Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting

of the Papworth Everard Parish Council

held on Wednesday 23rd October 2013

at 7.30 pm

In The Parish Council Meeting Room at Upper Pendrill Court

Present:Chris Meakin Chairman (CM), Bob Baker (BB), Chris Howlett (CH),

Barry Hume (BH), Simon Warburton (SW).

In attendance: Tess Rogers, Clerk

137/10-13To receive and approve apologies for absence

Paul Phillips

138/10-13To receive declarations of interest


139/10-13To receive a recommendation for the acceptance of a tender received for the village hall renovation project, put forward by the village hall committee.

CM updated BB and SW on the discussions that took place at the village hall committee meeting held earlier in the day.He reported that five tenders had been received and summarised by Tim Harwood, the quantity surveyor for the project.

The village hall committee is recommending the acceptance of the tender placed by TJ Evers once negotiations have been had with the company regarding some areas within the tender where savings needed to be made. The tender had come in some £30k less than the next contender although still over budget. A discussion had been held at the village hall meeting and areas of the tender where savings could be made, had been identified, this would bring the tender back to the budget figure allowing for a reasonable VAT liability. BH proposed that the parish council accept the village hall committee’s recommendation, SW seconded this,all agreed. Therefore a resolution was made to this effect.

It was noted that some members of the professional team have worked with TJ Evers on previous projects, with satisfactory outcomes.

The professional team will be advised of this decision and will arrange for a meeting of the village hall committee, the professional team and TJ Evers.

It was noted that the parish council’s VAT advisor would be visiting the office on the 28th October to advise on the probable extent of the VAT liability.

Close of meeting

The meeting was closed at 20.00

