SEEM Collaborative Board of Director’s Meeting
SEEM Administrative Office
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Ms. Cyndy Taymore, Melrose
Dr. John Doherty, Reading
Ms. Jane Tremblay, Lynnfield
Dr. Judy Evans, Winchester
Dr. Kim Smith, Wakefield
Mr. Jon Bernard, North Reading
Mr. Paul Ruggiero, Wilmington
Mr. Mark Donovan, Woburn
Collaborative Staff
Dr. Cathy Lawson, Executive Director
Mr. Greg Zammuto, Director of Finance and Operations
Ms. Elizabeth Klepeis, Treasurer
Absent Superintendents
Dr. Les Olson, Stoneham
A. The Meeting called to order by Chair of the Board, Dr. John Doherty, at 9:05 AM. New member, Mr. Paul Ruggiero, from Wilmington was welcomed.
B. Public Comment – There were no public comments
C. Approval of the Consent Agenda
a. General Session Minutes of 1/24/2017
b. Personnel Report of 3/3/2017
Motion made to accept the consent agenda items by Ms. Cyndy Taymore, seconded by Dr. Judy Evans, all in favor.
D. Administrative and Committee Reports
a. Executive Director’s Report: The Coordinated Program Review is done and overall the review was very positive. All findings were easy to correct. Findings were in the area of special education CSE13: Progress reports did not include evidence of date that they were mailed to parents in some of the programs. Civil Rights CCR10: Not all high school programs collected the signed annual statement of acknowledgement from the student groups, teams and organizations. CCR10C: The student discipline policy was missing language about the fact that the principal needed permission from the executive director prior to issuing a suspension. The Corrective Action Plan has been submitted to DESE and approved as of yesterday.
Triangle, Inc. Grant -Triangle received a second grant from Alden Trust that will allow them to implement their IMPACT:Ability curriculum at the middle and high school programs. This will require parental consent and will be piloted first during the extended year program.
Boys and Girls Club Partnership with SEEM: The SEEM Middle School began piloting an after school program this year which has been well received. It currently has 12 students participating. The Boys and Girls Club of Wakefield is interested in developing a partnership with SEEM. Staff from both SEEM and the Boys and Girls Club are currently working to develop the clubs capacity to include SEEM student’s activities with typical peers on a regular basis. Part of the plan is to provide club staff with training in disabilities, de-escalation, sensory diets, etc.
District Based Services: The need for the Bridge Program services is rapidly growing. A per diem counselor is being hired in order to meet the service needs.
The Curriculum Leaders recently collaborated on a training called unpacking the science standards for elementary teachers.
b. Planning and Assessment Committee: Ms. Cathy Lawson reviewed the minutes from the Planning and Assessment committee of 1/26/17. Contract monitoring was discussed. During Wakefield’s CPR on-site visit, it was brought to their attention that district’s need to have contracts with SEEM if they do not already have them. Staff from NAMI gave an overview of trainings that are available to educators and families. A presentation was given of “In Our Own Voice”. PD for the summer was discussed and will focus on trauma.
c. Financial Update: Mr. Greg Zammuto
- Enrollment Report as of 2/28/17: Year to date FTE is just under 327 FTE. Students serviced is 366 for the year. Since that date, we have already increased by 6 or 7 students.
- Revenue and Expense Report through 2/28/2017: Total revenue projection to $105,000 less mainly because of the BCBA service due to difficulty filling positions. This has impacted the revenue. Also PD increased by $60,000 due to SEI courses. Expenses are down $137,000 since last reported mainly due to staff turnover salary savings and health insurance benefit savings. The projected surplus at the end of the year is $83,000 which has increased by $52,000 since the last report.
- Profit and Loss report as of 2/28/2017 was reviewed. This shows a further breakdown of revenue and expenses.
Motion made to approve the Financial Update made by Mr. Jon Bernard and seconded by Ms. Cyndy Taymore, all in favor.
E. Old Business – There was no old business.
F. New Business
a. GASB 74/75 Actuarial Valuation as of 6/30/16 for the fiscal years ending 6/30/17 and 6/30/18: Every two years we are required to do a study. The Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued accounting standards 74 and 75 to replace GASB 45. GASB 74 and 75 establish the accounting and reporting standards for other post-employment benefits (OPEB) offered to prefund benefits. GASB 75 requires employers to perform periodic actuarial valuations to determine actual accounting costs and to keep a running tally of the extent to which these amounts are over or under funded. All entities are required to perform a biennial valuation.
Key points from the report are:
· Liabilities are recognized on paper immediately rather than over a 30 year period.
· The mortality table has been updated.
· The discount rate changes from 4% to 3%.
· GASB75 requires a change in the actuarial cost method.
We currently have 25 retirees including spouses and dependents. The number is projected to be 186 in FY2047. The total OPEB liability is $16,482,855. The valuation calculated SEEM’s annual service cost to be $1,631,273. This is an increase of $855,254 from the March 2015 report. In addition to this cost, $138,843 is identified to be the expected employer contribution to pay benefits for FY17.
b. Establishment of an OPEB Trust – Sample trust documents were included in the packet. Kate from Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) gave a presentation on their OPEB Trust Program including information on setting up and managing a trust and their role in the process and advantages to using their program. Information from PARS was distributed including costs. This is a first reading and a vote will be taken at the next meeting.
c. Amended SEEM Collaborative Student Discipline Policy – During the Coordinated Program Review process it was determined that the Student Discipline Policy lacked regulatory language relevant to out of school suspensions of students in grades PreK to 3. The policy has been amended to include the necessary language and was presented as a first reading. It will be brought forth for a vote at the next meeting.
G. Other Business – there was no other business brought before the Board.
H. Future Meetings and Agenda Items - The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be April 25, 2017.
Motion made to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 am by Mr. Mark Donovan, seconded by Ms. Jane Tremblay, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted by,
Catherine Lawson, Executive Director