August 11, 2014

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Centerville Community School District was held
August 11, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. in the board room of the Administration Office, 634 North Main, Centerville.

Call to order and roll call

President Rich Roos called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Roll call to determine quorum was taken as follows:

Present: Rich Roos, Joe Sharp, Steve Hoch and Michelle Moore.

Absent: Marty Braster, Nick Hindley (entered meeting at 7:25 P.M.) and Bill Matkovich.

Also present were Superintendent Tony Ryan and Board Secretary Linda Henderson.

Welcome Visitors

Mr. Roos welcomed visitors.

Approve Agenda

It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the agenda as amended: tabling item P. Closed Session and adding Q. Approve Changing Next Regular Meeting Date. Motion carried unanimously.

Approve minutes of previous meetings

It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve the minutes of July 14 as stated. Motion carried unanimously.

Old Business

Discuss Proposed Guidelines for Student School Permit Policy

Mr. Ryan stated the appointed committee for the school permit met on August 5 and discussed options and solutions to the ongoing discussion items. Mr. Ryan reviewed a handout for the school permit updates suggested by the committee with italized language from feedback after it was sent out to the committee after the meeting. The board directed the superintendent to contact board attorney concerning the distance a student must live in order to drive with a school permit.

Discuss Practice Soccer Field Agreement Updates

Mr. Ryan stated Mark Hoffman and he had met concerning the practice soccer field near the All Play/Conservation property. It was decided to move forward with an agreement that defines that the school will pay for the cost of water during the seasons of use for soccer. Attorney Mike Craver will be drafting an agreement document. Once it is received the document will be presented to the school board attorney for review, then brought to the school board for approval.

Discuss and Approve Second and Final Reading of Policy Series 200 Five Year Review

It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve the second and final reading of policy series 200 with editing: 215.1 – 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence changed “Wednesday” to “Tuesday”.

Motion carried unanimously.

New Business

Approve Personnel Business Procedures

1. Resignations

It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve the resignation from Ronnie Waggoner – J.H. Robotics sponsor effective immediately. Motion carried unanimously.

2.  Transfers

It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the recommended 2014-2015 transfer for Mark Femali from 4 hour per day to 6.5 hours per day as Bus Driver, replacing Dave Sias. Motion carried unanimously.

3. Employment/Contracts

It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve 2014-15 contracts:

Karen Matherly – Preschool Secretary, continuing contract from 2013-14, Level II, step 6, $9.40 per hour, 188 days, beginning August 15, 2014;

Nic Belloma – 7th J.H. Football coach, step 10, salary $2,674.65, replacing Mike Miller;

John Michael – Bus Driver, Level III, step 1, $10.85 per hour, 4 hours per day, replacing Mark Femali;

Ryan Hodges – Substitute Bus Driver, Level III, step 1, $10.85 per hour, as needed;

Tim Kaster – Substitute Bus Driver, Level III, step 1, $10.85 per hour, as needed;

Kelly Kauzlarich, Substitute Bus Driver, Level III, step 1, $10.85 per hour, as needed;

Tim Moore, Substitute Bus Driver, Level III, step 1, $10.85 per hour, as needed;

Megan Vos – H.S. Spanish .05 FTE and At Risk .05 FTE, B.A., step 6, salary $41,244.00, 189 days, replacing Emily Turner;

Debra Robinson – H.S. Family Consumer Science .5625 FTE, M.A.+36, step 24, 78 days (September 2-December 23), salary $16,101.69, replacing Brooke Johnson;

Megan Breese – Cafeteria, Level II, step 4, $9.45 per hour, 5.5 hours per day, 188 days, beginning August 15, replacing Peggy Sales;

Cassidy (Serna) Schmell – preschool contract adjustment reducing days from 5 to 4 due to new preschool schedule, Level II, step 1, $8.45 per hour, beginning August 21;

Julie Clark – Cafeteria additional $.25 per hour due to sanitation certification; and

Jeremy Stufflebeem – Non-Employee Volunteer Agreement for H.S. Assistant Volleyball.

Motion carried unanimously.

Approve Special Education Delivery Plan Renewal

It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Michelle Moore to approve the Special Education Delivery Plan Renewal. Motion carried unanimously.

Approve S.I.A.C. Membership List

It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the S.I.A.C. (School Improvement Advisory Committee) for the 2014-2015 school year:

·  Administrators/Supervisor/Board: Tony Ryan, Linda Henderson, Roger Raum, Greg Fisher, Bruce Karpen, Terri Schofield, Dianne Fatka, Rhonda Raskie, Michelle Moore, and Marty Braster

·  Parents: Joe Starcevich, Gary Anderson, Jason Phelps, Steve Fogle, Courtney Koestner, Becky Maxwell, Kevin Wiskus, Robin Schmidt, and Amy Sweet

·  Students: Skyler Lawson, Emily Steinbach, Noah Coatney, and Alex Moorman

·  Community: Ray Tresemer, Kari Weber, Joyce Beiber, Mark Dekker, Clint Christianson, Jackie Sharp, Dan Howington, Keith Sherman, and Ashton Thomas

·  Teacher/Aide: Bev Sciesziski, Megan Kirkland, Destry Walker, Merry Dudley, Rich Parker, Tina Bauman, Kelly Kauzlarich, and Connie Steinbach

Motion carried unanimously.

Approve Mentoring Contracts

It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve the mentoring contracts as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Approve Technology Purchase with Perkins Funds

Mr. Raum recommended purchasing 24 computers to update the computer lab at the high school with Carl Perkins funds. Total cost of technology purchase is $16,993.00.

It was moved by Joe Sharp and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve the technology purchase with Carl Perkins funds for 2014-15 school year as stated. Motion carried unanimously.

Approve Additional Services for Facility Study

Mr. Ryan stated Estes Construction has conducted most of the Phase I basic facility study. At the board meeting April 14 the study was approved up to $8,000. At this time a cost of $9,000 has occurred. This includes the first three buildings at $7,000 and Central and Lincoln buildings at a cost of $1,000. During the tour with Estes many discussions took place and it was determined that a mechanical electrical and plumbing assessment be conducted as well as the structural assessment. The additional costs will be $9,700. After recent briefings and discussions with Estes, it was identified that costs for services need to be revisited and approved.

It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the additional funds for mechanical electrical and plumbing at $7,500 and the structural assessment at $2,200 as stated. Motion carried unanimously.

Approve Modification of Activity Fund Balances

Nick Hindley entered the meeting at 7:25 P.M. It was moved by Joe Sharp and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve the modification of Activity Fund balances as stated. Motion carried unanimously.

Approve Change Order for Junior High Parking Concrete Replacement

Mr. Ryan stated at the July board meeting he mentioned that the island at the Howar J.H. front parking lot was taken out and the light pole relocated. This was an additional cost of $1,017.00 and is technically a change order. This amount was included with the July payment of $22,617.00 to Evers Construction.

It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the Evers Construction change order for J.H. parking lot at a cost of $1,017.00:

Remove and replace an additional 10’x21’ island area with concrete poured to same specs as original estimate $867.00

Dig, form and pour new footing for light pole base that was removed from island area mentioned above $150.00

Motion carried unanimously.

Approve Final Payment for Lakeview Concrete Replacement

It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the final payment to Evers Construction for Lakeview parking lot concrete at a cost of $87,900.00. Motion carried unanimously.

Approve Second Payment for High School and Junior High Boiler Replacement

It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Michelle Moore to approve the second payment for High School and Junior High boiler replacement to Capital City Boiler in the amount of $180,566.83. Motion carried unanimously.

Approve 28E Agreement Updates and Payments with Kids World Preschool

It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the 28E Agreement and payments as stated with Kids World for the 2014-15 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Discuss and Approve $350 Annual Commitment to the Centerville Concert Association

It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve $350 commitment to the Centerville Concert Association to purchase tickets for students to attend a concert throughout the school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Discuss I.A.S.B. Annual Convention

Mr. Ryan stated the annual Iowa Association of School Boards conference is November 19-20. Rooms have been reserved. Please email Linda if you wish to attend and stay overnight November 19.

Discuss Athletic Sharing Agreements with Neighboring Schools

Mr. Fisher reviewed the sports that could move Centerville’s classification up due to enrollment. Currently Moulton-Udell would like to share cross country with Centerville. Centerville is currently a 2A school to play cross country. If we include additional students from Moulton-Udell CSD, then it would move us to a 3A school. It was the consensus of the board to not share at this time.

Approval of Sports Official’s Contracts

It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Michelle Moore to approve the sports official’s contracts as stated. Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session: probably closed session as required in Chapter 21.15 (1)(i) “To review or discuss professional performance which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential…”

This item was tabled.

Approve Moving Board Meeting Date

Mr. Ryan stated the next regular board meeting is September 8. Due to the Labor Day holiday and getting board materials ready, Mr. Ryan recommended moving the September 8 meeting date to September 15.

It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve moving September 8 regular board meeting date to September 15. Motion carried unanimously.


Mrs. Fatka updated the board on enrollment taken at registration for grades Pk-2 and session attended at S.A.I. conference.

Mrs. Schofield updated the board on enrollment for grades 3-6 and session and book purchased at the S.A.I. conference.

Mr. Karpen updated the board on coaching positions available for fall J.H. sports and session attended at S.A.I. conference.

Mr. Fisher updated the board on coaches needing to take required concussion course before they can coach this year; fundraiser calendar is being updated to be brought to a future board meeting; and session attended at S.A.I. conference.

Mr. Raum stated the Ed Center will be moved to the H.S. building from J.H. for the 2014-15 school year. This will help with Odysseyware and study center.

Mrs. Raskie updated the board on professional development completed this summer and technology session attended at S.A.I. conference.

Mr. Zintz stated the custodial crew has been busy this summer finishing floors and painting; boiler project, parking lots improved and plan to work on playgrounds this week.

Mr. Ryan stated the board is invited to all staff/family picnic provided by area businesses on Wednesday at 5:00 P.M. at the City Park. C.E.A. invited board members to the welcome back Chillin’Grillin picnic on Friday from 4-7:00 P.M.

Presentation of Invoices and Approval of Payment

It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the invoices, adding payment to City of Centerville–police officer at a cost of $1,975.17, and salary per diem as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Nick Hindley and seconded by Michelle Moore to adjourn at 9:00 P.M. Motion carried unanimously.