Form 13, Resource Management (Forms, FEES AND PROCEDURES) Regulations 2003

Resource Management Act 1991 Submission on limited notified resource consent

SUBMISSION: Resource Consent 150027: Southwest Energy Limited

Description of Application: To use approximately 11 hectares of land contained within Lot 3 DP 3858, Section 2 SO 455415 and legal road reserve (both formed and unformed), for the purposes of conducting alluvial gold mining and associated activities. The active mining pit will be a maximum of 4.5 hectares. The proposal includes the realignment of a section of McLeods Road and the construction of a separate haul lane within the legal road reserve (with the construction works being undertaken as a permitted activity). The application and plans were received 2nd April 2015, with further information and plans received 17th June, 19th June and 13th October 2015.

Location: McLeods Road, Mikonui.

Legal Description: Lot 3 DP 3858, Section 2 SO 455415 and legal road reserve (both formed and unformed).

The closing date for submissions is Tuesday 1st December at 5 p.m.

The Westland District Council,

Private Bag 704,

36 Weld Street,


Name: ______

Organisation: ______

(if applicable)

Address for Service: ______


Phone Number: ______Fax / Email : ______

Signature ______

NB: Signature not required if submitting by electronic means

This submission is a public document and the details provided will be displayed to members of the public. By providing your details on this form you agree to this information being available publicly.


Resource Management Act 1991 Submission to the Westland District Council

SUBMISSION: RC 150027: Southwest Energy Limited

I am/ am not (please circle one) a trade competitor for the purposes of Section 308B the Resource Management Act 1991

I am/ am not (please circle one) directly affected by an effect of the subject matter of the submission that –

a) adversely affects the environment, and

b) does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition

Note: A submission cannot be made to oppose an application on trade competition grounds. A trade competitor can only submit on an application if they are directly affected by the adverse environmental effects of the application.

The specific part or parts of the application that my submission relates to are:-______



I support / oppose / am neutral to the application ______

My submission is:- ______








Amendments I wish to have made:- ______




I seek the following decision from the Council:- ______





Do you wish to be heard in support of your submission?

If you wish to be heard, and others make a similar submission would you consider

making a joint case with them at any hearing?

If you have any queries about this application or the process please contact Rebecca Beaumont at or (03) 756 9086