Award nominations are due August, 2012

Each year, Trout Unlimited (TU) bestows awards to publicly recognize the outstanding achievements of its members, chapters and councils that have embodied the spirit of TU and fulfilled its mission to conserve, protect and restore North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. TU also recognizes the contributions and accomplishments of individuals and groups outside the organization that have demonstrated significant leadership and success in the world of coldwater conservation. Always highly competitive and full of excitement, we look forward to yet another great season and receiving many outstanding nominations.

Please take a moment and consider nominating a deserving volunteer, chapter, council or outside organization. This is one of TU’s great traditions and an opportunity we are thrilled to share.

TU is actively seeking nominations for the following awards:


Ø  State Council Award for Excellence

Ø  Gold Trout Chapter Award

Ø  Silver Trout Chapter Award

Ø  Bollinger Award for Best Newsletter

Ø  Best Website Award


Ø  Mortensen Award for Outstanding Volunteer Leadership

Ø  Trout Conservation Awards (Professional, Volunteer and Communications)

Ø  Winn Memorial Award for Sea-Run Fisheries Conservation

Ø  Distinguished Service Award

Ø  Youth Education Leadership Award

Each of these awards is described in greater detail on the following pages.

Trout Unlimited National Awards are presented at a special Awards Luncheon held during the Annual Meeting. The 2012 Annual Meeting will be held September 13-16 in Asheville, North Carolina. Recipients will also be noted in the winter 2013 issue of TROUT magazine (for an example, see Winter 2012 issue) and staff will work with chapters and councils to gain media exposure. Nominations must be submitted electronically and are due by close of business Monday, August 6, 2012.

For more information contact Nancy Bradley at or (208) 552-0891 x711.


The most effective state councils not only achieve conservation victories, but use those victories to further enhance the standing of the state council and the members. These efforts strengthen the council, the chapters in the state and TU as an organization. The STATE COUNCIL AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE honors these achievements. Candidates for this award will be those state councils whose leadership and organizational actions recognize that Protect-Reconnect-Restore-Sustain conservation campaigns can and should be used to attract new members, to mentor and encourage new leaders to step forward, to reach out to other conservation and environmental groups, to promote TU’s conservation message through the media, and otherwise strengthen the ability of the organization to carry out TU’s coldwater conservation mission and vision. Councils who have received the Council Award in the past five years are not eligible for an award.



The GOLD TROUT CHAPTER AWARD, TU’s highest award for chapters, recognizes the nominated chapter that has made the most noteworthy contribution through PRRS to the cause of coldwater conservation during the previous year. Each nomination for the Gold Trout Award should fully document the conservation activities of the nominated chapter. This statement shall be presented in adequate detail so that the merits and accomplishments of the project(s) may be judged for the following factors:

Ø  objectives – Protect, Reconnect, Restore, Sustain

Ø  achievement of those objectives

Ø  engagement of members and youth

Ø  significance of the activities on local, state and national levels

Ø  size and scope of efforts

Ø  size and extent of obstacles encountered and overcome

Ø  methods employed

Ø  cost

Ø  sources of funding

Ø  new or established principles

Ø  degree of cooperation and participation with other conservation organizations, service groups and agencies

The SILVER TROUT CHAPTER AWARD is TU’s second highest honor for chapters. There is no limit to the number of Silver Trout Awards the Awards Committee may approve. However, discretion in the number will be exercised, and in some years, no award may be given. Chapters who have received the Gold Trout Award in the past five years are not eligible for an award. Winners of the Silver Trout Award may resubmit for the Gold Trout Award if there have been substantive changes deserving consideration since the previous submission. IMPORTANT: CHAPTERS WISHING TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THESE AWARDS SHOULD SUBMIT ONLY ONE NOMINATION – FOR THE GOLD TROUT. ALL NOMINEES NOT SELECTED FOR THE GOLD TROUT ARE AUTOMATICALLY ELIGIBLE FOR THE SILVER TROUT AWARD FOR THEIR REGION.


The BOLLINGER AWARD FOR BEST NEWSLETTER is given in memory of Jean Bollinger, long-time TU employee who recognized the value of communications through newsletters and helped them evolve into the publications that members enjoy today. The Best Newsletter Award will recognize paper and/or electronic newsletters. This award acknowledges the critical value of good communications between a chapter or council and its members by recognizing the newsletter’s potential to further TU’s cause, judged on the following criteria:

Ø  effective communication to current members

Ø  ability to motivate and encourage participation

Ø  potential to attract new members

Ø  creativity and innovation

Newsletter award nominations should include electronic copies each of four different issues of the nominated publication produced during the 2011 and 2012 calendar years. Chapters and councils who have won the Bollinger Award in the past five years are not eligible for an award.


This award acknowledges the critical value of utilizing evolving technology as a means of communication between a chapter or council and its members, recognizing that effective communication in today’s world includes the web and e-communication as critical components. This award is to recognize the chapter or council whose website is judged by the committee to be an exemplary model for grassroots web utilization, using the following criteria:

Ø  effective communication (content)

Ø  appeal to current members

Ø  ability to motivate and encourage participation

Ø  potential to attract new members

Ø  creativity and innovation

Ø  graphical impact

Ø  navigability

Chapters and councils who have won the Website Award in the past five years are not eligible for an award.



In honor of long-time grassroots activist and TU volunteer leader Ray Mortensen, who passed away in 1999, TU established the annual Mortensen Award for Outstanding Volunteer Leadership. TU’s highest honor for an individual is presented in recognition of the vital role that TU’s volunteer leaders play in the success of the organization and the execution of its mission.

Each year, the Mortensen Award recognizes an individual from within TU’s grassroots leadership – a current or previous chapter president, council chair, grassroots trustee or member of the National Leadership Council – who has made an extraordinary contribution to coldwater fisheries resource conservation by fostering the development of the just-as-fragile TU volunteer resource. This award is presented annually to that “one-in-a-thousand” volunteer whose work on behalf of trout and salmon over a period of years or even decades has made him or her an example and inspiration to the rest of TU’s volunteers.


The TROUT CONSERVATION AWARDS recognize the distinguished contributions and careers dedicated to the conservation of trout and salmon and the enhancement of the coldwater habitat.

One award may be made annually in each of three categories:

Ø  Trout Conservationist: Professional – for scientists, agency officials and others who are engaged in full-time fisheries-related work;

Ø  Trout Conservationist: Volunteer – for those whose contribution to conservation has been made on their own time and without compensation to an organization that partners with TU;

Ø  Trout Conservationist: Communications – to recognize the efforts of journalists, writers, photographers and others who have contributed to broader public awareness and understanding of trout and salmon conservation issues.

Current staff members of TU are not eligible for Trout Conservation Awards. It is unusual for current members of the TU Board of Trustees to be considered for these awards.


The WINN MEMORIAL AWARD FOR SEA-RUN FISHERIES CONSERVATION is given annually in honor of Betty Winn, whose years of work in the Pacific Northwest to ensure the future of salmon and steelhead have left a lasting legacy. This award is presented to the individual who has most significantly contributed to conserving, protecting and restoring America’s native anadromous (sea-run) fisheries, Atlantic or Pacific.


The DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD recognizes outstanding individual volunteer or professional contributions to Trout Unlimited and its mission of conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. There is no limit to the number of Distinguished Service Awards that may be approved. However, discretion in the number will be exercised, and in some years, no award may be given.


The YOUTH EDUCATION LEADERSHIP AWARD recognizes the fundamental importance of creating a new generation of conservationists in a manner that sustains TU's conservation legacy. The award honors individuals who demonstrate exemplary leadership, and a deep passion for inspiring young people to become thoughtful, responsible stewards of North America's coldwater fisheries. Adults and youth are eligible.

Ø  An individual, chapter or council may be nominated for a TU Award by any person or group of persons who are members in good standing of TU.

Ø  Each nomination shall include:

1.  2012 TU Award Nomination Cover Form

2.  A narrative letter not to exceed four pages, in which the contributions of the individual or organization to TU and the pursuit of its goals are documented

3.  Any supporting materials (news clippings, letters of support, etc.) not to exceed an additional six pages.

Ø  Nominations will be checked to determine if adequate information is included to ensure a fair evaluation. If nomination information is inadequate, that nomination will be returned to the nominating party for further details.

Ø  Electronic submissions are required.

Ø  All nominations must be received by close of business on Monday, August 6, 2012.

Direct all nominations and inquiries to: Nancy Bradley, fax: (208) 552-0899

The award winners will be selected by a committee with diverse areas of expertise and interest. No more than one recipient per category is selected, except in the case of the Distinguished Service Award, Silver Trout Award and Youth Education Leadership Award. If the committee determines the distinction and stature of those nominated do not qualify for an award, the committee may recommend against the presentation of the award in any category in any year. The decision of the committee shall be final. Those making nominations will be notified of the selections by August 24, 2012, and final decisions should be kept in strictest confidence and only shared with nominees.

Each award recipient will be notified in advance that he or she is to receive a TU Award, except in the case of the Mortensen Award, which, if appropriate, may be handled as a surprise. However, the names of the award recipients will not be announced until the actual award presentation. Every effort will be made to have recipients (or a designated representative) present at the Awards Luncheon to accept their awards. Winners will be recognized in the Winter 2012 issue of TROUT magazine.

2012 TU Award Nomination Cover Form

Nomination Deadline: August 6, 2012

Nominee’s Address:
Chapter/Council and State:
Local Newspaper Name / Phone Number:
TU Officer Position(s); please indicate current or previous:
Nominating for (check one):
STATE COUNCIL AWARD: /  / State Council Award
CHAPTER AWARD: /  / Gold Trout
COUNCIL OR CHAPTER: /  / Bollinger Award for Best Newsletter (chapter or council)
 / Best Website Award (chapter or council)
INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: /  / Mortensen Outstanding Volunteer Leadership Award
 / Trout Conservation: Professional
 / Trout Conservation: Volunteer
 / Trout Conservation: Communications
 / Winn Sea-Run Fisheries Memorial Award
 / Distinguished Service Award
 / Youth Education Leadership Award

ü  Submit each nomination in the form of a narrative letter, not to exceed four (4) pages, documenting the contributions of the individual or organization to Trout Unlimited and the pursuit of its goals. All information should pertain directly to that specific award’s criteria. This cover form must be attached. Electronic submissions are required.

ü  News clippings or other supporting materials (in electronic format) may accompany nominations. The nominating letter together with any supporting materials should not exceed ten (10) pages in total length.

ü  Nominations will be checked to determine if adequate information is included to ensure a fair evaluation. If nomination information is inadequate, that nomination will be returned to the nominating party for further details.


Nominations must be submitted electronically and are due by close of business Monday, August 6, 2012.

E-mail nominations to:

Nancy Bradley

Trout Unlimited


phone: (208) 552-0891x711 fax: (208) 552-0899