Geddes City Council Meeting

Monday, May 11, 2015

The monthly meeting of the Geddes City Council was held in the Community Building meeting room. The meeting was called to order by Mayor, Dan Schulte, at 7:30 p.m. with the following council members present: Mike Krietlow, Sharon Ackley, Carol Oberbroekling, Lawrence Jaeger, Duane Hubers and Raymond Mushitz. Also present were Dale Larson and Donna Paulson, Finance Officer.

Established changes in the agenda were clean up and the water report.

Ray Mushitz made a motion to approve the April, 2015 minutes. Mike Krietlow seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

April, 2015 financial reports were presented. A motion was made by Carol Oberbroekling and seconded by Lawrence Jaeger to approve these reports. Motion carried unanimously.

May, 2015 disbursements were presented. Duane Hubers made a motion to approve the May, 2015 disbursements and Carol Oberbroekling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Bills as followed were paid:

To Whom / CK # / Total All / Description
NorthWestern Energy / 4638 / $953.90 / Electricity
Randall Comm Water Dist. / 4639 / $2,362.90 / Water
Randall Comm Water Dist. / 4640 / $42.82 / Bacteria Sample
Midstate Communications / DWD / $155.16 / Phone/Internet
Geddes Farmers Coop / 4641 / $272.75 / Gas/Oil/Filters
Dallas Kok / 4642 / $58.00 / Garbage serv.
Charles Mix County News / 4643 / $372.36 / Publishing
Rural Development / DWD / $2,030.00 / Sewer payment
Dan Schulte / 4644 / $138.52 / Salary
Sharon Ackley / 4645 / $78.50 / Salary
Duane Hubers / 4646 / $78.50 / Salary
Lawrence Jaeger / 4647 / $78.50 / Salary
Mike Krietlow / 4648 / $101.59 / Salary
Raymond Mushitz / 4649 / $78.50 / Salary
Carol Oberbroekling / 4650 / $101.59 / Salary
Donna Paulson / 4651 / $1,058.15 / Wages
Dale Larson / 4652 / $746.42 / Wages
Richard Strehlow / 4653 / $310.85 / Wages
IRS / DWD / $459.10 / Payroll Tax
Whalen Law Office / 4654 / $125.00 / Retainer fee
Department of Revenue / 4655 / $15.00 / Total Coliform
Presto-X / 4656 / $164.80 / Sentricon serv.
Midwest Ag Center / 4657 / $5.79 / Adapter
Titan Machinery / 4658 / $127.98 / Tube/Freight
Pheasantland Industries / 4659 / $15.15 / Sign/shipping
Department of Revenue / 4660 / $162.50 / Malt bev. Ren.
Brosz Engineering, Inc. / 4661 / $200.00 / Research
Total / $10,294.33

Maintenance Report: Dale Larson reported that he turned some waters off and shut some off, lowered the lagoons, put sprayer on masey and did some spraying, filled holes in the streets, went to the John Deere clinic in Corsica, fixed leak on pay loader, emptied water tower for inspection and pushed in the dump. Rich has been mowing at the ballpark and city parks. Old Business:

Donna Paulson informed the council that she combined the sewer accounts on the balance sheet and asked if the council wanted to close the sewer construction checking account and put that money into the sewer savings account. Donna was informed to do so.

Donna also informed the council that she contacted Ymker Greenhouse and inquired on the price of a 4 to 5 foot spruce tree. The price per tree would be $150.00. After discussion, the council decided to purchase the trees at a later time.

Donna had contacted city attorney, Tim Whalen, by email to ask him to split the cost of the transfer of the Community Building. Tim informed us that he cannot take fees from both parties, so the city will have to work with the Development Corporation on the fees.

Ray Mushitz made a motion to adjourn as old council at 7:50 p.m. Sharon Ackley seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor, Dan Schulte, call the meeting to order of the new council at 7:51p.m. Those present were Mike Krietlow, Carol Oberbroekling, Sharon Ackley, Duane Hubers, Lawrence Jaeger and Ray Mushitz. Also present were Dale Larson and Donna Paulson, Finance Officer.

New Business:

Mike Krietlow and Sharon Ackley read the Oath of Office and signed them.

Mayor Dan Schulte made the following committee recommendations:

Water/Sewer: Duane Hubers and Lawrence Jaeger

Street/Alley: Mike Krietlow and Duane Hubers

Park/Recreation: Carol Oberbroekling and Ray Mushtiz

Liquor: Sharon Ackley and Ray Mushitz

Employees and Law Enforcement: Sharon Ackley and Ray Mushitz

Budget/Insurance: Carol Oberbroekling and Mike Krietlow

City Attorney: Tim Whalen

Bank: First State Bank

Newspaper: Charles Mix County News

President of the Council: Mike Krietlow

Vice President: Carol Oberbroekling

A motion was made by Ray Mushitz to approve these recommendations. Duane Hubers seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Donna Paulson informed the council that she received a complaint regarding a fire pit. After discussion, the council decided that a fire pit was recreational and allowed within the city limits.

Donna informed the council that she is having trouble with the handheld device to read water meters staying connected to her computer. Steve with Ferguson Water Works and a computer tech through Midstate Communications have been contacted regarding this problem.

Carol Oberbroekling asked if the maintenance men could be made available on the dates set for spring and fall clean up dates. It was decided that the maintenance men would go around on the Monday following the clean up weekends and pick up items. Sharon Ackley also indicated that she contact the City of Lake Andes regarding their dump site, as their dump is open for everyone. The charge for a car trunk is $5.20, pickup/small trailer is $15.60, single axle farm truck is $26.00 and a 12 yard truck with burnable items is $36.40.

Donna presented to the council a water report for 02-25-15 and 03-25-15. There is still a significant water loss. Randall Community Water District will be contacted to possibly replace the meter in the pit.

A building permit was received from Darwin Iedema for repairing his roof and replacing doors. Mike Krietlow made a motion to approve this permit. Carol Oberbroekling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Water testing is safe at this time.

Ray Mushitz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 p.m. Sharon Ackley seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


Dan Schulte, Mayor Donna Paulson, Finance Office

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