School District Inspection Checklist

Bloodborne Pathogens – Protective equipment is available and employees are trained.

Chemicals – Labeled and stored properly. Employees have been trained on hazard, proper use and required protective equipment. Material Safety Data Sheets and personal protective equipment is available.

Electrical/GFCI – Fuses and circuit breakers are of the proper type and size. GFCI’s are used. Power sources are adequate. All cords are in good condition.

Outside and Emergency Lighting – Lighting is adequate and working properly.

Electrical Closets – Nothing is stored in the electrical closets.

Emergency Response Team -- Trained in First Aid/CPR

Entry/Exits – Clearly marked and unblocked.

Equipment – Lifting/moving equipment is readily accessible and in good working order. Ladders/step stools are readily available and in good condition.

Exit Maps – Posted in all areas.

First Aid Supplies – Employees aware of first aid supply locations. Supplies are adequately stocked.

Fire Extinguishers – Appropriate for the intended use. Employees have been trained in their use. They are inspected annually. They are readily available and appropriate charged.

Housekeeping – Walkways, stairs, and rooms are clear and free of trip hazards, spills, and ice/snow.

Kitchen – All equipment is appropriately guarded. Employees use cut-resistant gloves when cleaning slicers. All knives are kept sharp and stored with blades protected. Mitts are used to prevent burns. Carts are used to reduce lifting. Stored products are accessible with minimal lifting/bending/reaching. Food processors and/or pre-cut foods are used to reduce cutting/chopping. Dish sprayer tension is adjusted to reduce required hand pressure and rings are used to eliminate the need to maintain hand pressure.

Map/Screen Holders – Are secure to prevent maps/screens from falling.

Mats – Mats are adequate and in good condition.

School District Inspection Checklist – Page 2

Personal Protective Equipment – Equipment is appropriate for hazards and readily available. Employees have been trained in proper use, limitations, maintenance, inspection and storage.

Shop – Power tools have appropriate guards in place and cords are in good condition. Hand tools are in good condition. Tools with mushroomed heads are routinely re-shaped to prevent splintering. Air hoses are regulated to 30 psi. Air hoses are never used to blow dust off of clothing or hair. Chemicals are labeled and properly stored. Personal protective equipment is adequate and readily available. Ladders are in good repair. Extension cords are in good repair.

Storage – Items can be reached without lifting, twisting, reaching, or bending. Items are stored so they will not fall on employees. Shelves are secured and are adequate to hold contents. Combustible material is stored away from heat sources.

Tools – Are in good working condition and are appropriate for the task.

Ventilation – Is adequate.

Wheels – Wheels on carts are checked routinely to make sure they move freely.

Windows – Open and close easily.

Work Stations – Chairs, tables, desks, etc., adjusted properly for employee.