Mgmt Group Training

Convio Training for UPHA Management Groups


Convio’s Advocacy Module

Convio’s Advocacy module allows UPHA to energize and enable our constituents as activists. We will use the system’s tools to educate our constituents about issues that affect our mission and public health and attempt to motivate them to communicate with their elected officials or other advocacy “targets”.

There are several types of advocacy outputs from the system:

1- E-mail / Fax Alert - These action alerts facilitate constituent action in three ways - via fax. via e-mail and via telephone. Our constituents then click a link in an e-mail or on a webpage and are taken to the UPHA’s Convio ”Action Alert” website. The site visitor needs to provide contact information before sending the message to the intended targets. Collecting this information allows the system to determine which congressional district to contact, if such information is needed to determine the intended target recipient.

-- E-mail alert as a Petition - We can also set up a petition - a statement that a client simply signs without adding their own words - using the system’s action alert features.

-- Public Comment Action Alert - We can also configure an alert enabling our constituents to submit public comments to federal agencies on regulations proposals and other items. Most federal agencies except public input on such items through Web forms, which is our Alert target format.

2- Call Alerts - Call alerts allow us to set up an alert that our constituents can respond to by placing a telephone call to one or more targeted individuals. After placing a call constituents can then log that call with our website so that we have a record of the call.

3- Letter to the Editor Alert - This type of alert enables us to select media organizations as targets. We can create one of these alerts for our most important issues and encourage constituents to send letters to specific media targets about those issues.

Determining the Best Method of Contact

Before creating an action alert is a good idea for the Board to figure out the best way to contact a target. Some representatives disclose their e-mail addresses while others just provide Web forms for constituents to fill out. There are also some who don’t provide any means to communicate online. Convio tracks each representatives contact preferences so we can decide how to run an effective campaign.

We can use Convio’sIndividual Federal Legislator Contactability Index to see how to best contact each legislator based on available methods of communication (fax vs. email vs. webform). The Legislator Coverage Summary lists all legislators that are not available via email or webforms

Administrators create advocacy alerts on the system

The following information is a sample of what is needed for an advocacy alert:

Step 1 – Identify The Alert
Alert Name
Constituent facing
Internal for UPHA and Administrators
Security category
Default Source and Sub-course Code
Type / Step 2 - Advanced Features
Associate advocacy issues
Copy of e-mail messages
Restricted by state
Delivery method selection
Delivery rollover
Printer friendly option
Multiple response / Step 3 – Alert Message
Message subject
Web form mapping topic
Subject edit option
Message greeting
Opening statement
Contact edit option
message content
closing statement
message signature
Step 4 - Select Targets
Create target
Creates. Target / create Target
Use existing target list / Step 5 - Select Contact Fields / Step 6 – Include Questions
Step 7 - Select Autoresponders / Step 8 – Thank You Page Options / Step 9 - Select Layout and Themes
Step 10 – Configure Pages
Take action page
and display options
Splash page
Confirm action page
Print letters page
Alert party taken page
Alert thank you page
No recipients page
Alert expired page / Step 11 – Preview Alert
Preview e-mail
Preview fax
Preview constituent pages / Step 12 – Publish Alert
Publishing options
Expiration date
Main URL

Managing Alerts

As activists begin responding to our published Action Alerts, administrators can watch activity using the

Advocacy Reports. There are eleven available reports.

Advocacy Dashboard

Provides executive level management information for one or more alerts, including the total number of constituents taking action on one or more alerts, the number of newconstituents added during one or more alerts, and the total number of email, fax, and printed letterssent and calls logged for one or more alerts.

Alert Summary -- Provides summary information on all alerts. The report includes activation statistics,response statistics, and delivery statistics for each alert.

Alert Federal District -- For each Federal District from which responses to an alert have been received, this report provides the number of the District, the number of responses from that District, andthe number of messages sent, broken down by type (email, fax, printed letter, and calls).

Alert State House and State Senate Districts -- For each State House District from which responses to an alert havebeen received, this report provides the number of the district, the number of responses from thatdistrict, and the number of messages sent, broken down by type (email, fax, printed letter, and calls).

Alert Respondent -- Lists the individuals who responded to a particular alert. For each respondent,the report provides the first and last name, the federal, state house, and state senate districts fromwhich they responded, the number of responses received, and the response date(s) for each response;includes call contact name and email and call notes.

Alert Recipient -- Lists all the individuals (legislators and others) who received messages or calls inresponse to a particular alert. The report provides the first and last name of each recipient, the federalor state district represented (where applicable), the position held, and the number of responsesreceived by each. This report will help determine how to market and target our alert to ourconstituents. We can view how many emails and/or calls our swing votes receive, etc.

Advocacy Analysis Report -- Allows use to analyze alert responses across several drill-downcategories including recipient name, state and city of respondents, Federal District ID of respondents,donor status of respondents, and source code. The headings in this report are "clickable" allowing us to project different information onto bar and pie charts.

Advocacy Timeline Report -- Allows us to view advocacy results for a specific time interval (month,week, or day). The headings in this report are "clickable" allowing us to project different columns inthis report onto a bar chart.

Alert Delivery Report -- Provides summary delivery statistics by recipient within a specific alert. Thisreport is useful for understanding what portion of email messages or faxes are actually getting throughto each target.

Alert Delivery Failure Report -- Lists each failed delivery, the constituent who sent it, the intendedrecipient, and the failure reason. The report also provides retry links so that we can attempt deliveryagain if we choose.

Creating E-mail Messages:

E-mail messages are created using a template. There is a process navigation bar with steps that the administrator must follow to complete creating an e-mail message. See the steps in the graphic below.

E-mail messages also have the capability of adding envelope information and stationary. Stationery can be pre-packages based or UPHA specific layout as shown below.

The system requires e-mails to be formatted into a “Plain Text” format so that e-mail systems can read HTML or plain text format e-mails. The system also allows testing of e-mails by reviewers before the actual e-mails are distributed.

Convio WYSIWYG and Customization

The Convio site editor is referred to as WYSIWYG – an abbreviation for the computer graphics concept of What You See Is What You Get.

Using these tools we can personalize content, conditionalize content to show to constituents meetingcertain criteria, insert components such as images or surveys, and insert links to other Convio applications orexternal URLs.

The system allows for personalization and “conditionalization”.

Personalized communication can motivate by speaking directly to the person. For example first name, last name, interests etc., can be included in communication from Convio.

Conditionalizing varies content based on specific field values in someone’s system profile. An example is showing content “A” to one person and content “B” to someone with another interest. An example could be that one legislator voted one way I’m a public health issue and another voted differently and each will be sent a tailored message from the system.

Convio Administrators create customization and conditional responses to individual constituents. As these are powerful tools offered in Convio the board and administrators need to work together to make decisions on these two factors.