On what he’s concentrating on this week

“I think [Head] Coach [Vance] Joseph had a pretty good message. In the critical areas of the game we want to be good. Third downs, red zone, short yardage and goal line—we have to be good there this week to get a win. I’m sure we’ll have a lot of focus there.”

On whether he thinks the offense is confident

“I think it’s right there, it’s high. We’re moving the ball pretty well I think and everybody feels that. I think we just haven’t done well enough in the red zone and I’ve turned it over a couple of times. I think everybody feels good. We had a good practice today so I think we’re alright.”

On Chargers OLB Melvin Ingram and DE Joey Bosa

“They’re great players. You have to give them a lot of attention. They’re going to make a few plays. You just can’t let them ruin the game on you. They can certainly do that so I have to be aware of those guys wherever they line up because they’re really good players.”

On fixing mistakes

“This past game, a couple of bad plays by me, especially in the first half. Those really hurt you, especially when they end up in turnovers. You just have to clean those up, learn from them and we’ll be alright.”

On some turnovers being worse than others

“The two-minute one because they scored. It’s definitely worse when they score obviously. Those are 10 seconds of my life I wish I had back there, that whole sequence. Just learn from it, move on and I won’t do it again.”

On watching film on the inceptions

“The first one I was just trying to anticipate too much with [WR Demaryius Thomas] D.T. rolling in there on third down there. I think it was third-and-10 and I was trying to make something happen. The other one is two-minute, you have this urgency to try to make a play and try to force a throw. Taking care of the football is paramount obviously. Good stuff to learn from—I can’t be doing that because I understand that with our team if I don’t turn it over we’re going to be in dang near every game. I’ll learn from it and we’ll be alright.”

On his left shoulder

“Yes, I’m fine. I’m not limited in any way. I’m just a little sore today, but I’ll be good going forward. It felt better today so I’ll be alright.”

On which pass catchers will step up this week

“I think it depends. Guys have stepped up at different times. [WR] Bennie’s [Fowler III] stepped up and made some plays. [TE] A.J. [Debry], I mean really all of the tight ends, the more we can get those guys involved, especially with some of the injuries we have now, the better off we’ll be. All the confidence in the world in all of those guys because they’ve taken their turns really stepping up for us this year.”

On losing WR Emmanuel Sanders

“We still have plenty of other guys. Bennie, [WR] Jordan [Taylor], and all of the tight ends—with whoever comes up—I have had plenty of turns with them as well. [WR] Hunter [Sharp] was in there today. With whoever was in camp and OTAs, that’s what those reps are for. I feel good about all of those guys really.”

On TE Jake Butt’s first practice

“It was good. I had to give him a hard time every now and again. First time being out there, but it was good. That’s a pretty good room. A lot of personality in that room with [Tight Ends Coach] Geep [Chryst], [TE Virgil Green] ‘Virg’ and everybody. It’s good to see him out there though.”

On how much responsibility he takes for Sunday’s loss

“You don’t feel great about the two picks, especially the pick-six. At the same time, that’s part of the job. Taking care of the ball but being aggressive with it when you have to be. That’s kind of what makes it so rewarding when you do things right. It’s good tape to look at for me for sure and I’ll be alright like I said going forward I think.”

On his confidence in the offensive line

“I feel good, especially with the guys. We have a lot of guys that have played a lot. We’ll be alright. Again, it’s going to be a great challenge this week because we’re playing one of the best fronts in football. To a certain extent those guys are going to get around the quarterback somehow someway with whatever you have up there. You have to be aware of them, but we’ll have a confidence in those guys obviously.”

On how big of an impact Jordan Taylor can make on Sunday

“I think really big. I think the thing you appreciate about Jordan is he’s just kind of the same guy every day. He goes to work and last year when he got his opportunity he stepped up and made plays. This year it won’t be any different. I have a lot of confidence in him. Easy guy to throw to and I’ve been throwing to him since I’ve been here. He’s going to be just fine.”

On the offense struggling when it cannot run the ball

“I think you look around and you see the best teams in the league figure out ways to win, different ways to win almost every week or when they need to. I think that’s where out mindset is. We’re not always going to be able to run it for 200 yards every week. When you can’t do that, how do you win the game? How do you figure it out? The good teams figure out how to do that. I think we’re in a good spot. I don’t think anyone’s panicking or anything like that. We know what we can do and we’re looking forward to this Sunday for sure.”

On being desperate to win this week

“I think we’re desperate every week. That’s how you approach it. These games mean so much. You want to get 16 of them and this is a divisional game. I think you’re spot on with it, I think you’re desperate every week.”

On if he feels the team has asked more of him this year

“I don’t think so. It’s a different scheme obviously, but I don’t think so. I think my focus is the same. I played a little but more, I think that’s the only difference, I have a little bit more of experience. My second time going through seeing coverages, seeing pressures and all that. I feel a little more comfortable on that end.”

On adversity

“You’re going to hit adversity during the season, it just a matter of when. As it just so happens, this past week for us—the Patriots went 17-0 but you’re going to lose games and you’re going to stub your toe. How you do you respond, especially this week. It’s a big week for us, divisional game. I wish we could play tomorrow and get back out there. We’ll have a good week of work and be ready to win.”

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