ITAC Subcommittee

Discussion on Submitting budget requests to ITAC

November 2, 2005

11:00 a.m.

Attendees: Patty Swindle, Ed Kelty, KC Hundere, Earl Monsour and Christina Millanez

Discussion Goals

1.  What does ITAC want to be?

1.  Mission [Ed – include link to existing mission]

2.  Define our Goal

2.  Goals Alignment

1.  Bond Criteria -> ITAC Goals -> Descriptions

2.  This needs to be discussed a future ITAC meeting and formalized

3.  ITAC Project Proposal Rubric (the main focus of our subgroup meeting) – (Ed is working on an example online form for review by ITAC)

1.  Area:

·  Project Supports Base-Level Technology Advancement

·  Project Support Instructional Applications & Related hardware to improve Maricopa’s Teaching

·  Projects supports district wide management systems

·  Project support technology for new locations and expansion for existing future facilities

·  Supports strategic projects and visions studies that will benefit Maricopa overall operations and effectiveness for teaching

2.  Operational Support requirements (annual budget and/or staff required to support)

3.  Is this Part of a District Wide replacement plan (i.e. network or phone system upgrades)

4.  Are there other systems impacted? If so, what are they and describe the impacts.

5.  How many colleges participated in the research for this request

6.  How many colleges participated in the recommendation for this request?

7.  If this is a system that is defined to support a district wide service (example: PeopleSoft) how can the colleges benefit from its use? (can they use it too?)

8.  How does this add value to Maricopa

9.  Schedule and timetable for implementation

10.  Monitoring and feedback to ITAC

11.  Is there any Risk in implementing this project

12.  Is a contingency plan required? What is it?

13.  What is the defined life cycle of this hardware / software?

4.  Funds/Project Proposal Request Form

1.  Everything listed in Item #3 + summary of project

ITAC needs to define:

·  What is considered “District Wide”

o  It is not individual systems supported at each campus (computers, printers, LAN HW, Office Software, Severs, etc)

o  Typically hardware or software deployed for use throughout the district (SIS, Library, WAN, Heldpesk, etc.). District Wide and District Office are not synonymous.

o  District Wide does not always indicate 100% participation of each campus

o  District wide could also be a system that supports a district wide service (HR, CFS, HP OpenView, etc.)

·  What is the “life cycle” of systems (when does something become decommissioned?)

o  When a new system is implemented (District Wide or Locally at a campus) it should have some sort of life cycle to it. At the end of that life cycle the system should be taken out of service or a plan for longer-term support and budget should be required to be defined, prior to the end of life.

·  ITAC should define a global (high level) definition or umbrella for baseline technology support/replacement. Each campus should fall under these guidelines when it comes to defining the campus technology strategic planning process:

o  Each campus is responsible for routinely replacing HW/SW at their campus to support teaching learning and administrative systems. This includes (but is not limited to):

§  Desktop Computers

§  Portable computers

§  Printers

§  Servers

§  LAN devices

§  Projectors

·  Each campus has been allocated bond money to support technology at their institution. It is the campuses responsibility to define and maintain a replacement cycle. The replacement cycle, defined by the campus, must be robust enough to allow support for teaching and learning, administrative support as well as any required infrastructure maintenance used to tie all these services together.
If a campus doesn’t adequately fund baseline technology levels at their campus, this will negatively impact that campuses ability to offer certain services (teaching and learning, ability to register students, slow network access, undesired network or server downtime, virus attacks, security risks (being on the front page of the AZ republic) etc).


·  Who does ITAC report to? CEC or The Board (Darrel)

·  Updated spreadsheet of existing expenditures (Steve C.)

Email Discussion Items

1.  Each rep should submit what they feel is their primary “Goal”

a.  Give an example

Agenda Items for November

1.  Define our “Goals” who do we want to be (overall goals)

2.  Discuss having a routine work session in addition to the routine meeting, short term, to work on the processes which will be ratified by the main group.

SPAM Filter – The subgroup recommends moving forward with the vote (via the ITAC web site)

ITAC Goals
Global – District alignment to Local (college) goals / Local – college projects alignment to (global) district goals / Local or Global
Base-Level to be defined / Define the difference between Goal III & V
I Project Supports Base-Level Technology Advancement / II Project Support Instructional Applications & Related hardware to improve Maricopa’s Teaching / III Projects supports district wide management systems / IV Project support technology for new locations and expansion for existing future facilities / V Supports strategic projects and visions studies that will benefit Maricopa overall operations and effectiveness for teaching
Bond Areas
Voice, Video, Data Network ($23M)
Data and Security ($8M)
Instructional Applications ($14.5)
District Wide Mgt Systems ($26M)
Technology Support new locations ($8.3M)
Expansion of existing/future centers ($7M)
Strategic Initiatives ($6.7M)
Future Visioning ($400k)