Name: ______Date: ______

Genetics Projects Period: ______

Point Value: 25 points Presentation Time: 5 minutes

Each group will create a presentation about either a genetic disorder or the genetics behind the disorder. Each presentation will be 5 minutes long. You can do a poster, powerpoint, etc. If you choose to do a powerpoint, you will need to hand it in on USB or a CD. I have extra CDs if you need them. The rubric is as follows:

Project is Due: ______

Topics to Cover for your Genetic Disorder:

-Inheritance pattern (what type of inheritance?)

-Type of mutation

-Incidence (who gets it?)



-Lifetime limitations


1.  You will be handing in your PowerPoint presentation on a USB or CD (if you need a CD I have them)

2.  Your presentations must include at least one relevant visual per slide (or topic for poster)

3.  Spelling , grammar and aesthetics and organization (all slides/topics should have a title and be easy to follow)

4.  Your presentation must include a Bibliography that sites the sources of all images and information. (Google is not a cite, and Wikipedia is not a valid source)

5.  All text must be legible from the lab tables with only one light off.

6.  Your presentation must be under 5 minutes flat (which means you should practice presenting in under 5 minutes)

7.  You should not be reading off the power point or poster

List of Genetic Disorders (pick one):

o  Cystic Fibrosis (2)

o  Albinism (3)

o  Tay-Sachs (3)

o  Galactosemia (3)

o  Achondroplasia (3)

o  Sickle Cell Anemia (3)

o  Huntington’s Disease (3)

o  Hemophilia (3)

o  Colorblindness (2)

Topic sheet Must be handed in with the presentation

I have read and understand the directions and following rubric:

Partner 1 name ______Sign ______Date ______

Partner 2 name ______Sign ______Date ______

Chosen Topic ______

Teachers Approval ______Date______

Rubric Points Achieved

Pre-planning sheet / Maximum points 3
Inheritance Pattern / Maximum points 2
Type of Mutation / Maximum points 2
Incidence / Maximum points 2
Symptoms / Maximum points 2
Treatments/Cure / Maximum points 2
Lifetime Limitations / Maximum points 2
Provided an example of a punnet square and showed how it is passed on. / Maximum points 1
Visuals / Maximum points 3
Bibliography / Maximum points 1
Spelling Grammar and aesthetics / Maximum points 2
Presented in under 5 minutes without reading off the PowerPoint / Maximum points 3
Total / Maximum points 25