U.S.A.) 1993-1995

  Member of editorial board of Te’orya Ve’Bikoreth ( Theory and Criticism) (Israel) 1999-2004

  Member of editorial board of Hagar: International Social Studies Review (Israel) 1999-present

  Member of editorial board of Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power (U.S.A.) 2000-2005

(c) Reviewer

Professional Journals (* indicates more than one review)

  Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

  Women’s Studies International Forum

  *American Ethnologist

  *Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power

  Social Politics: International Studies of Gender, State and Society.

  *Cultural Anthropologist

  Political and Legal Anthropology Review

  *Te’orya Ve’Bikoreth (Theory and Criticism)

  Canadian Bulletin of Medical History

  *Megamot

  Israeli Sociology

  Tarbut Democratit (Democratic Culture)

  *Hagar: International Social Studies Review

Book Publishers

  Cambridge University Press

  The University of Chicago Press

  Magness Press, Israel

  Bar Ilan University Press, Israel

Research Granting Institutions

  *The Israeli Science Foundation (Ha’Akademya HaYisraelit Le’Madaiim)

  Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies, European University Institute

  The Ministry of Science (Misrad Hamada)

  The Center for Research and Advancement of Women’s Health, Ben Gurion University.

  The Center for Bedouin Studies, Ben Gurion University.

  Educational Activities

(a) Courses taught

§  Global feminism, Local feminisms 2008 Dept of Anthropology and Sociology, BGU

§  Feminist Theory and Place: The End of Sisterhood? (2005-2006, 2007) Dept of Behavioral Studies, BGU. A graduate level seminar.

§  Identity and Class (Fall 2005-2006) Dept of Public Administration, Sapir College.

§  Israeli Inequality: Yeruham as a Case Study (Spring 2005-6) Dept of Public Administration, Sapir College

§  Critical Perspectives on Development (Spring 2005, Fall 2004, Fall and Spring 2002) Graduate level seminar, International School for Desert Research, Sede Boqer Campus, BGU.

§  Gender and Development (Spring 2005, Spring 2004, Spring 2002) Graduate level seminar, International School for Desert Research, Sede Boqer Campus, BGU

§  Ethnic Perspectives on Israeli Society (Spring 2004) Overseas Student Program, BGU.

§  Gender, Knowledge and Power: The Cases of Israel/Palestine (Fall 2003), Institute for Women Studies, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.

§  Arab Feminist Discourses (2000-2001, 2001-2002) Dept. of Middle Eastern Studies, BGU.

§  Critical Anthropology of Development (2000-2001, 2002) graduate level seminar, Dept of

Behavioral Studies, BGU.

§  Qualitative Research Methods. (1995-2000) Anthropology Graduate Program, BGU.

§  The Politics of Identity (1997-1999) graduate seminar, Dept of Behavioral Studies, BGU

§  Israeli Anthropology (1999) undergraduate seminar, Dept of Behavioral Studies, BGU.

§  Africa—Images and Realities (1995-1997) undergraduate class, Dept of Behavioral Studies, BGU.

§  Introduction to Anthropology (1995-1998) Sapir College. Required undergraduate class

§  Qualitative Research Methods (1995) College of the Holy Cross, Worchester, Mass, USA

§  Political Anthropology (1994-1995) College of the Holy Cross, USA

§  Perspectives on the Third World (1998-91) Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

§  Power and Politics in African Societies (Boston Univ. 1988, Harvard Univ. 1988-91)

§  Development and Underdevelopment (1989-91) with Prof. David Landes at Harvard University.

§  African History (1989-91) with Prof. Leroy Vail at Harvard University.

§  Israeli Group Relations (1985-86). Hebrew College, Brookline Mass, USA.

§  Gender in Society and Culture (Fall 1987) Wheaton College, Norton, Mass, USA.

§  Political Anthropology ( Fall 1987) Wheaton College, Norton, Mass, USA.

(b) Research students

Post-doctoral candidate Amilia Weintrob Rosenberg “Desert Anthropology: Social Space in Mitzpe Ramon.” Pnina Motzafi-Haller supervisor.

PhD students:

Sigal Nagar Ron, PhD student , Dept of Behavioral Studies, BGU. “Feminism and Ethnic Identity among Mizrahi Women in Israel”. Pnina Motzafi-Haller supervisor.

Yael Abessira, Ph.D student. Dept of African Studies, Hebrew U. of Jerusalem, “An Ethnography of Development in Dar El-Salam, Tanzania” Steve Kaplan, Hebrew U. and Pnina Motzafi-Haller, supervisors.

M.A. Students: (12 since 2001)

--Alma Cohen M.A. Dept of Education, Ben Gurion University. Pnina Motzafi-Haller and Avi Kaplan, Supervisors.

--Monica Njeri M.A School of Desert Studies, Sede Boqer. Ben Gurion University. “Critical Analysis of Projects of Housing for the Poor in Kenya” Pnina Motzafi-Haller supervisor Graduated 2007.

--Asmini Bwebwe, M.A School of Desert Studies, Sede Boqer. Ben Gurion University.

“Gender and Water Development in the Congo” Pnina Motzafi-Haller supervisor. 2004-2006.

--Ilana Meallem, M.A School of Desert Studies, Sede Boqer. Ben Gurion University. “Patterns of Solid Waste Disposal among Bedouin Settlements in the Negev: Environmental and Cultural Analysis” Pnina Motzafi-Haller and Yaakov Garb supervisors. Graduated 2006

--Re’ut Bendriham, M.A Dept of Anthropology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. “Motherhood among Lower-class Israeli Women” Pnina Motzafi-Haller and Tamar El-Or, supervisors. Graduated 2007

--Abel Njuguna, M.A School of Desert Studies, Sede Boqer. Ben Gurion University.

“Public Healthcare and Development in Kenya” Pnina Motzafi-Haller and Allan Degen, supervisors. Graduated in 2005.

--Nirit Zarrum, MA student, Department of Comparative Literature, Tel Aviv University. Pnina Motzafi-Haller and Orly Lubin, supervisors. Graduated in 2005.

--Yali Hashash Daniel, M.A. Dept of Jewish Thought (Makhshevet Yisrael) Haifa University. “State Policies of Fertility Control and Mizrahi Women” Danny Gotwien, Haifa U. and Pnina Motzafi-Haller, supervisors. Graduated in 2004.

--Illanit Ben Dor, M.A School of Desert Studies, Sede Boqer. Ben Gurion University. “Jewish Individual Farm Settlements in the Negev” Pnina Motzafi-Haller, supervisor.

Graduated in 2004.

--Ronnie Halevi, M.A. Dept of Behavioral Studies, BGU. “Bedouin Women Students” Pnina Motzafi-Haller, supervisor. Graduated in 2003.

--Sigal Nagar Ron, M.A. Dept of Behavioral Studies, BGU. “Mizrahi Feminists” Pnina Motzafi Haller, supervisor. Graduated in 2001.

Scientific publications

* indicates publication since 2003



1.  P. Motzafi-Haller (2002) Fragmented Worlds, Coherent Lives: the Politics of Difference in Botswana. (London and Westport, Connecticut: Bergin & Garvey) 215 pages.


2.  *P. Motzafi-Haller (ed.) (2005) Women in Agriculture in the Middle East. Adlershot, Hampshire, England: Ashgate Press.(English) 177 pages.

3.  * Pnina Motzafi-Haller, (with Abootbool Guy, Lev Greenberg, editors names appear in alphabetic order) (eds.) (2005) Kolot Mizrahiyim: Towards a New Mizrahi Discourse on Israeli Society and Culture. Tel Aviv: Masada Press; (Hebrew). 438 pages.

4.  * P. Motzafi-Haller. (Academic editor). (2004) A Short History of the Zionist Underground Movement in Iraq by Shlomo Sheena, Yaacov Elazar and Emanuel Nahtomi. Jerusalem: Research Institute of the Zionist-pioneer Underground Movement in Iraq; (English).

5.  P. Motzafi-Haller (with Hanan Hever and Yehouda Shenhav) (eds.) (2002) Mizrahim in Israel: A Critical Observation into Israel’s Ethnicity. Tel Aviv: Van Leer Institute and HaKibbutz HaMeuchad Publishing House; (Hebrew) 328 pages.

6.  P. Motzafi-Haller (with A. and J. Barnard) (eds.) (1993) Social Relations in a Changing Southern Africa. Edinburgh: Center of African Studies, Edinburgh University.(English)

Refereed articles in journals and books

1.  *Eva Rathgeber and P. Motzafi-Haller 2006 “Engendering Water in the Middle East” In Clive Lipchin, Eric Pallant, Danielle Saranga, and Allyson Amster (eds.) Integrated Water Resources Management and Security in the Middle East. Springer andAK/Nato Publishing Unit.

2.  * P. Motzafi-Haller 2006 “Reading Bell Hooks in Israel: Radical Feminism, Critical Thinking, and the New Sisterhood” In Yanay, N., El-Or, T. Lubin, O., and Nave, H. (eds). Introduction to Gender Studies. Tel Aviv: Open University (Hebrew).

3.  * P. Motzafi-Haller, Klaus Keuthmann and Rainer Vossen 2006 “Setswana Dialects and Inter-Dialectal Variation in the Republic of Botswana: Setswapong” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (English) 102:7-42.

4.  *P. Motzafi-Haller 2005 “The Politics of Academic Teaching in Israel: How War Affects Our Teaching of Ethnicity, Gender and Social History” Journal of Women’s History 17:4 pp. 170-175.

5.  * P. Motzafi-Haller 2005 “A Critical Assessment of Research on Gender in the Israeli Rural Sector” In Motzafi-Haller (ed.) Women and Agriculture in the Middle East (Adlershot, Hampshire, England Ashgate Press). pp. 95-117

6.  * P. Motzafi-Haller 2005 “Introducing Gender into a Regional Agricultural Development Project in the Middle East: Professional and Political Challenges” In Motzafi-Haller (ed) Women and Agriculture in the Middle East (Adlershot, Hampshire, England: Ashgate Press). pp. 1-13.

7.  * P. Motzafi-Haller 2005 “The Politics of Producing Knowledge in Development: Gender in Rural production.” In Motzafi-Haller (ed.) Women and Agriculture in the Middle East (Adlershot, Hampshire, England Ashgate Press). Pp 167-174.

8.  * P. Motzafi-Haller 2005 “An Outline for a Critical Feminist Historiography in Israel” In Tova Cohen and Shaul Regev Isha MeMizrach, Isha BaMirach (Women of the East, Women in the East) (Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University Press) (Hebrew) pp 267-283.