Application Form2017-2018

PolkCountySchool Board

ACE Professional Development Certification Program

IMPORTANT: Prior to completing the application below, it is necessary for the applicant to review all requirements of this application in regards to the Professional Development Certification Program to become familiar with participation in this program. To acquire more information, go to keyword ACE. The contact for the ACE Program is Lauri Christopher () 863-647-4270.

The application below is to request participation in the Polk County Schools ACE Professional Development Certification Program. In accordance with Florida statutes, the ACE Program is designed to provide mid-career professionals or recent non-college of education graduates the opportunity to fulfill instructional requirements to qualify as an educator. The program is primarily delivered in an online format. Participants must be proficient technology users. After completing the ACE Program, the participant may seek a professional certificate. Please note that participation in the program does not guarantee certification and fees are nonrefundable, all requirements must be fulfilled to complete successfully.


  1. Must have a full-time, paid instructional position with Polk County School District in a position that does not vary from day to day. (Participants must be the teacher of record with students assigned to them as their teacher. ACE tasks do require direct student contact over time.)
  2. Successfully passed Subject Area Exam in subject taught( keyword FTCE for study information)
  3. Successfully passed all subtests on the General Knowledge Exam( keyword FTCE for study information)
  4. Hold a Temporary Teaching Certificate
  5. Those on a 2020 Temporary Certificate must be enrolled in the district administered PEC Program
  6. Complete application with administrator's signature of approval

The application below must be completed in entirety.

Applicant Information: Please type or print all information below.

Today’s Date:



/ SAP:


City, State, Zip:
Telephone: / Birth date:
Assigned School: / School Board E-Mail:
Undergraduate Degree: / Level: BA BS
Graduation Date
Graduate Degree: /

Graduation Date

For those on a 2020/2021 Temporary Certificate only
Date Started District Administered PEC Program (Date can be found in NetConnect):
Have you completed PEC? Yes No / Hire date:
Teaching start date: / ______
Teaching Assignment:
I am the teacher of record for a group of students and I have students assigned to me: Y N / Previous occupation:
Temp. Teaching Certificate Area: / Expiration date of Certificate: / June 30, 20______
Subject Area Test Taken and Passed on this Date: / General Knowledge Test taken and Passed on this Date:
ACE Program Nonrefundable*Fee: $1000(Check or money order made out to Polk County School District).
Fees for District Charter School Teachers $1250
Check or money order must be included with application.Credit cards not accepted at this time.
No payroll deduction or partial payments

*Please note that the application fee is nonrefundable. Please read and consider all requirements before making application.

Submit completed application and check made out to Polk County Schools to: ACE Coordinator, Professional Development, Jim Miles PD Center, Route E.

-or- via US Mail: ACE Coordinator, PO Box 391, Bartow, Florida 33831 Phone: 863-647-4270

Page 2: Name of Applicant


An administrator at the site school who signs this application is the administrator who agrees to serve on the support team for this applicant.
This administrator agrees to:
  • Sign the application as indication that the applicant is an excellent candidate for the ACE Program.
  • Conduct the teacher observation evaluation process.
  • Provide opportunities for professional development, mentoring, and professional growth at the school site for the candidate.
  • For candidates on a 2020/2021 Temporary Certificate, facilitate the district administered PEC Process by assigning the participant a mentor and document in NetConnect. (Charter School Participants must provide appropriate documentation of completion.)
  • Allow the candidate to complete all components of this state approved Professional Development Certification Program in order to meet their professional certification requirements.
  • Assist the Professional Learning Department in decisions concerning the participant and completion of the ACE Program.
  • Complete TheACE Program Satisfaction Survey.
  • Meet any other requirement of the law.
  • For more information about the ACE Program and PECgo to keyword ACE to view a recorded informational presentation.
Signature of Site Administrator______Date ______

*Please note that your signature is indication that you recommend the teacher as an excellent candidate for the ACE Program and agreement to fulfill the responsibilities outlined above and any other requirements of the law.


I agree, as a participant in the ACE Program to:
  • Attend and participate in all days of initial TIPS Training and follow-up requirements.
  • Participants on a 2020/2021 Temporary Certificate must complete the district administered PEC Program documented in NetConnect. (Charter School Participants must provide appropriate documentation of completion.)
  • Attend ACE Orientation Session to learn about getting started on the program.
  • Attend ACE face to face mentoring sessions for assistance as needed.
  • Attend any ACE required meetings/trainings.
  • Meet with visiting mentor as needed.
  • Demonstrate accomplished practices through observations by an administrator.
  • Complete the ACE Survey prior to beginning the program and at program completion.
  • Successfully complete the Reading Competency 2 Course of the Reading Endorsementduring first year of program.
  • Provide copies of my Teacher Evaluation and Teacher Observations/Walk Throughs as requested.
  • Comply with provided ACE deadlines for completion.
  • Complete an ACEDigital Portfolio to be kept on file for five years in PD.
  • Notify District Certification Department if ACE status changes. (Must be currently employed by the district as a full-time teacher of record with students assigned to participate in ACE)
  • Pass the Florida Professional Education Test. **Scores take 15-30 days to post to the FLDOE
  • Complete the ACE Activity Log with weekly documentation of mentoring and professional growth while active in the ACE Program.
  • Apply to the state for your Professional Certificate.
  • Meet any other requirement of law.

Along with the Completed Program Application Please Submit:
  • A copy of the Yearly Teacher Evaluation Stage 1 (if one was completed)
  • A copy of your Statement of Status Eligibility and Temporary Certificate (issued by
  • A Check or Money order for $1000 ***fees are nonrefundable (Fees for District Charter School Teachers $1250)

Cell Phone Number: Alternate email Address:
I have read and understand the ACE Program Guidelines listed above. Please initial______
I understand the enrollment fees are nonrefundable. Please initial ______
Signature of Applicant ______Today’s Date ______

Please submit completed application and check made out to Polk County Schools to:ACE Coordinator, Professional Development, Jim Miles PD Center, Route E.

-or- via US Mail: ACE Coordinator, PO Box 391, Bartow, Florida 33831 Phone: 863-647-4270 Updated 3.1.18