Scecina Memorial High School
Board Meeting Summary
April 27, 2017 at 4:30 pm
John P. Hofer Collaboration Room
Members Present: Nancy Leming, Nick Petrone, Steve Hodgson, Kevin Johnson, Mike Delaney, Fr. Chris Wadelton, George Newhart, Rick Smith, Fr. Bob Gilday, Sr. Barb Piller, Julanne Sausser, Jim Roe, Marie McNelis, Barry Schneider, and Joe Therber
Members Absent: Rick Pfleger, Jim Moloy, and Ron Mead
- Call to Order and Opening Prayer: George Newhart
- Chairman’s Remarks: George Newhart
- Key Agenda Topics
- 2017/18 Operating Budget Approval
- Scholar Athlete Awards Program at 7:00 pm today in the gym.
- Consent Agenda: George Newhart
- February 2017 Board Meeting minutes and summary
- Development Report (4/20/2017)
- February and March 2017 Financial Reports
- Finance Committee Meeting minutes (4/21/17)
- Facilities Committee Meeting minutes (3/2/17)
- No questions. Petrone moves to accept; Roe seconds. Approved.
- 2017/18 Operating Budget Approval: Joe Therber/Nancy Leming/Cindy Hemmelgarn
- Leming: The Finance Committee approved this budget through meeting and electronic votes. This is the result of much detailed and thoughtful work.
- Therber: This really is our “family budget” for the next 365 days.
- At least 40 people collaborated to develop this budget, and it reflects our best effort to forecast and allocate for the 2017-18 school year.
- Our goal is to educate our students well and to continue to grow and improve. Please note new curriculum offerings: computer science, health careers, and heritage language learners’ class.
- This will be our first year participating in the new archdiocesan high school support subsidy model. We are grateful for the additional support.
- Hemmelgarn: Review of revenue and expense highlights
- Newhart: Do I have a motion to approve?
- Gilday moves to approve, Schneider and Sausser second. All in favor. Approved.
- President’s Report: Joe Therber
- Our new Director of Enrollment Management completed her bachelor’s degree at Indiana University. She wants to be here to truly help students get to college.
- Development: We are at 98% of our goal with 122 more gifts received than last year at this same time.
- Enrollment: Opening day forecast of 463 students
- Classroom Improvements: Facelifts to be completed this summer with cash on hand.
- Financial Report: Nancy Leming
- March Financial Report: Review of Highlights
- Enrollment drives our budget and has maintained ahead of the current budget.
- Donations and event income are up.
- With regard to expenses, we are under budget.
- We are projecting an operating surplus.
- We will make an allocation to school improvements for capital projects.
- Action Log: Father Bob Gilday
- Update
- Newhart: Please note the schedule for commencement week. All are invited to attend Senior Awards Day, the Baccalaureate Mass, and Commencement.
Meeting Adjourned
Minutes respectfully submitted by J. Donlan